Is it normal for my wife to gain so much weight?

When I married my wife she was 270 lbs and promised me to go on a diet, but two months have passed and as of yesterday she is 383 lbs. She is getting too heavy for me to handle in bed because I am only 143 lbs. Is this normal during marriage?

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Comments ( 10 )
  • RoseIsabella

    Maybe she's been impregnated by space aliens, or something?

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  • newnormal

    I like thick girls but this is too much. Even though she gained weight I would still bang her if she doesn't smell bad.

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  • pcfarm

    It's not normal for a marriage, but common. If you see it as a serious issue you should seriously talk to her

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  • olderdude-xx

    Something is wrong with your wife. Most likely medically. Possibly psychological or both medical and psychological.

    She needs to have a proper medical and psychological evaluation by people who deal with extreme obesity.

    Once you find out what is wrong... it most likely can be improved upon and she will loose weight.

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  • bbrown95

    Over 100 pounds in two months? That doesn't sound possible to me. Is there a typo somewhere?

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  • oldgoat65

    Get help

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Id start subtly like maybe just order a new treadmill and ask if she likes it. Encourage her to try it. Then I'll tell her I got a new gym membership for her. Then if she still gains weight ill say look you're getting fat. I dont like this. You gotta lose weight.

    383lbs is bad she will die very young at that weight.

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    • olderdude-xx

      Most home treadmills will not handle someone over 300 Lb. You are talking commercial units designed for heavy people (most commercial units are not designed for that weight).

      A gym membership by itself is also unlikely to be of any benefit. Possibly combined with other things.

      She needs to get a proper medical evaluation. Something is wrong - and exercise alone will not solve it.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Yeah at that weight you're right. Thats how Ive pushed my wife to lose weight when she gained a few pounds in the past. Start out nice and if she doesnt get the message tell her bluntly.

        But 383 she gotta be eating a ton. She could prolly eat 2 cheeseburgers for every meal and still lose weight and that weight. She must be eating a ridiculous amount of calories to sustain that weight.

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        • olderdude-xx

          Or there is something really wrong with her body.

          I had a friend who gained a lot of weight and could not figure it out... then developed significant breathing issues which took him to the Dr.

          They removed something like a 35 lb tumor in his chest cavity that had squeezed his lungs to about 1/4 of their normal size.

          Very fortunately it was not cancerous.

          His weight dropped about 30 lb just from removing the tumor. He's been fine since (once his split rib cage and various muscles healed).

          There are very heavy people who actually are not eating a lot... but their body metabolism and other things are way out of wack.

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