Is it normal for me to love my ex after he ghosted me?

Okay so him and I met through one of my friends. We started talking, just the two of us. The stereotypical "I like you, I like you too" situation happened, and we were "In love" for about five months. But then out of nowhere, he ghosted me and blocked me on everything. Never told me why. I kept making excuses for him, like "Maybe he got in trouble." or "Maybe he's embarrassed about something." But then one day, about six months after he ghosted me, I joined a call him and my friend were in.(I got my friend's permission) And my ex didn't know I joined. I heard him say to our friend, "Yeah yeah I've been undercover for six months." It broke me. But I was only angry for a moment. It has been a total of seven months since he left. I can't get him out of my head. I see yellow. "That was his favorite color" etc. Everything reminds me of him. Is that normal..?

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29% Normal
Based on 14 votes (4 yes)
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Comments ( 14 )
  • Cuntsiclestick

    It's normal to still have feelings, but its probably best to try to move on. This dude doesn't seem like he's worth wasting these feelings over. He seems like an awful piece of garbage.

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  • horny_simpletons

    It's not right to ghost someone but it's normal to still have feelings for him. Feelings don't just go away at the drop of a hat. I was ghosted by a guy a few years ago whom I spent months getting to know, and it took a long time to stop missing him. My serious boyfriend of over a year knocked me down and I had a giant bruise on my back and even though I'm away from him I still love him. Anyway, your feelings are valid but you do need to realize you deserve someone who respects you.

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    • Millie_the_evil_saint


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  • Somenormie

    He clearly is not a true boyfriend.

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  • That sucks. He's not worth your feelings, hope you are able to get over it soon.

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  • RoseIsabella

    ... and yellow is also the color of pus.

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  • Millie_the_evil_saint

    Undercover how? Is he a police investigator?

    Regardless, you have feelings for someone (and that is normal). The problem is that your person left without giving you a resolution or reason for leaving. That was tactless of him. I think he is bad at communicating. Some misunderstanding might have happened. He could have communicated his fears and doubts more clearly, which he did not do.

    So he is partly at fault for what happened. And it sucks because you don't know what you did wrong. But if he really doesn't want to talk to you, you're just going to have to take the L and move on. It will take time. It will be painful. Just remember to love yourself and cut yourself some slack.

    Your feelings for him were real and strong, that is why you find it hard to move on. Perfectly normal. It's okay to be single for awhile. You don't have to hop from relationship to relationship. Take the time to heal.

    If he is too immature to talk things out and give you a resolution, then he is clearly not ready for a relationship. He has a lot of growing up to do. It is not normal to leave your partner like that, to ghost them without a word of how and why.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Clarify what he meant when he said undercover

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    • He ghosted me so I couldn't figure out how to talk to him, you know what I mean? I couldn't find how to talk to him

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        So when he says undercover he means hes going undercover to avoid you right?

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        • Yes

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          • 1WeirdGuy

            that super fucked up. he doesnt have enough empathy to even give you an explanation. He didnt care how it affected you it sounds. Hes a shitty person if yall truly dated that long and he just ghosted you. He needss his ass beat.

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            • Thanks dude. Maybe I'll kick his ass in church sometime. I literally lost my only friends because they hated that I talked about him so much

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