Is it normal drink alcohol?

Does alcohol affect health?Can You Drink?

Voting Results
75% Normal
Based on 24 votes (18 yes)
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Comments ( 22 )
  • Boojum

    The amount of alcohol a person's body can deal with and not suffer permanent damage varies, but there's no such thing as a "good" level of alcohol consumption.

    Some people can have an occasional drink and enjoy the buzz that gives them, but others find it impossible to control their desire for another drink once they've had one taste. When you habitually drink, it often becomes impossible to think clearly about your drinking habits, and that's dangerous.

    Leaving aside the effect on personal health, the amount of violence that's associated with alcohol consumption is shocking.

    If alcohol was a drug that had just been discovered, no responsible government would allow the stuff to be sold. But boozing is seen as a normal thing by most people, and there are all sorts of powerful commercial interests pushing the consumption of alcohol.

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    • Ummitsme

      Oh my, alcohol isn't that bad for normal weepeople. Boojum.

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      • Ummitsme

        I want togo to south of of the equator and not ne loveded.

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    • Ellenna

      As nearly always, a sensible and respectful post from you!

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  • RoseIsabella

    If you abuse it alcohol will have an adverse effect on your health.

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    • nikkiclaire

      It seems to affect the health of those around abusers, more so than the abuser themselves.

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      • Ellenna

        Well, yeah, certainly affects mental health and also often physical safety: that's why I ended up at AlAnon for quite a while years back, I was getting nearly as crazy as the alcoholic I was living with

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      • RoseIsabella

        Excellent point!

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    yes it affects health its kimda bad for yalls body

    can i drink? i can drink like an irish sailor on st patricks day

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    • Ayrus

      Do not drink the health of the body.

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        dont moralize and tell me what to do

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  • Dustyair

    If you never start, it would be best.

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  • Bonelessbananas69

    Yes, this is normal. I drink. Just don't overdo it.

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  • Dustyair

    One cool thing about alcohol, if you drink enough, you can fall down the stairs like an acrobat and not even get hurt.

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  • Pink-pumpkin

    Just don't drink too much of it frequently.

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  • Drinking alcohol is normal. Abusing alcohol is abnormal.

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  • jaystrong

    Anything in moderation is ok-ish.
    If you drank soda constantly all day long it would be bad. If you ate too much of something it can be equally as bad.
    To have a couple drinks here and there isn't a bad thing. In some cases good for the heart, but too much bad after time.

    I know some people who have or had major health issues because of alcoholism. Their body basically shut down. They got the shakes, black outs. Not to mention they couldn't hold down a job and/or got DUI's (driving under the influence).

    Just be smart. Don't overdue it. You'll be fine.

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  • BlueAlice

    Bless your heart. Drive k if you want to, don't drink if you don't want to. I'm very much a drinker, enjoy drinking to get wrecked and would be a piss artist if I could afford to more easily. Like... I want to try all the booze. I'm trying to work out whether I'm in the right place between tolerant enough to enjoy a few and intolerant enough that I can't get drunk no matter what.

    What have you tried so far, OP?

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  • cipro

    Yes, you can drink as much as you want.

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  • Ummitsme

    Notmal people cam use alcohol for fun situations and not have a problem with it.

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  • lonewolf1253

    It's the one health food I truly enjoy. Cleanses the mind and body. Elixir of the Gods!

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  • IndieIsAwesome

    I am very careful when it comes to trying Alcohol. I am aware that its bad for the health, skin and body. I only drink Wine about 5 times the most in 1 year only for certain occasions and compared to some of my friends they drink different types of beer every week and possibly everyday and now one of them has Diabetes. I prefer to drink wine as I find it a little bit safer and find it a tiny bit healthier than beer but its still not 100% healthy.

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