Is it me, or were " old people " friendlier in the past?

I've always felt that old people were friendlier back in the days when " old people " were people born in the 1920s, not the old-timers today who are born in the 1950s. Could be bad memory though.

Old people were friendlier in the past 13
Old people were the same in the past 14
Old people are friendlier today 3
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Comments ( 19 )
  • MonteMetcalfe

    Back in the day old people would yell at you to "Get the hell off my lawn you damn kids!" while pulling out their shotgun loaded with rock salt.
    Now, pffft they're too busy baking artisan bread with their same sex partner to notice you're even on the lawn.

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    • SkullsNRoses

      Sounds like a plated loaf scented utopia to me.

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  • litelander8

    Once people actually get old, they’re all dicks. Maybe you just didn’t notice before.

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    • LloydAsher

      Or they give less of a fuck. Dont have to maintain relationships if you are at an age where everyone you knew are also dying. Plus beating on an old person for what they say is in extreme bad taste. So yeah they are the same. They just have the internet now.

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    • Fact.

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  • GuvnorsOtherWoman

    I've never had a problem with older folk. It's younger folk who have given me the most grief.

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  • Tommythecaty

    That’s a very “selective“ observation.

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  • Curiouskitten444

    Is it possible that old people are just nicer to kids than adults?

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    I don't notice any difference. There are both nice and impolite elderly people.

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  • jodi1955

    reason is that you use to be able to trust people, now you cant, everyone is out to take advantage of everyone else. so the old people have not changed, the younger ones have become overbearing and untrustworthy and the older have responded as you get treated like you treat others.

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  • darefu

    I agree old people seemed friendlier in times gone past.

    Especially born 1930s or earlier. Maybe because they live to see a lot of Hell. The great depression, the great war, other wars, the baby boomers. Either or all could change your personality, many just seem to take it in stride that the worst has happened why get upset now.

    In contrast those born as boomers or up to about the 70s have seen their world changed or as they would say destroyed from within. Sexual revolution, computers, internet, social media, politically tilted news media, political corruption, two wars with no real winners, and I think one of the major issues, a loss of respect for our elders. I hear people complain every day about old people. At one time the elderly were treasured not considered a burden. Young people age 30+ living at home and thinking their parents are the bad people. Why would they be friendly to people who treat them like garbage that should have been taken out long ago.

    Yep, I'm not ready to consider myself an old person yet, but, I'm getting pretty crabby and have little feeling for the ones coming up behind us.

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  • bbrown95

    In my experience, it's about the same. There are friendly and un-friendly people of all ages.

    I have a hard time considering someone born in the 1950's to be an "old person" though, as my dad and much of my aunts and uncles were born in the '50s and don't seem old at all to me! 🤣 I have some family members born before that as well (though none left who were born in the 1920's to my knowledge), and all are pretty friendly.

    I've always enjoyed talking to people my parents' age and older (and have a soft spot for the elderly), and have found the majority of them to be very sweet and great to have conversations with! There are always exceptions, of course.

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  • raisinbran

    My grandma never washed her hands after making number two in the morning. We'd eat from the center of the bowl when she made us breakfast, cause her thumb was always in the oatmeal when she carried the bowl over to us.

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  • jackstormwater

    I’ve always thought old people could be either really sweet or really cranky. But here’s the thing… “old” people used to look, act and dress old staring in like their 50’s. Now a lot of people don’t really start start acting and seeming old until their 80’s, and once you’re in your 80’s your quality of life and health are often diminished so it’s hard to be as sweet as you were in your 50’s, 60’s or even 70’s.

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  • Somenormie

    I imagine some are still friendly, though there are some who are no-nonsense and you get some who are dicks.

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    Not hardly. I remember my great grandfather who was ornerier than you can imagine. We boomers know how to treat kids.

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    • I was mostly referring to those born in the 1920s-1930s. I remember finding those people very friendly and thankful.

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      • DADNSCAL

        Really? My mother was born in 1928. People who grew up in the Great Depression are stingy,

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        • Hmm, that's not how I remember them. Maybe it's different in different countries?

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