Is god real?

I want to know if God is real?

Yes 43
Nope 51
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Comments ( 31 )
  • itachi_uchiha

    Add another poll "vague concept". I can't choose just b/w YES & NO.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    is dog lear?

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    • lordofopinions

      Had to read that a couple of times. Good one! 😁

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    No. Religion was created as a substitute for science to explain where everything came from and to convince people to unite together to work for a single cause. It was created in a time when we didn't know about psychological disorders and anyone with schizophrenia could be believed as a true prophet. Over time scientific and historical discoveries have disproved most of the religious views, which were then retroactively rewritten as metaphorical. The only remaining thing religion can cling to is that science can't disprove religion, which is such a pathetically weak argument that it could also be used to believe in invisible dragons flying through the sky.

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    • lordofopinions

      Took most of the words out of my mouth. Tell a religious person that an invisible being made heaven and earth and they will believe it with no question. But if they see a bench with a wet paint sign they will have to touch it to be sure.

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    • bighairysausage

      i like how u touched me in my genitals

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  • Pumpurrnickel

    If anyone knows, it's no one on here.

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    • mc-nede

      But the bible seems so accurate, but then again very confusing

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      • Boojum

        Oh, come on.

        You can claim that the Bible contains spiritual teachings that resonate with you and you can live by the rules laid down in the book if you want, but the Bible is no more "accurate" than any other holy book passed down from our iron age ancestors.

        The Bible is pile of myth and gobbledegook from the very first line: "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth."

        Regardless of what idiotic creationists want to believe, there's very good, consistent scientific evidence that the earth was formed about 4.6 billion years ago, while "the beginning" - the creation of the universe - happened around 13.7 billion years ago.

        The reason you find the Bible confusing is because it's a bunch of rubbish.

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  • Dan13309

    Yes there is a God

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  • BleedingPain

    Nope. Nope. Nope

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  • Puppetmorty


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  • AntiArchon

    what do you mean by god?

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  • Dan13309

    And he is real

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  • Dude this question has been asked for centuries and will continue to be debated for the rest of time. Just go with whatever you believe and whatever works for you.

    I don't believe in God and that works for me. My family and some friends believe in God and that's cool too. They don't bother me and I don't bother them. They do all kinds of charitable work and are generally nice, helpful people. It's just a different mindset and lots of good things has been done/pursued in the name of religion. Ignore all the negative people that have to bash religion every chance they get.

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    • Boojum

      "They don't bother me and I don't bother them."

      And that's the key point. Far too many god-obsessed people - and it's not just the ones who belong to the Jahweh/Jesus or Allah clubs - are so certain they're right (or so worried that they just might be wrong) that they insist on making other people follow their rules, sometimes on pain of death.

      I have no problems with people who want to believe in a big fairy in the sky, or tiny fairies hiding in their flowerbeds, but I have zero tolerance for those who try to persuade or force anyone to also believe in their nonsense.

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      • Well in my experience Christians and Muslims generally keep to themselves and all get along. I guess it depends on the culture in your community/country. I do get where you're coming from though; the Christian (mostly American) channels on TV my parents used to watch were almost militant about evangelism.

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        • TheBlindInquisitor

          Sure you are aware that the Christians and Muslims are getting closer to another holy war part whatever.

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        • Protagoras

          "Christians and Muslims generally keep to themselves and all get along" HAHAHA, sure buddy... those two are the worst of the lot.

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          • TheBlindInquisitor

            Amen to that man.

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  • Azaman

    He’s a big fucking asshole if he is. Or she...

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  • Protagoras

    No, there's no god, or gods

    "B-but, what about the first mover principle?"

    What created God then?

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  • no1

    Everyone is their own god. and your thoughts are all your followers talking to you inside the 'church'. they all have no voice, because they are in another dimension.

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  • EVERYWHERE you look there is proof that God exists!

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  • Dead5

    There is no proof that god exists and there will never be proof. This means that we won’t know if god exists or not.we will never know.

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  • cipro

    No and no other species besides man worships any god or gods.

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  • jethro

    There is one way for you to definitively find out.

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  • TheBlindInquisitor

    Sometimes I think God is real other times I don't so that all depends on individual prospective.

    Personally I hope he dosent because that's beyond terrifying.

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  • CosmossouP

    God=universe and a source of everything.
    There is no matter if you think its person or just a thing but its everything in everything.
    Think about the thing if the all there is infinite and just a one point. Endless one point.
    You have to make your endless begin to a part from itself to make it to be something else as a matter not just a endless energy in one point.
    When you had made endless a part you can start to enjoy and explore the moment how you start begin a live in many perspective and can use yourself as a mirror while making it to yourself.
    Anything what have made a single point of nothing/all to be something is to me a creator, a god. And that same energy from that point is god for me.

    You guys have to understand that religions havent written this all right and uses a lot of symbolige to make it to better accuary to understand but makes it harder if all you know is reading just a words, not the meanings.

    In bible one single person can be a whole society of people and all his life choises can be just a astrology and that peoples information how they grow. Thats a good reason why people in bible lives more then 300 years in one.

    There is a reason too why big orcanism is told as a small and small as a big. Because they make each other and be each other as a

    There is a esoteric, as much exoteric meanings. You have to have a right point to look the thing to understand it. You have been told truth at the same time as you look the lie.

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    • TheBlindInquisitor

      My brother views it that way.

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      • CosmossouP

        Im pleased to hear that.

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