Is god alive,dead or even non-existing?

Is God really there?Is He or we are just deluded from the religious backgrounds we come from..if He's there then He sure does love other people more.(If you're there lord forgive me in Advance for questioning you,Amen)

No,God's Dead 3
There's A God 29
Don't waste your, Time He Doesn't exist 26
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Comments ( 47 )
  • WeirdGuyFromTheSouth

    Idk but something made all of this shit. Human bodies are like engines. Every organ does its own job to keep your body going. Theres no way it just came together like this out of chance. Something intelligent had to create us.

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    • LostSoul96

      So you don't really believe in something like evolution?

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      • WeirdGuyFromTheSouth

        Something intelligent had to be behind evolution. Like if it all just came together how would "it" know that a body would need a heart to provide blood to the body, and a brain to control the heart, and then lungs to provide oxygen, and then food for the body that grows from the ground. No I dont believe that happened out of chance. Its highly unlikely anyway. Its more likely that some type of intelligent force created us. Whether it was an alien, a god, or something we cant understand!

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        • LostSoul96

          Well, a lot of evolution had been trial and error. There's proof for that, but since we don't know when the whole life thing started it may be.

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          • WeirdGuyFromTheSouth

            That sounds impossible. How does evolution tell cells to form organs and form a seperate conciousness? Think about it. Why would they even decide to build a body and how did they know the body would need organs? Bodies are built just like vehicles. Drop the evolution script. Think outside the box. You're just satying the evolution lines everyone else says. Explain to me HOW evolution happened.

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            • LostSoul96

              If you think this is some sort of nonsense then explain to me how molecules are built. It's like a person that wants to get into a lost place. They look for the best opportunity to enter - in case of a molecule it is the best way to gain the beneficial energy value (or however you want to call it). There's no invisible ghost playing bowling with them. That would not only be strange but nonsense since the ghost would need some other creature to create him that needs something to create that and so on. Like, where would that end? Where would it start?
              I guess, we're all concentrated energy that forms cells and these cells build a different kind of bodies and the most profitable body in an environment will keep on upgrading. And when we die the energy concentration will drop to a minimum that normal living beings can't always see but feel. These very little energy particles keep a part of our memories - the physical, the emotional, everything.

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    • Protagoras

      Nah, if you look at the history of evolution, most things are imperfect. Does the eye have a intelligently designed blind spot?

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      • WeirdGuyFromTheSouth

        Thats why we can move our eyes and our heads. We can see all around. Our eyes send signals to our brain and our brain processes it without even thinking. The brain also controls all your other organs to keep you running. Are you saying a bunch of atoms just came together out of chance to design that? Cells are made up of atoms. How did the atoms know they would need cells to build eyes to send signals to the brain for our brain to process into information to see? Think about it. It doesnt make sense that it came together by chance. Even if it isnt perfect. A car isnt perfect either but obviously cars didnt evolve from dirt. We made them and our bodies are very similar to cars in how they run. SOMETHING made us. Something smart.

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        • Protagoras

          A car is an inanimate object designed for us to transport people. Human beings' existence precedes their essence, if it did not we would all be doing the same exact thing in life to serve the same function. Fish do not have fins because they need them for water anymore than birds have wings to have the ability to fly, it is exactly the opposite: adaptation and selection. The human brain was much smaller towards the beginning of our origins, our ancestors had brain sizes similar to chimpanzees, enough for survival. Over time we made tools that allowed for larger animals to be hunted, thus increasing our protein intake. Protein is crucial as a source of energy for our brains for development. Over time humans began traveling across the earth and had to adapt to different climates and environments, requiring their brains to evolve in order to carry out more complex tasks and adjust to these new areas. Without humans being so clustered together and scattered out, there was more room for food allowing for further growth in body size and brain development. This is also true in the case of when the earth was going through a large climatic shift, only those capable of adaptation survived. With these large increases in brain size over time, we began to develop instincts of not only survival, but complex thoughts and emotions as well. Can't really see any "intelligence" in the anatomy of the human eye.. it is built upside down and backwards, requiring photons of light to travel through the cornea, lens, aquaeous fluid, blood vessels, ganglion cells, amacrine cells, horizontal cells, and bipolar cells before they reach light-sensitive rods and cones that transduce the light signal into neural impulses, which are then sent to the visual cortex at the back of the brain for processing into meaningful patterns...

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          • WeirdGuyFromTheSouth

            Again you arent getting what im saying or you are strawmanning me on purpose. I mentioned cars because like the human body they have mechanical structures. You have the engine in the car, the coolant, the exhaust system, the sparkplugs, the battery. That is very similar to a human body. Human body has a heart, lungs, brain, blood. Drop the evolution script. Ive heard what youre saying a million times.

            Ask yourself HOW...thats HOW (HOW) the cells in your body KNEW they would need a heart to pump blood, a brain to tell it what to do, lungs to provide oxygen, stomach to provide fuel, and then an opposite sex creature to pro create. How does natural selection build a heart and lungs? Dont avoid the question. Drop the evolution script. Ask real questions. Go figure out how these cells figured out how to create a human body.

            Dont even respond with the same script that has nothing to do with the topic.

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            • Protagoras

              I keep going back to evolution because it addresses what you are asking, adaptation goes all the way back to cells. Were the cells that failed to adapt and die out omitted from your "God's" "intelligent design"? Natural forces of selection, acting on inherited features, gradually shaped the ornate organic structures.

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  • RoseIsabella

    God's not dead, he is surely alive.

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    • Grunewald

      He's living on the inside, roaring like a lion.

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      • RoseIsabella


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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    yeah lets debate some abstract shit that nobody can ever agree on

    im sure the good peoplesa isit normal will finally solve this age old metaphysical mystery right here today

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    • charli.m


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  • JustinAnderson

    Can’t you see how sun rise ? How days come ? There is someone controlling this universe . Everything has a creator except GOD .

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    • Protagoras

      What created god?

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      • LostSoul96

        His mother - the giant black hole.

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      • JustinAnderson

        Can you tell me what comes behind 0 ? Zero ?

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        • Protagoras


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          • JustinAnderson

            That doesn’t exist tho

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            • Protagoras

              -1 does not exist? Think you need to back to Algebra...

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  • McBean

    AspiringRuth thinks she knows the answer. Ask her.

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    • Grunewald

      Not rehearsing that again... look at my past comments if you like...

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      • McBean

        I don't blame you. I am giving the OP a link to what I regard as the finest discussion between a theist and an agnostic to have ever graced the pages of IIN. It is good for several reasons, the main one being that the parties each acknowledge the reasonableness of parts of each other's arguments.

        Of course, the parties are you and me. And nobody has ever goaded me into writing my finest prose quite like you have. I hope you stay around here, Ruthie. Some of the things you say when you least realize it are simply divine.

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        • Grunewald

          Well, thank you Beanie. I'm glad we managed to have a satisfying discussion in the end!

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          • McBean


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  • Hey guys please check this out... highly appreciated in advance..

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  • lordofopinions

    You are born, you live and you die. Enjoy. Humans seem to think they are the chosen ones and that some supreme deity is going to give them everlasting life. Nope, sorry. I don't buy it.

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  • WeirdGuyFromTheSouth

    Genetical engineering, and physics will make us gods. Physics is the codes to our universe. You should google a place called Cern. Its a machine 20 miles long underground that goes almost to the speed of light. When its running the clouds start going in circles over it. No telling what they can do with this kind of technology one day theyve learned a shitton. We are talking about channeling massive amounts of energy. Possibly traveling in time or creating a black hole. Theyve figured out how atoms communicate no matter how far they are away. Physicists are cracking the code to our universe.

    scientists are also learning how to grow human body parts from mice and shit. They have already started making hybrid creatures like pig/dogs and probably even some human hybrids are already in a lab somewhere. DNA is the code to our bodies just like physics is the code to our universe. Its possible one day we will learn how to modify our DNA and genes in a way that would allow us to live forever and also crack the codes to how our universe works. They can already teleport atoms and shit. If you google physics its amazing what they can do and what they know about the universe.

    This is some crazy wacko conspiracy shit but I have wondered before if its possible that god could be some type of master physicist and geneticist. MAYBE he used the same codes to create the universe that we are learning now. It soundw crazy I know, dont laugh, but think about it. Scientists are figuring out now the codes to the universe and the codes to what makes us human (DNA is a code similar to computer programming code) .

    Just food for thought. Im nerd and this subject really interests me.

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    • LostSoul96

      Reminds me of certain movies and video games. And then this godlike creature sees the end of the universe but saves some life and give them knowledge that it triggered after a while.

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  • chuy

    There's a God he just like every freaking parent out there has a favorite child to spoiled rotten while making life miserable for us the unfavorite ones.

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    • WeirdGuyFromTheSouth

      If god is the god we read about in the bible he prolly has more important people to worry about. God would more likely focus on leaders like presidents.

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      • chuy

        That's what I ment by "favorites"

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        • WeirdGuyFromTheSouth

          Yeah i was trying to say i agree with you and explain why hah

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          • chuy

            I understood what you ment, I was just stating that when I said "favorites" it included presidents in there.

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    • Eminemisbae

      Damn..that's kinda sad..but I don't wanna call myself a reject though..I'm better than that!

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      • chuy

        I fixed it, sorry if you didn't like my post but that's how I feel about the subject on God.

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  • LloydAsher

    It’s the same argument to prove and disprove God. It’s more comforting to side on the god side. I’m an agnostic but I don’t see the point in being dismayed in wishing there was no god or a dead god.

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  • TheBlindInquisitor

    That all depends on your prospective.

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  • Which god?

    I forgive you. I am good, I rule with an stain less steel fist, and Tlk is my advisor and some idiot tried to melt my fist but I bitched slapped him, he went to sleep.

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    • That was your reflection Stain.

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      • I do reflect godness

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