Is crack bad..... or a wonder drug?

I'm really not sure. I always thought it was bad news that will royally fuck up your life if you smoke it...... at least that's what everyone but my girlfriend says, but my 60 year old girlfriend says it's great for you! She says it helps you focus, makes you smarter, can cure all diseases, makes you stronger, helps you lose weight, and is just overall a miracle drug with a panacea of health benefits!

I'm 25 and don't want to throw my whole life away if my girlfriend is wrong about it. So I figured I would consult is it normal for advice. Is it a wonder drug that the powers that be have wrongfully demonized, or is it bad shit to stay away from? Because even though the things she says about it sound great, somehow I don't fully believe her.

Don't Smoke Crack, It's Horrible And Will Wreck Your Life 30
It's A Miracle Drug Just Like Your Girlfriend Says 4
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Comments ( 27 )
  • Nikclaire

    If you have to ask if crack is good for you and will make you smarter, then you have nothing to lose really. May as well try it, since you are obviously able to type with your two remaining brain cells.

    Give it a go!!!

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    • She said it cures diseases, makes you more focused, smarter, stronger... She is obviously taking the piss out of this guy, it does the complete opposite.

      The only thing she said that is true is losing weight... (which by the way, try my trick for staying thin, stay awake for way longer than you should and skip lunches or breakfast, basically use loads of energy but don't give your body enough food = obvious weight loss)

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      • and if you can't go without food, DO NOT try drugs, you'll be dead in a week.

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        • Nikclaire


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  • Are you sure your girlfriend is sixty? Maybe she just looks that way because of all the crack.

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    • Cuntsiclestick

      The rapid aging thing is why I never bothered to even try drugs. There are people at my job who are younger than me, yet look older because they abuse multiple drugs.

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    • brutus


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  • Yobrepaid

    It's a wonder drug, as in, I wonder why anyone would ever use it.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Drugs are bad, m'kay.

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    • Alvex

      Depends on what drugs. Crack, meth, and PCP are horrible drugs. Benzos and opiates aren't, as long as you know how to control them, and acquire them legally medically. Benzos and opiates are prescribed by doctors. Crack, meth, and PCP never is. That alone should tell you which drugs are worse. Weed is now prescribed in more than half the states, and it's definitely also safer than crack, meth, and PCP. So if you all could just go ahead and try and stay away from crack, meth, and PCP, that would be greeat.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    terrible for yalls cardiovascular system

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    • Alvex


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  • brutus

    Cocaine is good if done in moderation, smoking crack cocaine is bad.

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    • This was down voted but I upvoted it, cocaine is a much better safer alternative that is much easier to stop taking and won't damage your body if you don't do it reguarly.

      Crack on the other hand, it will become your life, every day of every second you will be thinking of how to get money to get it... Not because it's wonderful, but because of the way the brain works, our brains are naturally addicted to dopamine (its released when we do something that makes us feel good), drugs basically release a huge dose of dopamine tricking your brain into thinking it needs this drug when actually its ruining your body and your life.

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      • brutus

        Well said.

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  • jethro

    It's a miracle drug. Try doing more of it.

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  • Sexualized_Polycheate_Worm

    if you smoke enough crack quick enough, you will ascend into the hall of heroes

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  • She is called your grandmother. Be careful with your choice of words.

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  • But if you're gonna do crack, just go all the way and do every drug imaginable, honestly... cause u might as well if ur gonna go through all that shit with 1 drug just do heroin as well what difference will it make srsly dont touch crack or anything class A

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  • Weed is a wonder drug, it has been proven to slow/stop cancer, in some it helps with anxiety, stress and produces a constant euphoria like when you're pissed, execpt you can smoke all day every day and people won't judge if you spark a blunt at 7am

    Weed is also becoming very accepted, as you must know it's now been legalised in Canada proving that it is seen as safe.

    Please bro be smart.

    The high you get from weed will last 50x longer and will cost 1/4 of the price, there is a reason why you see loads of stoners and not many crack/heroin addicts.

    Also note how they're called stoners (not a bad name) vs crack/heroin addict, can you hear the difference?

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  • I like how nobody is also pointing out that he's dating a 60 year old woman... That's cool.

    Means when I'm a 60 year old man I can have a 25 year old girlfriend and nobody will say shit, right? Or you being sexist? Lol.

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  • Seriously though man if you want to get a drug habit, smoke bud and drink occasionally like I do, I'm still fit and healthy and mentally stable, despite smoking way more than the average stoner.

    Come to think of it, since she said it cures diseases it sounds like shes just taking the piss out of you and is saying the opposite... It DOES cause DISEASE, LESS FOCUSED, LESS BRAIN CELLS, MAKES YOU WEAKER... The one true thing she said is it will make you lose weight.

    I'm realising now you might actually be a troll, because it's a pretty dumb question.

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  • Get rid of that girlfriend right now! She is beyond saving... She has had to mentally trick herself into thinking it's a miracle drug so that she keeps taking it and doesn't find a reason to quit.

    Crack is a quick high that releases a burst of euphoria and then it dies within a few seconds, leaving you craving it even though it wasn't all that worth it, because it messes with the dopamine reward system in your brain.

    I know crack addicts who steal, lie and do whatever they can to get it, but they never actually have it because they smoke it all within a matter of minutes, what's the point? Just smoke bud.

    By the way, imagine a 60 year old man who smokes crack dating a 25 year old girl telling her it's a miracle drug, it's a fucked scenario, it's your scenario just the gender is round the other way.

    I think you're actually a 25 year old woman dating a 60 year old man, if you are, he's trying to get you addicted to crack so he can hold onto you, RUN! Please!

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  • RandomNumbers

    every drug addict says their drug is a wonder and can do all the stuff you just said. complete bullshit. It is a drug, not the philosophers stone

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  • SwickDinging

    It will feel really good at the time but it will irreparably damage your body and mind. Thems the facts I'm afraid.

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  • Alvex

    Smoking crack does way more harm than good to your health.

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  • CalliesFinest

    Crack is wack stay far away from it it will ruin your life and your relationships.

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