Incels are trash, change my mind

This group is by far the most annoying group of people on the planet. I want to punch you. All of you.

They're this self entitled cucked group of virgins who claim all women OWE them sex just because they're "nice", which in every single case is an act because as soon as you reject these losers, they go apeshit on anyone who dares to deny them vajayjay.

Come at me incels. Change my mind, make me believe that you're not the degenerate I make you out to be.

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Comments ( 214 )
  • CountessDouche

    You mean that pack of virgins that glorifies mass murders like elliot rodgers, justifies sexual assault, advocates blatant misogyny because they deserve sexual favors from women clearly out of their league because they're such NICE guys? How could you hate lovey people like that?

    Groups like this show how utterly destructive it can be when the mentally unstable seek out fringe-y echo chambers online. It just allows them to reinforce and encourage their way of thinking. Glad reddit banned their asses.

    Anywho, last time i was here, this site was riddled with them, so it might not be the place for you, CHAD

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    • SmokeEverything

      This incel crap on here seems pretty recent, I never saw this many of these topics (most keep getting deleted)

      If you can't approach or talk to a girl and she doesn't throw herself at you to compensate that's not the same thing as active rejection. That elliot roger kid was obviously cripplingly socially retarted, and the reason that most narcisists I've known are never very successful is that growing as a person requires you to admit that you are imperfect.

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      • CountessDouche

        Yeah, i haven't been around for...a few years maybe, but last i was here there was a pretty vocal group that just absolutely HATED women who just took over the site. Hopefully it doesn't happen again!

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        • IrishPotato

          I completely missed that.

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        • McBean

          Back then, we had a few perverted old men catfishing as women. GigglesGirl is gone, but there's still a couple of them out there. They're not as smart as you, tho. Just stay cool.

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          • I'm suspicious that that Jen user with 4 numbers at the end of their username is catfishing as a female, and making up pervy stories.

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            • CountessDouche

              I don't know who that is, but i agree. She totally is. Rule number one online is that all women are desperate men. Especially the sexy ones.

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            • McBean

              I always have thought Jen1998 was a guy. As long as the stories are good, I don't care.

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            • IrishPotato

              Oh yeah I know them. Yeah I'm like 90% sure he is too.

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          • IrishPotato

            Theres always some out there.

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      • IrishPotato

        Nah mate. Apparently growing as a person is impossible because we're such nice guys and we can't do wrong. The world owes us!

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        • SmokeEverything

          Why are you so into this incel shit?

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          • IrishPotato

            I wouldn't say I'm into it, I'm just really annoyed and appalled by the group.

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            • SmokeEverything

              It's pretty fucked up. It's like a support group turned cult. Basically a bunch of socially inept people studying socialization from the outside and becoming less self aware as a result. Anyone who thinks the whole world made an agreement not to sleep with you is way overestimating their own importance to others.

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    • IrishPotato

      Oh their board got banned? When?

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    • Do you know if I can still find the posts by the incels' subreddit?

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      • IrishPotato

        If you Google hard enough I'm pretty sure you'd be able to find archived posts.

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      • IrishPotato

        I think Sorrow TV and Soothouse might have videos on them.

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      • CountessDouche

        Those roaches'll still be there. They feel that they need one another. I think their sub is braincels now.

        Fair warning though, what they post can be incredibly disturbing, especially if you happen to be a victim of sexual assault, so proceed with caution.

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        • IrishPotato

          What's covered on YouTube isn't even half of it. It baffled me the first time I stumbled upon what these people spout.

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          • CountessDouche

            Ikr. Absolute insanity. You almost feel bad for them. The loneliness & self defeating attitudes, but the more you read, the crazier it gets. It's amazing what kind destructive thinking can be fostered when people find a community that encourages it. It really reminds me of those pro-anorexia websites.

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            • IrishPotato

              That's what amazes me the most about it. There's an actual community encouraging it.

              Yeah, it's kind of like that.

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        • Okay, thanks.

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    Yeah, it's disgusting how angry and hateful they get at people who reject them. If someone doesn't find you attractive then it's not their fault, they can't help that. It's not your fault either since you can't change how attractive you are either. But that's just the unfortunate state of human nature.

    The thing that really makes me hate them though is that they give people who are involuntarily celibate (and who are actually nice) a bad name. They stir up hate and mistrust for everyone who has social anxiety and is still a virgin, as if those people didn't have enough fucking problems!

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    • IrishPotato

      It's funny and sad, they're supposedly nice guys but they're the most vile people of them all.

      I'm betting people who are just a virgin at a late age suffer from a lot of anxiety because of the pressure that's on them because of it, these people make everything worse for... well, everyone.

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    • RoseIsabella

      I think there's nothing wrong with rejecting someone, because you don't find that person attractive. Rejection isn't that big of a deal. Those guys should either pursue girls in their own league, or just get over it!

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      • SmokeEverything

        Will you go out with me?

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        • IrishPotato

          Are you a cat?

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        • RoseIsabella


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        • McBean

          Dude, I sent her my picture, and she turned me down. You'll only have better luck if you are a cat.

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          • IrishPotato

            Did your picture have a cat in it?

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          • RoseIsabella

            Actually, the bit about cats isn't true, because I had a cat follow me on my workout for a mile. She was very nice, and she came to my door, but she hissed at my cat so I didn't take her in, because my Siamese cat comes first, and I can't have other cats challenging him. He is first before everyone except for my folks, and Jesus. I don't think that's so crazy.

            I did feed her on my porch for a while though, because I'm not heartless.

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          • RoseIsabella

            WTF? Dude, I asked you not to send me your picture, but you did anyway. I'm sure SmokeEverything is just kidding. Regardless, I don't come here to pick people up, I come for entertainment. This isn't a dating website.

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            • IrishPotato

              What if I send you a picture of my cat?

              I don't want to go out with you, I just like showing people my kitty.

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            • SmokeEverything

              Kidding? You don't even take me seriously because I'm so unlovable :( ALL WOMEN ARE HORRIBLE

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            • McBean

              I know. I was just kidding. My ugly picture was only to validate the lack of optimism that I take pride in. If I honestly wanted to impress you, I would have sent you a copy of the picture of my highly intelligent cat that I keep on my fireplace mantle.

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      • IrishPotato

        I think so too. I think rejecting someone for any of your own reason is fine, it's totally up to you.

        Rejection happens. Nothing comes from constantly whining over not getting something you're not even pursuing, but simply expecting from people.

        It would be the same as expecting a store employee do my shopping for me.

        No, I have to pick stuff up and go to the cash register and that's exactly how most in life works. You have to go get it yourself, unless you're the queen of England.

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  • TerriAngel

    Pretty much a shit group.
    I almost feel bad for anyone that lame. Incel. A new 'thing'
    Do us all a favor, don't breed you living abortions.
    Sorry your mom never took the pill.
    Just eat lots of processed foods, never date hetro, and remember to stay out of the sun.
    It will give you cancer, and make you eat your own right hand.

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    • IrishPotato


      I wouldn't say these people don't have a right to live, but I wouldn't support them breeding.

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    • TheMightyOz

      I hope that someday, you need catheters like I have to piss. Your attitude is deplorable.

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      • TerriAngel

        Mighty oz.
        You talkin to me, R you talking to me?
        Catheter my ass.
        Knowone makes a tube small enough to fit inside your micro.
        However, my 1/2 cousin
        Mengele is willing to try.
        He's an excellent doctor.
        You'd be a new challenge.

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        • TheMightyOz

          Yes, I THE mighty oz, a eunuch thru no fault of my own, AM talking to you. You have a typical female attitude which is: You can't get it up? Point a gun to your head and pull the trigger. Well I am here, babe, to tell you your toxic karma will turn the forces of fate against you. Like breast cancer with one boob. Like colon cancer with an ostomy bag. Like one eye removed so nobody wants to fuck you ever again. Improve your disposition before it's too late.

          By the way, size 6 fr catheters get used on babies. Tell your cousin to go dissect a snake.

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          • TerriAngel

            Little oz.
            Are you seriously going to defend this lost cause?
            Wiki, search bitch.
            They are entitled little white shits that have killed several people.
            Instead of working to be someone worth having.
            You defend murder?
            Check mate.

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            • TheMightyOz

              So you, Lorena Bobbit, want to chop off my cock because it is useless anyway. Are you defending dominatrix mutilation of worthless, pathetic men for your own pleasure? Are you the CASTARATION QUEEN? Can you commit hateful murder because you want to shame your father?

              Your move.

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            • IrishPotato


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          • IrishPotato

            You're a wizard.

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            • TheMightyOz

              *wink*. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

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        • IrishPotato

          Sounds like a swell plan.

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      • IrishPotato

        I'm sorry.

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        • charli.m

          Don't be. He's an alt troll.

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          • IrishPotato

            Oh. Didn't know.

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            • charli.m

              It happens.

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        • TheMightyOz

          Thank you for your concern. It means a lot.

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  • leggs91200

    For some young males, not being able to get laid or find a relationship can be devastating.
    First, their "needs" are not being met. Second is the peer pressure because others their age might have G/F's. They start to question their masculinity and even worth as a human. The worst part is they have no real clue how to escape. It is a living hell.

    When I was living as a male in my younger years I went through all that for a time. It sucks.

    What straightened me out was when I DID find a G/F, we got married and had a kid. The kid was a juvenile delinquent. After such an experience, you kind of realize that your personal freedom and sanity are not worth getting laid.

    Incels have NO idea how much trouble a piece of ass can get them into. If they did, they would have no problems being celibate whether voluntary or not.

    The most surprising thing about those who call themselves "Incels" though is most males are not about to admit that they cannot get laid.

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    • IrishPotato

      I would hope that having a child with your wife wasn't just to get a piece of ass though, haha. Sorry he ended up a delinquent. While I don't think you're a 100% absolved from being responsible, I do think that not everything is within a parents control.

      I know right? It goes against what usually is the standard thing for men. They're usually too proud to admit they can't get laid yet here they are, shouting it in crowds. Part of it is fascinating, you know.

      I don't think these incels would be able to handle having a child, let alone a troubled one like yours. They'd collapse and be sobbing in a corner.

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  • WarriorGene

    Women owe me sex because of my marxist ideology of sharing everything while I have the latest iPhone model and I waste my whole life watching anime because they are better than real women.


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    • Protagoras

      Lmao, Marxist ideology? Incels are all alt-right misogynist lunatics. Show me one of those weebs who aren't a Trump supporter.

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      • WarriorGene

        Wait, what has alt-right mysogynist lunacy to do with Trump?

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        • Protagoras

          Is that a joke?

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          • WarriorGene

            No. What the fuck are you talking about? What is the link between a great leader like Trump and a bunch of alt-right lunatics who think killing is the solution to everything?

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            • Protagoras

              “A great leader like Trump”? Fucking hysterical, you did see that summit he attended where he was literally laughed at by the international community, right? We are now the laughing stock of the planet.

              How do you not see the connection between him and the alt-right? That’s literally a key component of his base. Remember Charlottesville? “Good people on both sides”? Why do you think he won’t condemn the little fascist edgelords? That’s his people, he would severely hurt his chances of re-election by calling them out. Do you really see Mr. “grab them by the pussy” as the champion of women? The only women I see supporting him are the airhead blondes who let their redneck dads/husbands dictate their political views for them. Misogynists LOVE Trump.

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    • IrishPotato

      Totally convinced. Kapow.

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  • LornaMae



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    • IrishPotato

      These guys are absolutely ridiculous though in what they expect people to do for them just because they 'act' nice.

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    • RoseIsabella


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    • IrishPotato

      Except kitchen duty. You owe me that. I like food.

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      • WarriorGene

        If she agrees. I prefer women who cook and are submissive, accepting their traditional roles. But I don't want to push any woman into being like this. I'll just select the ones who are this way.

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        • IrishPotato

          My significant other cooks for me every day and loves doing it.

          She's a great cook too.

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          • LornaMae

            So am I!

            Now you gotta leave her for me and the sammiches you ordered and marry me.

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  • JD777

    Why does anyone even waste their time caring about incels. Most every dude was an incel at some point. Nothing new. Just another "group" that needs to go into their safe space, then we bar the door shut.

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    • IrishPotato

      I'll have to disagree on everyone being one at some point in our life. Not like these people.

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      • JD777

        I didn’t say everyone.

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        • IrishPotato

          Looks like it.

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          • JD777

            "most every" not "every"

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          • They said, "every dude", but it's still gross overgeneralizing.

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            • JD777

              Man, you guys are picky! heheh. I said "most every", which is synonymous with "almost every." So, it's not everyone. What I mean is that alot of dudes wanted to have sex while they're still a virgin. So, they were involuntarily celibate for some period of time.

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  • SmokeEverything

    It's really aggrivating how all the chads and stacys on here are giving this stupid jerk good looking topic so many replies and ignoring my far superior ugly disgusting posts.

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    • IrishPotato

      Hahaha, what's your post?

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  • howaminotmyself

    What's an Incel?

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    • It stands for "involuntarily celibate".

      They're basically self-professed beta males who resent women (sluts called Stacys) for fucking hot, alpha men (jerks called Chads) instead of ugly, "nice" guys like them.

      They're one of the most hate obsessed groups on the internet. Their skewed view of the world is founded in exaggerated statistics, self-loathing, self-pity, envy, and entitlement.

      Their subreddit even was banned for inciting violence, I believe. Elliot Roger was a famous incel.

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  • Ummitsstillme

    There has always been a subset of men that weren't meant for breeding.

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    • IrishPotato

      Women too, but mostly men.

      I say that as a man myself.

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  • megadriver

    Incels were the loser betas that "couldn't find a woman, even if searching for one", cause even the trashiest of sluts have standards right???

    Yeah, I hate those. If you can't find a girl, don't bitch about it. It's your own fault, deal with it. I know a guy like this... Dude keeps going on online dates, gets rejected and bashes women online... Bet half of the women he tried to date could kick his ass... Guy keeps going on about how terrible women are nowadays... His opening is "Do you know the compounds of X and Y medication for X and Y terminal disease... Fantastic ice breaker, 10 out of 10 IGN... Women aren't terrible nowadays, or any days! You're just shit at getting them... Look decent, smell nice, have some interesting conversation and you're almost there XD

    Incels are like cucks, but even more pathetic XD

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    • IrishPotato

      I couldn't agree more. I think it's funny how no-one actually seems to want to change my mind on this, haha.

      Is the guy your on about a friend of yours?

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      • megadriver

        Yeah, he is an ok dude, good friend actually, has two degrees, but when it comes to dating, he is a lost cause. Guy's 36 and never kissed a girl. Tried being his wingman, didn't work. Gave him the number of an ex of mine. She would sleep with pretty much everyone, again nothing.

        Guess he will never feel the warmth of a woman.

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        • IrishPotato

          You don't have to answer me but could you tell me about the time you gave him the number and tried being his wingman?

          If you feel like it, I mean. Don't feel obligated.

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          • megadriver

            Long story short, it was in my college days. Me, my best mate and this dude got together at my place. We had a bit to drink and we decided we'd go out and help our mate to find a girl. We'd try stuff like chatting up the girls for him, inviting girls over to our table, giving him tips on how to approach a girl at the bar... Everything failed. We'd get a girl interested and he'd forget everything we told him and start mumbling about diseases and medicine... Me and my best mate laughed our butts off, kinda annoyed the dude. Anyway, he forgave us...

            Thought I'd try something else, cause at one point this dude was beyond depression... So I gave him the number of my ex. She was a woman that would fuck pretty much anything that was a man and would ask her for sex. Massive slut, but hey I was drunk, stupid and on a long beach holiday and she could suck like a turbo... Anyway, she went on a date with him and wasn't impressed... She proceeded to tell him he sucked and it was the worst date she's ever been on.

            Guess the guy is destined to walk the journey of life alone.

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            • IrishPotato

              I walk a lonely road...

              I'm sorry all of your efforts were in vain, but at least it shows you do care as a friend and that makes you a good person.

              I however, don't feel all too bad for him. Like I get it, it sucks to be alone but he wouldn't take any advice regardless so it's completely his own fault.

              You sound like a good friend though.

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  • Imo, incels might not be the most annoying group of people on the planet, but if there was a top 10s list, they'd make the cut.

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    • IrishPotato

      What group do you consider the most annoying one?

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      • I can't answer for sure, but as a libertarian (not liberal), right now I'm thinking communists. They're more than annoying, though, and they have some traits in common with incels.

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        • IrishPotato

          That's an interesting one..

          What about communists annoys you?

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          • It's their idealistic, often entitled, and obtrusive ideology.

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            • IrishPotato

              Ah I completely get where you're coming from.

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  • TheBlindInquisitor

    Fuck incels those fucks are sick the more I know about them the more I hate them.

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    • RoseIsabella

      They are pathetic losers.

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      • IrishPotato


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    • IrishPotato

      I couldn't agree more.

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  • RoseIsabella

    When you see an incel the proper response is, "do you even lift, brah?".

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    • IrishPotato

      Probably not. Neither do I tbh, except groceries and my significant other.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Sorry, I couldn't help it.

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        • IrishPotato

          It's okay!

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  • Shackleford96

    What is this, a Steven Crowder video?

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    • TheBlindInquisitor

      I hate that smug prick.

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      • Even though I share some of his conservative views, I think he's annoying and obnoxious.

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      • SwickDinging

        I feel like he'd be a watchable and interesting person if only he didn't deny that every single view he holds has come from the Bible. Just own up to it! I'd have so much more respect for him if he just admitted it.

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      • IrishPotato

        He's a sore loser, I know that.
        I agree with some of his views.

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    • RoseIsabella

      I couldn't watch more than a minute of that douchebag.

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      • IrishPotato

        Kind of obnoxious.

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    • IrishPotato

      Hahaha noooo.

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  • Why does this post have so many comments?

    I wonder OP's challenge to "change my mind" incited people to comment, whether they're trying to change the opinion on incels or not.

    Ofc, like half of the comments are from IrishPotato, though.

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    • IrishPotato

      They're half of mine because I'm responding to most comments, haha.

      I haven't found anyone here actually trying to change my mind yet, I think the incels by this point are just intimidated or too busy sexually harassing women, recording the situation and the complaining they're not getting some.

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  • Protagoras

    Incels are garbage and should be thrown into the ovens.

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    • IrishPotato

      Ah, I see you've commented with a 1940s twist. Lovely.

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      • Protagoras

        Living in America, Incels are at least partly to blame for this shitstain administration we have now. They can go into the ovens along with rednecks, frat kids, and most boomers.

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        • IrishPotato

          That's probably the best place for most of them.

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  • IrishPotato


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  • IrishPotato

    Social anxiety does not equal obnoxious entitlement.

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    • SmokeEverything

      The only cure for social anxiety is to talk to strangers. But then certain people want an answer that allows them to stay in the comfort zone that holds them back.

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      • IrishPotato

        It's a bit of a cycle.

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  • IrishPotato

    I invite the sole no voter to come and talk to me.

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  • kelili

    I've just googled that. First time I hear of it. And here what I found on wikipedia, "People who have either self-identified as incels or who had mentioned incel-related names and writings in their private writings or Internet postings have committed at least four mass murders in North America, resulting in forty-five deaths."

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    • IrishPotato

      Pretty much.

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  • SmokeEverything

    They have no idea how socializing and relationships work. From what I've seen of these people they basically think the world works like the movie Some kind of wonderful and therefore they're being denied something that they never had a teenage Mary Stuart Masterson throwing herself at them as some kind of rite of passage. They seem to be people who spend a lot of time at home and believe that by not approaching them that all women are actively rejecting them.

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    • IrishPotato

      It's really really fucking strange. You might be onto something with them being at home because I've never met a single person in real life who thinks like one of these people.

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      • SmokeEverything

        I mean most people wouldnt talk about that kind of stuff in real life. I kinda looked this up cause people keep making comments on it on here and they just seem like emontionally stunted people who don't understand how relationships work. They want sex as a rite of passage like in an 80s teen movie, all attractive guys are jerks and the average "nice" guy should get the hottest girl at the end etc. They worship that Isla vista shooter and you only need to watch 3 minutes of that guy to realize he was completely socially retarted

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        • IrishPotato

          I have no idea who you're referencing to but I'll take your word for it. They seem to confuse real life with shitty movies.

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          • SmokeEverything

            They worship this kid elliot roger who killed a bunch of people at his college because he couldn't get laid. He made a few youtube videos crying about how he couldn't get girls and you can tell he was a socially inept narcisist.

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            • IrishPotato

              Whoa. How could anyone worship anyone like that? I've never heard of him but the fuck.

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      • drat

        Same. These people must be mostly agoraphobic / socially anxious keyboard warriors venting their frustrations from the safety of anonymity. same goes for extreme feminists / sjws that people are always complaining about; never come across any in real life.

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        • IrishPotato

          I wonder what these bozos would do if someone they pissed off online actually did some digging and found out who they were.

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          • TheBlindInquisitor

            Most likely shit themselves and scream for mama.

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            • IrishPotato



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