Im done with people being afraid of ''pit bulls ''

( Disclaimer: This post is for those out there demonizing '' Pit bulls. If you're not one of those awful people, congratulations. You're a person with a heart and a brain in my book <3 )

''Number one; '' Pit Bulls '' aren't a breed, it's a general term used for fighting dogs, or dogs that look like they won't take shit from any pussies ( Bull Terriers, Bulldogs, Mastiffs, etc. ).

Most people are afraid of '' pits '', and it's fucked. Why? Is it how they look? Is it all the bullshit headlines Fox and CNN are putting on air? They lie y'know... They lie to make people afraid. To suck them in and make them keep watching. I'd say 80% of the time it's the humans abusing and mistreating the dogs. Not the other way around. Sure, they were used for fighting, but they didn't breed themselves to be like that; we did. So stop bullshitting yourself and grow a vagina. I grew up with one and she was the sweetest dog, never bit anyone, never barked unless it was for food or if she was alerting us.

Let me know in the comments if you agree/disagree ( why? ) or have more to say about the topic.


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Comments ( 75 )
  • Vvaas

    you're right that the term "pit bull" isn't a breed, the american pit bull terrier however is a breed. APBT are known for dog aggression and animal aggression, so no it doesn't make a difference if a person abused one or not, they were bred for DA. it's where common people looking for family dogs go wrong, an APBT is not well suited as a family pet, it's a hard dog and difficult to properly discipline and control, and all these "furmommies" treating their dogs as children and giving zero training or discipline and not understanding how to properly contain a dog is not helping the breeds cause.

    does dog aggression and animal aggression make a breed overall bad? no, in the right job and environment an APBT can flourish and be a great dog, for an example ABPT make great hog hunters and hunting game. this breed though is a game dog, it was never bred for suburbia family life and is a very driven breed.

    you might find an APBT that isn't breed standard and isn't as prey driven or has high DA, but it would be like finding a border collie who doesn't have a herding instinct, extremely difficult. you can't expect a breed that wasn't specifically bred for typical apartment/house life like all these clueless people who go out and buy working dogs such as border collies and belgian malinois, stick it in a small backyard and expect it to be completely fine with maybe a 30 minute walk everyday and for it to not end up in a neurotic mess with behavioral issues.

    APBT are game dogs and a difficult breed to control, if you actually know how to handle such a driven dog professionally and discipline correctly then go ahead and own an APBT, the problem is most owners of this breed do not have a clue on how to properly control such a certain breed. people who just want to own a family pet are better off with just chihuahua's and labradors, leave working dogs alone.

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    • LornaMae

      102 comments? I'm not reading them.

      This is pretty informative; thanks, Vvaas.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    My family had a few of them when I was a kid. They weren't very creative with names either: they were all named Buddy. They had food aggression issues. I started scooping up their sloppy food and handfeeding them in hopes they'd stop nipping at me. It worked eventually. XD

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  • frot

    Give me your farms address and I will personally come and kick you in the cunt you dumb ugly bitch. Until then you're a pussy ass liar talking big shit over the internet.

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    • charli.m

      *micro penis.

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      • frot

        *I will kick their micropenis so hard it turns into a mega cunt.
        (Haha they've blocked me)

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        • charli.m


          You have all the luck :p

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          • frot

            Tru! Surprised they didn't reply like usual. Can I have enough luck that they are now shadowbanned, maybe..? :D

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            • charli.m

              That's no fun :/

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  • charli.m

    Sorry for the blow up on your post, OP. I'm not sleeping well lately, and the imbecile decided to put on a show.

    I don't like to let stupidity get away with it. It's a weakness of mine. I hope it doesn't piss you off too much.

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    • wolfoftheclock2470

      Not at all, haha. I've learned to ignore shit like that.

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    • mauzi

      Does it do anything if you Report the posts (or did you already)? sometimes it seems to work. the parent comment seems to have been reported or hidden.

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      • charli.m

        I'm not reporting this shit. It was fucking hilarious. Let it embarrass itself.

        Honestly, shit was amazing.

        I don't think it was OP who deleted. Pretty sure it was the tantrum thrower getting pissy. Again.

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        • mauzi

          Damn. I just think it will be more hilarious once they get banned.
          also not this time because your comments would be returned to the main comments section if that were the case (pretty sure)

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          • charli.m

            That's true...

            I'm ok with it embarrassing itself further. Honestly. It's comments being there just make it look dumb af.

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  • Nednerb43

    High energy ,not the smartest. I see pitbulls as a trend, everyone get on board with a dog. To be fair its not the worst dog to choose, but its nowhere near my first choice. Just how i feel and im sure other people wont feel this way

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  • leggs91200

    There are certain things in this world that are known to be bad news. Bully breeds of dogs happen to be one such thing.

    Call the damned things what you want but when you have dogs that are capable of a lot of damage, do not expect much sympathy when your savage beast reverts to it's true nature and kills someone.

    Bully dogs perhaps cannot help that they are dangerous but people do not need to keep those things as pets. There is no reason for it.

    So for the OP - you are going to have to get used to the fact that a lot of people see pit bulls (or whatever) in the same light as roaches and rats - just nasty creatures that need to be killed.

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    • NoLifer

      You gave no evidence against it not being a harmless breed. Your bias seems to state pitbulls are bad without much reasoning. Even if we argue OP is being niave, your counter claims come across equally stupid my freind.

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    • nikkiclaire

      All dogs are capable of terrifying violence. A poodle is the most aggressive dog one could have, imagine that.

      It's not the breed it's the owner and respect you show for them.

      It's when idiots think they know about dogs that they get in trouble.

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      • leggs91200

        Yeah but you could just kick a poodle and send it flying.

        All dogs ARE capable but the questions are -

        How likely?
        How much damage could they cause? This one correlates to size.

        Like my dog, he is this 50 pound kelpie-looking dog. Not sure what he is.

        He could probably cause a good bit of harm if he wanted to but the likelihood of him attacking are little to none.

        The thing about my dog though, when his eyes kind of go outward so he can sort of see both sides of a situation.

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        • nikkiclaire

          A standard poodle weighs roughly 50 lbs. I doubt you could kick it away.

          I've never known a 50 lb kelpie but that would indeed be frightening. Especially if she can see from both ends haha. Kelpies are fast as fuck but they their temperament is so sweet they would rarely attack anyone.

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          • leggs91200

            I do not know his actual breed, he has a German Shepard body with a golden retriever's coat.
            And his temperament - he has killed quote a few low-flying house flies. He also murders leftover dinner from the humans of the house

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  • Ummitsstillme

    Pitbulls eat toddlers on the regular here in Florida, it is not fake news. That movie said, "all dogs go to heaven." Nope. Not pit bulls and min pins.

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  • BlindSpot

    I feel we need a similar post about snakes and all other dangerous animals of the world. Innocent garden snakes with no harmful venom are burnt and killed in huge numbers. They should not be demonized for who they are. What should be demonized is the blatant negligence of owners towards their pit bull dogs. In my neighbourhood, two male pit bulls were let loose while their owners went on holiday and left them alone, an old man walking to his place of worship that afternoon was mauled severely by them and his face partially mutalated. In another city, a baby was mauled to death and killed by the pit bull, the parents had left her alone in her pram with the dog in the lounge. Just some examples of negligence.

    However, we cannot deny the number of fatal attacks that pit bulls have committed in comparison to other domesticated animals. People need to be made aware of anything that is potentially dangerous, and I support the propagation of news regarding pit bull attacks.

    You may have a well trained pit bull, but this isn't the case with everyone and they may be more difficult to train. Your pit bull is also female, which may account for her lack of aggressive behaviour or it could just be her good grooming (thanks to you).

    I strongly believe pet owners should be responsible with their animals. Don't let your pet snake go slithering around your children, when you know it's not defanged. Don't let your pit bull dog wander the streets without a leash.

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  • Environment is important to an animal. These aggressive dogs need space and independence. Trying to keep it like a typical dog or cat leads to problems.

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  • nikkiclaire

    All animals are capable of violence, even humans. Don't judge any dog for being what it is. An animal.

    Always respect any breed or type of animal you bring into your home. Training will only ever get you so far.

    If threatened, scared or annoyed, any animal will use it's full force against you.

    Respect all our friends who allow us into their lives.

    Animals are amazing, it's a gift they share their lives with us.

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  • charli.m

    I love pits. I love most dogs.

    I miss my dog :( she wasn't a pit, but I still miss her.

    People are dumb.

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    • Shackleford96

      What kind of dog did you have?

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      • charli.m

        She was a GSD x kelpie.

        You've had dogs in the past, yeah?

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        • Shackleford96

          Oh wow, she was very pretty. I bet she was a great dog too with that mix.

          No, not really. I've always been around dogs, but never really been able to have one of my own sadly... I'm working towards changing that.

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          • charli.m

            Thanks :) she was a pretty girl, even as a 14 yr old crusty. She was an arsehole. But a sweet natured arsehole.

            Aww. I hope you can :) any particular breed in mind?

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            • Shackleford96

              Thanks, and yeah several actually. I'm not really set on one yet.

              I want to get a medium to large breed of dog; more of an outside dog, but I'll probably let it in regularly. I'm looking for an intelligent dog, but not too excitable. One thing I've been very concerned with is if I will actually have enough time for it while working 40 hours a week...

              GSD's are pretty high on the list. I was researching border collies earlier this morning. Golden retrievers are good. I was just now doing some research on dalmations, and now I'm thinking that breed might be perfect lol. Schnauzers seem like they would be a pretty good fit too. Australian shephards are great, and we had one when I was very young, as well as a rottweiler which was a great dog too. They were named Shep and Rio.

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            • LornaMae

              Aw, the mongrel!!! :(

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        • wolfoftheclock2470

          Oh my lord she is SOOOOOO cute. I have a kelpie collie mix and she's the greatest. Super smart. Gets on great my with my two other dogs two, which are a malamute, and a collie.

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          • charli.m

            Thanks :) I miss her. The vet originally thought she would make it til about now, But we had to let her go in in July. Still makes me cry.

            Oh wow. That's a lot of fluff! So many smart puppers must keep you busy.

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  • curious-bunny

    Pit bull isn't a breed? But its like my favorite dog breed. They are cute and loving as hell

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    do i really need to grow a vagina?

    im kinda happy with my penis

    also id prolly be shovin weird stuff up my vagina all day

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    • LornaMae

      No, you wouldn't...

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        not even as a novelty? certain thangs from the vegetable garden?

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        • LornaMae

          Well, it'd be your vagina to shove anything up, so who am I to predict or judge?

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          • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

            my goodness thats a dangerous offer

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            • LornaMae

              NOT an offer! Hahaha

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  • Meatballsandwich

    I just don't like how pitbulls look. I used to have 2 rottweilers before. Those are pretty dogs.

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  • RoseIsabella

    She looks cute, from what little I can see of her.

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  • Columbusbiguy

    You also need to realize some people, no matter the breed, are going to be afraid of dogs, and maybe more animals. Couple that with the press surrounding attacks, you get this. It's unfortunate but it is what it is. The real question should be is why do we allow continued breeding of these dogs? If they are dangerous, then stop the practice of breeding them. Their is not any unalienable right to a certain breed of dog. I'm not advocating for this, but we as humans have to step up and do smart things. What would be harmed by discontinued breeding? I mean there are plenty of other dog breeds, shouldn't that be fine? Just a thought.

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  • charli.m

    I know you don't handle being wrong well...but pumpkin, you do it every day on here, blatantly. You really should just accept it.

    Nanny is not the same as babysitter. The fact that you are trying to denigrate someone for being a professional with an education in Early Childhood Education shows your ignorance. The fact you think preteens, aka 12yeard and under are the same as embarrassing for you. But whatever. Please continue. It only makes you look worse.

    You lie incessantly. You blocked me like...two days. That seems to be the most you can handle before you feel the need to come back and embarrass yourself further.

    Most recent lie to add to the ridiculously long list anyone with a functioning memory could remember at least a good portion of: tits too small for mammograms. What a retarded claim. Men with very small amounts of breast tissue can have mammograms. They actually work better on them. Mammograms also aren't routinely done on a 20 year old. Which you didn't know.

    I'm a coward? Obsessed?
    I'm not the one that blocked you. If I were to block you, then talk about you, sure. That would be cowardly. Y'know. Like you've done a couple times now. I didn't make posts about you or go on a random spamming session where you managed to have an attack on me on every post you clicked, no matter the topic.

    Perhaps you'd actually like to say what I supposedly said about dogs that was incorrect? Cos the only thing you "corrected"...was something I said and you just parroted back.

    IQ of 189. Sure.

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    • wolfoftheclock2470

      You talking to me??

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      • charli.m

        No. Ugh fuck. The idiot who runs this site has decided that when other comments get reported and he deems they were indeed correctly reported, instead of deleting the whole thread, like he used to, the unreported side of the conversation gets spammed back as individual comments, making that second person look like a fucking retarded lunatic.

        The guy doesn't know how to do shit. Sorry. All those were targeted at "nikkiclaire", who was being a raging haemorrhoid.

        I don't like to delete comments because I think if I say something, I should stand by it...but the dumbfuck in charge has made it pretty fucked up so I think I'm gonna have to. I'm fine with looking like a lunatic for what I say, but not when it is engineered that way.

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  • SwickDinging

    I disagree that most people are afraid of them. I think this is a myth.

    I used to have a "fighting dog", as they are sometimes called, and very few people he encountered held this prejudice.

    When properly trained these dogs are cute as fuck, people regularly used to come up to me in the street asking if they could pet my dog and say how cute he was. He got cuddles and compliments much more often than anything negative.

    This was in the UK. You sound American. Maybe it's different over there? If it is then I'm very sorry to hear that, it's a shame for the dogs.

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    • charli.m

      Pit bull breeds are banned in Aus.

      ...they don't consider staffies to be pit bull breeds. Idk why. They look it. Meh.

      There will always be a demonised breed. Used to be rottweilers and GSD's.

      I've known a child that was attacked by a GSD. Was the third person (second child) this dog had attacked. Owner refused to put it down or even keep it locked up.

      We had a family a street away from us who owned a rotty and a GSD kept in front yard behind a foot high fence (and we were told we couldn't adopt a rotty mix cos we didnt have six ft fences...grrr...). GSD jumped the fence and almost destroyed someone's schnauzer. Owners were dismissive of schnauzer owner's distress and concern for if the dog had done that to a child. They said, "Oh, he wouldn't do that. He loves kids. The rottweiler doesn't.

      I know someone who was mauled severely to the point of disfigurement by three great danes. Danes are usually docile as fuck, but these were inbred and badly raised. Owner refused to have them put down.

      Then there was my last dog. GSD x kelpie. My cousin loved her. He loved to sit on her head. He loved to pull her eyes open so he could read to her. He loved to jump on her. He loved to force shit into her mouth. Never even growled at him. His mother thought his behaviour was hilarious. I was the only adult who ever intervened, because responsibility, to both dog and child. She was a very good natured dog, but she was a dog, and she was sure as fuck given enough provocation. But I didn't want her to end up being put down or my cousin to have no face.

      People are dumb and don't want to take responsibility.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Don't they have some sort of laws where a vicious dog can get confiscated, and put down? Owners usually don't want to put down their own dogs even if they're vicious.

        When I was living in Las Vegas a German Shepherd attacked, and killed a little Yorkshire Terrier. I want to say that it was picked up by animal control, and put to sleep, but I dunno. My dad ended up working for the post office as a letter carrier, and he told me this Rottweiler killed a Chihuahua on his route. I love dogs, but I don't have patience for vicious dogs.

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        • charli.m

          That seems to be what the link i posted said, I think? I skimmed it yesterday, that's a long time ago haha.

          If not, there should be.

          I don't think patience for vicious dogs is the issue here. They're dogs, not humans. They aren't the ones to blame. They are the ones to pay a big price, along with whoever they bit. I don't have patience for the irresponsible pieces of shit who don't keep their animals in check.

          Then of course, there are people like the cunt who lives acros the road from me who threatened to report us for having our then 13 year old arthriticky dog in our (admittedly) unfenced front yard, under close supervision...minding her own business. Sniffing and pissing on our hose, probably, cos she liked to be a dick.

          ...few days later, cunts walking her doodle dog to the local park (not dog park, leashed animals only) unleashed on the street, and it growled and snapped at my mother as she got the mail. Unbe-fuckin-lievable.

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          • RoseIsabella

            I can't stand it when people don't train their dogs. Even my Siamese cat knows very basic dog obedience, just come, sit and stay, but believe me it makes a big difference. I really miss my old Shetland sheepdog, she could heel like nobody's business.

            I think another problem are the stupid, piece of shit people who breed dogs for aggression, and teach them to be mean by abusing them.

            Labradoodles are very popular in the U.S., but I'm not especially familiar with the problems. I read somewhere that the guy in Australia who developed them now regrets having done so.

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            • charli.m

              Training is a very basic responsibility.

              Idk much about problems with doodle dogs. The two I've had personal extended experience with were a small golden doodle who was dumb but sweet and a labradoodle who my dog was actually friends with. My dog didn't seem to understand the concept of being friends with other dogs...but she loved Toffee.

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      • nikkiclaire

        My dad had a kelpie that bit my cousins face and scarred him for life because he loved to pull her tail. She put up with it forever then finally gave the little shit what he deserved.

        The lesson here is even the most docile dogs will attack when they reach their limit.

        Kelpies have the patience of job. Everyone has their limit tho. A lesson to be heeded before a can of whoopass opens up.

        Damn I loved that dog. She did the right thing.

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        • RoseIsabella

          I can't stand kids who do that shit!

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      • SwickDinging

        Yeah, I think that's the key issue here - people not taking responsibility.

        The dog i referred to here was a staffie, and he was rescued from something horrible (won't go into what because it upsets me, but it involved illegal practices and encouraging him to attack). I have a lot of experience with difficult dogs so I took on the challenge and I'm so glad I did. All the boy needed was a stable home and some good training and he became lovable and cuddly with people, and especially good with little kids (never would have left him alone with kids just in case). He was never great with other dogs though so I kept him away from them and only walked him at times and places where there would be no other dogs, and always on his lead and muzzled unless we were on private land. Kept him inside the house or properly fenced into the garden and never in a situation where he could attack another dog. It was a pain in the ass but it was my responsibility so I did it.

        I've noticed here in Oz that there are a crazy number of irresponsible dog owners. That didn't happen in the UK anywhere near as much. Over there if your dog is out of line law enforcement take it very seriously and you can end up with criminal charges and they can put your dog down. They also take animal welfare very seriously and if you are seen to not look after your pet properly it will be taken away from you and you will be passed over to the police for punishment depending on what the severity was.

        May I ask - are there no laws here to stop these sorts of situations? For example, your poor friend with the almost eaten schnauzer - why didn't they call the police? Can the police not do anything about it?

        Sorry for the long reply, I'm just really interested to know about it because Oz seems to be ahead of UK in most things, but with pet ownership/ animal treatment it all breaks down, from my observations at least.

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        • charli.m

          Found this. This would have been law when both dog attacks happened. It's fairly vague, I think. Like a lot of laws.

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        • charli.m

          Poor sweet little baby :( I love staffies. They're too high energy for me, personally, so I would be hesitant to get one for lifestyle reasons, but they're amazing dogs. (Yes, kelpie is high energy. No, the RSPCA should not have homed her with a 74yr old as her primary carer. It was pretty disastrous...very strong willed dog, and my grandmother's training methods consist of hitting with a rolled up newspaper.
          I refused to allow her to do that, but I was also working and studying, so who knows what she did behind my back. No attacks, though. Just a very intelligent, weird as fuck, spoiled brat dog haha.)

          I honestly don't know what the laws are. Never needed them personally. Both the GSD attacks were 10-15 years ago. I believe the situation where the dog attacked my client's 10yr old son, she was forced to take the dog's owner to court. I don't think schnauzer owners followed through? Idk why. They should have. Poor baby lost most of his ear.

          Great dane attack was on a 6yr old. He was scalped, had to be defibbed I think?, severely disfigured, had extensive surgery (looks normal as adult), just over 30yrs ago, in USA. Dogs were owned by an older semi distant relative. Owner wouldn't do anything about the situation. I don't know if it was taken to the authorities. Only really heard the story second/third hand. They were mysteriously poisoned soon after.

          He now owns 3 pitbull mixes including one similar to the pup you were talking about. Sweet as a button, but not good with other dogs and we wouldn't trust alone with kids.

          Off track. Ugh.

          I think laws have gotten stricter here since then, but I don't know if there's any automatic removal and euthanasia. Maybe if the attack results in death? I never really hear that in news stories, though.

          I'm not sure I fully agree with that in all situations, either. Obviously, an unprovoked attack or an attack on a child is of great concern and should not be treated lightly, and owners should be fined and depending on situation, required to rehome, properly house or euthanise their dogs. But also can be down to a dog giving a warning snap or small bite to someone who provoked them. In those cases, the owner should be charged medical bills, and required to rehome or better contain their dog.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I'm rather fond of dogs in general, but my preference is for Shetland sheepdogs, rough Collies and Golden retrievers.

    I think the problem isn't so much people who are afraid of pitbulls, but the people who breed, and train them to fight. Dog fighting as well as cock fighting are completely low class activities of animal abuse that are perpetrated by scumbag people for the purpose of making bets on the outcome.

    I would be fine if all the people who were into dog fighting just dropped dead at this very moment. Those people are all garbage. I also say the same for people into cock fighting, and bear baiting. The world would be better without all of those scumbags.

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    • SwickDinging

      Yup, all about the person in charge of the dog. You can train any dog to be aggressive if you really want to.

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      • RoseIsabella

        It depends on the dog, some dogs are naturally more aggressive. I have no use for dogs who are dog aggressive, or have a high prey drive. Feline security is always of the utmost importance!

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        • SwickDinging

          When you say feline security... Do you mean keeping them safe from dogs, or do you mean using them as security?

          I can imagine you having security felines patrolling the grounds, radioing in any suspicious activity (mice, laser pointers, people opening cans of tuna etc). And maybe a guard-tiger in the lobby for extra protection...

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          • RoseIsabella

            I mean keeping my cat safe, and secure from anything that could possibly harm him. He's my baby, he's my special little guy.

            I wouldn't mind having a Siamese the size of a Savannah cat working security in my house. Sometimes I want a Doberman. I just love cats, but truthfully I also love mice, and rats!

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  • There was also a case in Florida where a man ate another mans face off. He was on the zombie drug.

    Which is worst;



    Dog Attacks?

    Plus, we never got the '' news '' here in Ketchikan.. So, If you are correct about the '' pit bulls '' eating toddlers; Then I guess I stand corrected and I apologize.

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    • These statistics pinned together don’t make much sense. Cannibalism, caused by drugs or through sick acts, is a far less occurrence then dog attacks in the US. Especially Florida. It really doesn’t make much sense to use that as an example because one (dog attacks) occur more frequently than the other.

      Dog attacks are also not specifically defined. A dog nipping a child could be registered as an attack as well as one ferociously assaulting a person, or even one ending in a fatality could be registered as an attack.

      It’s true that APBT’s have the capacity to be a wonderful dog. But the unfortunate thing is that when this type of dog does attack, it’s usually more severe compared to say a lab or chihuahua or so on and so forth. The reason for this is because they were bred to have an impressive bite and the ability to hold onto the target. Orginally these dogs were meant to be able to grab cattle and game. But due to the lack of need for that, it’s an out of place talent that unfortunately isn’t being properly trained.
      So when an APBT or dog like an APBT does attack, they’re using the same force they would on a much larger animal on a human. That’s where the problem is.

      People have a right to be worried over the type of power that a single dog posses. And if i’m not mistaken, there was a case where a young woman was attacked and eaten by her two “pit bulls”.

      I for one, am not a fan of the breed. Which means I’d never own one, but I don’t mind if someone else does. I only mind when they value the life of the dog over another human yet don’t do anything to properly train the dog or give it a life it deserves.

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      • RoseIsabella

        I don't really have anything especially against pitbulls, but there are too many other great dog breeds that I much prefer over pitbulls. My family had a rough Collie for almost fifteen years, and she was a really sweet, gorgeous dog. I love how vocal Collies, and Shelties are. I love having a dog that is gentle, affectionate, excels at obedience, and can walk off lead without a hassle. I can't help, but to be turned off about a dog that is needs to wear muzzle. I wouldn't ever want a pet that is more of a liability than an asset. Seems like too much trouble.

        When I was a kid I had this white mutt who had one ear up, and one ear down. She loved to dig, and was kinda goofy, but she was safe around bunnies, Guinea pigs, ducks, chickens, cats. I just find that I don't have patience for dogs who are aggressive, or have a high prey drive. Watching the way my sister's poodle acts around bunnies in Las Vegas, when he's going out for a whiz off lead us amazing. He just sees them, and doesn't care. It's like he should be wearing sunglasses, or something. He's too cool! My cat is also not a mouser, and I'm proud of him, but he used to meow when he saw bunnies. He isn't allowed outside unsupervised, he doesn't stalk bunnies he just talks when he sees em.

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  • mm6969

    Pitt bulls have torn off owners faces. Recently, a pitbull killed and ate parts of a woman owner during a walk in the woods. I don't trust this breed

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