Is it normal what do you think of this nazi/alt right movement?

It kind of troubles me. I thought we were passed this shit but I guess not.

I need a stiff drink 4
it's scary and disgusting and makes me wanna pig out on american flag cake like tina fey 9
Yay ! the south and hitler have risen again! 7
Oh look pancakes and fidget spinners 4
I don't care 5
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Comments ( 15 )
  • It started out not being about white nationalism and so on, kind of got popularized by Milio Yiannopolous but then got quite infected by white Nationalists.

    It's a counter group to the far left which even many of those that are key figures in the alt-right admit. They're in response to, what I believe, are equally stupid groups, a lot of which do have anti-white rhetoric. That doesn't change that they're bad either though.

    It's a growing group that seems to be growing due to the far left groups.

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    • redrainbow22

      Theres nothing wrong with being a nationalist.

      Just means you put your country first.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    peoples whatre subscribin to extremes is generally ridiculous

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    • The_Great_Flatuloso

      Stop being silly yourself. You've been intelligent enough to see what has gone on. Choose free will or see it destroyed.

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        geddy lee over here

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  • redrainbow22

    The alt right is NOT nazis. That is the SJWs calling people that.

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    • BlackCatsAreAwesome

      I actually chose the Hitler option because of the very fact that OP is dishonest enough to frame it like it's the same thing.

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      • RoseIsabella

        OP can't spell very well either.

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    • The_Great_Flatuloso

      It's easy to frame one side as against the other. Moderate thinking is not accepted anymore. Sad times.

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      • redrainbow22

        It is more the left who is grouping in everybody they disagree with into the term "Alt-Right" that they created.

        Average people are being associated with nazis, like they've always been doing now

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  • bubsy

    The single greatest way to discredit Trump and conservatives is to hire out some whiteboys, give them nazi flags and, apparently, tiki torches.

    There's a whole lot of money that goes into these protests, on both sides. You need to start looking into the groups that would benefit ($$$) from this chaos. I wish people would be more skeptical, and I pray we don't have a civil war because of paid protesters and operatives.

    Don't be a Useful Idiot:

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  • Morrow

    It's a response to the left and all these SJW types. For anyone of the right to debate with them without being called a fascist or a nazi, you've done well for yourself.

    You can only take being called hitler so many times before you snap and just throw your arms up. "Alright! I'm a nazi, ZEIG HEIL, now leave me alone"!

    Certain ideas of the nazi party like stopping immigration, and unifying as a white race attract some people. But I don't believe these people are really nazis, or really know what they're doing.

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  • Hitlerwasright

    The neo nazis are not real national socialists they are like how the crusaders were not real Christians they are real national socialists

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  • PanzerkampfwagenVITiger

    Looks like it's our time again boys
    Hans get the panzerschreck. It's time to destroy some t-34s

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  • rayb12

    I wouldn't go as far as to assume false flag without any evidence yet that I've come across albeit without doing research yet. However I fail to see something that is a greater catalyst to what we now call racism than what we now call anti-racism. And this is obvious to anyone who can step back without fear of 'being a racist'. People also seem to confuse the murdering of millions of people with not murdering millions of people. But following the progressive line of thinking I guess it's a shame we didn't have more queer sociology majors 80 years ago or we could've prevented the holocaust. But now I guess my stance is I'm waiting from the punching nazis line which is already too funny to become, round up all the nazis and people that don't out and oppose them and systematically kill off this group that is causing the problems in this country. Lmao

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