Is it normal to worry my stepdaughter will poison people with her food

I am worried she will poison people with her food.She works professionally with food but she doesn't know what she is doing. She made a pumpkin pie for my wife and only cooked it for fifty minutes and the crust seems doughy but only to me.My mother's was always brown and she cooked it for an hour anda half,Everyone else said it was fine.She puts barbecue sauce onion parmesan cheese and saltine crackers in meatloaf with bacon on top.She makes deviled eggs with duke's mayo not miracle whip which is against all things American.She almost dropped half of them because I walking around in a circle seeing what she put in them because they seemed awfully yellow AND HAD RELISH IN THEM.Her butterfinger pie would taste better with splenda in it and vegan cream cheese.She gets really defensive when I bother her when she is in the final stages of cooking.I want to see If she will mess up or finish it perfectly with me bothering her.keeps telling me to get out my kitchen because I can't even use the oven period.

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Comments ( 7 )
  • Pippa

    Deviled eggs have mayo and relish, and vegan cream cheese is f^+*#|] gross. Get a life, quit being so critical, compliment at least one thing every time she cooks and try everything! It's called manners and other than raw chicken it won't kill you. She will get better with lots of practice and time. Suck it up, she's trying!

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  • I have to keep doing this and harassing her and watching her like a hawk until she is locked up permantly in the loony bin.She should not have a boyfriend.Her fatass should not be walking the streets.She needs to directed and corrected on how to do everything the right way. I hate sharing her with my wife.

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  • charli.m

    How long are you going to keep these stupid stories up?

    Fooling idiots is hardly an accomplishment.

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    You need to starve for a few weeks. Then you might not be so eager to pettily pick on someone elses' cooking.

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    • QueenOfCuteness


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  • pizzabrowniesushi what I picture the op looking like

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  • pizzabrowniesushi

    1. always be nice to the cook and scram unless she wants your help 2. I think you have a small dick and need to get a life.

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