Is it normal to wear long sleeve shirt because of insecurity

I choose to wear long sleeve shirt whenever I go outside. I am not muscular so I look like I have sticks for arms. Anywhere I go, there are usually men with decent and good-looking muscles. As a guy, this makes me insecure so I wear long sleeve shirt to cover this embarrassment.

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73% Normal
Based on 26 votes (19 yes)
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Comments ( 16 )
  • d0esnormalmatter

    There's a fix for that! Close grip bench press and barbell curls 3 days a week plus eating more will fix you. Its normal to be insecure if your arms a legitimately tiny.

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    • Fugazi,again

      Id get one of those hand gripper things as well for the forearms. I used one and it really improved my pressing and punching, made my wrists more stable so I could apply more force.

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      • d0esnormalmatter

        What kind of hand-gripper things? It depends on what other exercises someone is doing as to whether or not I would recommend direct grip work. If their doing heavy strapless deadlifts, romainian deadlifts, weighted pull ups and heavy rowing I don't think it would make much difference although still some perhaps.

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        • Fugazi,again

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          • Fugazi,again

            Something like that. Boxers use them to increase crushing strength in the hands so you can make a tighter fist. It doesn't help with deadlifts but it helps with bench etc as it helps you squeeze the bar harder. It also builds a shitload of mass on the forearms, especially just below the elbow. My wrists are naturally very skinny but my forearms are much bigger than most larger men. You can also improvise with by squeezing a ball or empty plastic bottle or theres another technique fighters use involving a bucket of sand.

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            • d0esnormalmatter

              Well I don't box, however I do get wrist pain during bench and overhead press sometimes and I hate it. I had weak grip limiting me on deadlifts even with a mixed grip for a while but I just added deadlift volume and some different back movements to get more grip work. Now my deadlift grip is fine but I still wonder if it will help benching. I might actually try something like this lol. Good idea mate. Do you do heavy benching by chance?

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  • NormalAdventure

    Seriously no one is going to care about the size of your arms. Look around and notice that most people have something about them that is not magazine perfect.

    So if you really just like long sleeve shirts, great. If it's super hot out and you're sweating because you are wearing a long sleeve shirt, you are going to attract attention and look ridiculous. If you're just a guy in a short sleeve shirt with skinny arms, no one is even going to give you a second look. Just be a guy in short sleeves with skinny arms who is comfortable. Practice just being yourself. It will be fine. If you are having trouble doing this and live near a Walmart, practice in there. Anything goes in Walmart.

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  • windyleave

    Hi dude, I'm a skinny guy too and I'd say it may be normal, but maybe you should think about it a litlle and you might not feel so bad. I'd like to know if your arms look too skinny, as in rickety skinny, cause that would be a whole other thing, but being skinny is pretty awesome if you think it through. You can slide through narrow spaces, you're probably faster than averange, and everything you try on will fit you. Plus a lot of girls like or at least don't mind skinny guys.

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  • woahtherepardner

    it's normal to feel insecure about it. As FromTheSouthCreepyGuy and doesnormalmatter said, you can totally change that. GL!

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  • FromTheSouthCreepyGuy

    There's no reason you cant bulk out a little dude. It doesn't take long. Doing as little as 100 pushups a day will bulk you out significantly.

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    • I can't even do more than 10 reps of pushups without feeling tired as hell, lmao.

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      • FromTheSouthCreepyGuy

        Thats normal dude. Do sets of 10. Then after a week or so you'll be able to do sets of 15 and then 20 and so on and so forth

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