Is it normal to share a pizza with my dog

He's a corgi and he can eat half a costco pizza.

Voting Results
50% Normal
Based on 14 votes (7 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • dirtybirdy

    Mine get some of the crust if I feel like sharing it. My girly sits all nice and patiently waits, inching closer and closer, all the while her drool strands getting longer and longer and sometimes she get slobber bubbles. Silly girl.

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  • cinderellasundergarments

    Yes completely normal. better eating a pizza ,then a pussy!

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  • JesusDerFuhrer

    It's probably a good idea not to do that very often even though it can be quite fun to share food with one's furry friend.

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  • xneonkittyx

    My dog loves pizza! We always give him the crust!!

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  • robbing16

    My dog has had enough gas from her dog food (worse than any human that I have ever came across), I would definitely never give her food that could make it worse which I have no clue if it could get any worse than it already is! It's so disgusting! She stinks so bad that I have to cover my face and yell at her letting her know that she is disgusting and stinks waving her disgusting bodily odor back toward her face so she can breath it in! I will also put a blanket over her but I will fold it over multiple times to stop the god aweful stench from lingering in the air!

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    • Nadacute

      You shouldn't have a dog, imagine someone putting a blanket over you because you stink and yelling at you when you're merely 2-5 years old. He probably whines and whimpers at how you're treating him and feels like he is not worthy of your compassion and is scared of you because of this behavior.

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  • Jellypop

    Are you trying to kill your dog? Feeding your dog junk food, like pizza, could easily get him/her sick, as well as shorten his/her lifespan.

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  • Diego35LovesHilda29

    Maybe a little now and then but a little Corgi does not need to eat that much junk food.
    They may get fat and sick.

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  • make sure there is no onion in it. onions are poison to dogs.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    It's not really normal since it's not good for the dog, but I'm guilty of doing that too. I used to share food with my dog Blackie all the time. She lived to be 17 years old, so I guess it didn't affect her too much.

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  • kristys_mail

    Normal to have a bite but half a pizza. No!!!!!!!

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  • Amygdala28

    Corgis get fat easily. I wouldn't.

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