Is it normal to pick who you argue with

I am happy being proven wrong or corrected or losing an argument but sometimes i meet personalities so ugh i would never discuss anything with them even if i could change their mind no thanks. i dont even want to give them a chance

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Comments ( 9 )
  • RoseIsabella

    There are some people I would rather not communicate with regardless of whether, or not we agree on the subject matter, because our personalities clash way too much. I generally can't stand people who kinda just suck my energy dry.

    I hate it when other women call me up, and they do all the talking, and don't let me get a word in at all. These types just unload, or vent to me about their issues, but they are never there for me, and they never return the favor. Oftentimes when I try to express myself, they tell me they have to go after I've wasted hours of my time with their bullshit.

    When it comes to men the thing that really gets my goat off the top of my head would be disgusting creepers who are always trying to flirt, and steer the conversation towards vaguely sexual topics despite the fact that I obviously have zero interest in them, and whatever bullshit they're going on about.

    Words can hardly express how much I love, and prefer the company of gentle, friendly, affectionate, and loyal cats, and dogs! Some people are just walking meat bags of psychic, and emotional cancer. I'm sure there are people who despise me too of course. I feel like there's certainly something to be said for backing off, and getting lost when one senses bad vibes. I think it's very important for a person to be connected to his, or her gut instincts!

    One of my favorite books is The Gift of Fear by Gavin de Becker!

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  • Tommythecaty

    Hey! Better than arguing the point with me in person, that can be hazardous without witnesses.

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  • SkullsNRoses

    I do the same, some people are not worth the energy and learning to identify them is an important skill.

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  • Join the club, pal. A lot of people don't want to be proven wrong even if that means avoiding the truth. Took me way too long to realize that, so now I'll often just drop conversations. I've started to give myself the credit of realizing that if I believe someone is arguing in bad-faith and is incapable of adopting contrary views then it's typically the case.

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    • Contrivance

      Sorry to burst your bubble but, I doubt you're part of this "club" because even after all these years you still argue with most everyone and try to win your arguments at any cost. And no way are you "happy being proven wrong/corrected" lol. You live in your own little world, mate

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      • S0UNDS_WEIRD

        I actually had an aloud laugh at, "A lot of people don't want to be proven wrong even if that means avoiding the truth."

        I actually give him credit in that I _have_ noticed he's improved regarding walking away when proven wrong, albeit without acknowledging having learned something new.

        Still, I couldn't help but be amused by that self-description being sold as a description of "a lot of people".

        It's true that this is a trait that many if not most people suffer to various degrees, but 99% of people call a spade a spade if you hang it in their face. After having done that enough in the past, I realized that at the time he was the type that would argue with a dictionary about definitions, the type of person you could have a debate with about the first letter of the English alphabet and who could continue to say they see B first even with you hanging the alphabet chart in front of them. Absolute zero chance of conceding having been wrong about even a single detail of anything. I'm glad he's doing better now.

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      • Good to know.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      You are 100% right. There's people that will argue against the sky being blue. Even if you give them all the evidence they will not consider it because it goes against what they want the truth to be. People believe what they wanna believe.

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      • Yup. Take Contrivance up there for example. Headstrong, wants to make his/her point clear...Does he/she offer any examples? Nope, just vague nothings but I'm expected to think "Wow, what an insightful take" when the reality is they said nothing, and they know they said nothing but I'm expected to think that someone that takes the time to say nothing is on any level worth considering? Nah, familam. Haha.

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