Is it normal to only write half a story or song or poem and then just give up on it?

So I'm like a very avid writer even though my English is shite. I write stories most of the time but that's not important. The problem is, that unless I'm writing an essay or a school paper or some shit I can never finish writing anything! Like anything. The longest thing I wrote was only like 90 pages long and I still never finished it; is this normal? What's wrong with me?

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88% Normal
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Comments ( 8 )
  • TheBlindInquisitor

    It's called writers block.

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    • TheSauce

      Yea but man's it's like. Always, no matter what. If I write for fun it just can't be done. I've gotten over writers block before but I just never feel done with something.

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      • TheBlindInquisitor

        Ok I'm not really sure then maybe it something else.

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  • Boojum

    How do you know the poems weren't finished? Poetry is funny that way. A poem doesn't really need to have a beginning, middle and end like a short story of novel.

    As for why you get hung up with stories, what you describe is common for people who are "seat of the pants" writers. Even the sketchiest outline of the situation at the start, what happens in the middle, and how things conclude will help you to finish.

    There must be thousands of websites on writing, but have a look at this one for a very simple approach to plotting:

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    • TheSauce

      Dude thanks for the link! It's kinda confusing, but I appreciate it any way!

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  • pinkcookie26

    Happens to me
    I lose motivation or I just procrastinate
    Sometimes there is writer’s block though

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  • Normal. I occasionally write bits of poetry when I'm bored, but they're so bad that I never bother to finish them or show anyone. Heh.

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  • Insane_madh

    I give up on most of my stuff that I write but end up going back to it. You probably just need a system setup line up your paragraphs and write down all the topics you want to get done that usually helps me

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