Is it normal to not feel any sorrow for anyone gored to death at pamplona?

I saw that a guy was gored to death by a bull at Pamplona. I mean if you’re either dumb or crazy enough to try to outrun charging bulls, then you probably deserve to be killed and get at least an honorable mention for a Darwin Award.

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Based on 12 votes (11 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • Meatballsandwich

    I always root for the bull in these spanish bull-sports.

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  • Boojum

    I gotta admit I just shook my head and moved on when I saw the headline on a newspaper site.

    I don't feel any sympathy when stupid people get maimed or killed when they choose to do stupid things. No point in coming across all psychopath, though, and blithering some BS about such idiots dying while doing something they love is a socially acceptable response. The line about thoughts and prayers is useful too; requires zero thought, takes moments to say, costs nothing, changes nothing and means bugger-all, but it's expected in some places.

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    • Somenormie

      Well they were playing a dumb game and got what they earned coming.

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  • GuvnorsOtherWoman

    Have to admit I feel no sympathy for the architects of their own downfall.

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  • darefu

    No sorrow for getting gored, matter of fact I laugh, that's why it's such a big event, but I don't wish anybody to get killed doing it.

    Not a lot different than auto racing, and US football and other sports. Part of the crowd can't wait to see the accidents or the guy with the ball limp or carried off the field. Few really want him to get injured badly or die.

    It's cheep, little skill required, and little brains preferred. Lol

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    I wouldn't say he deserves it or anything, but it's to be expected. It's funny, the entire reason people do that in the first place is because it's dangerous, because they could die. So in a way, their thrill in doing it is dependent on people dying. If nobody ever died doing it, then it would seem too safe to them, and they wouldn't get the same thrill from it.

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  • You’re nobler than me. Normally I do, but when they just plain asked for it not. Except people who suicide, because they’ve got mental issues.

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    • PurpleHoneycomb

      To be fair, I would argue that people trying to outrun bulls have mental issues.

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      • Do you think? Or is it some macho cultural thing?

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I still feel kind of bad when people die even if they suck. Except for maybe ted bundy or something

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