Is it normal to never read notifications on social media

I never read replies to comments I make on posts. I care about my own opinion and I felt like sharing it but I dont care how others feel. I have a short fuse but even if people agree with me I cant handle having to react to their comments. I'm not interested in what they have to say even if it's positive, that's unnecessary social interaction with people whom are irrelevant. Its even worse if someone I know replies to a comment I left on a post which happened last week, but I never even bothered checking what he replied. If its someone I know I am forced to start a convo and if someone I know was to publically disagree with me it would merely be to start drama which I am not going to partake in. Ignoring people is better.
Some people are really sensitive too. Once I was texting with one of my friends whom after a while revealed he was upset because he felt hurt because I had commented "same" on a funny meme on facebook about a lady wearing a shirt that said she hates everyone. My friend had taken that personally for some reason and I actually had to clarify that I was replying to a meme on a meme page not to mention a friend doesnt fit in the category "everyone", but rather the category "my people" that I picked out to be in my life.

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67% Normal
Based on 6 votes (4 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • r34

    I get excited whenever someone replies to me because I get to see more opinions about what I said and learn more about it. Even if what I said is not important (it usually isn't) I get to at least see what other people think, even if what I said or what anyone else is saying isn't true.

    But knowing that you don't read notifications, I can't be sure that you'll read this.

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  • bbrown95

    I have to ask, what is the point of being on social media if you see interacting with people on there to be "unnecessary social interaction with people whom are irrelevant"? It seems like it's a waste of time if that's how you feel, as social media is essentially designed for that very purpose. If you just want a platform to broadcast your opinions on without any feedback, there may be certain sites that allow you to disable comments. Otherwise, interaction is just a part of social media. If simply ignoring the notifications works for you though, that's fine too. You may even be able to manage your notifications and turn off certain ones.

    You could also reduce your friends list/followers if you find much of your audience to be "irrelevant".

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    • ospry

      In the post body, OP said they don't care about how others think or feel. Period. The only mention of this attitude being limited to online social media was in the title. There's a decent chance OP might simply a sociopath with no empathy for or interest in other humans beyond telling them what to think

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      • Iambillythemenacetosociety

        You're so right, Dr. Ospry.

        Person thinks what other people have to say is irrelevant= Sociopath.

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        • ospry

          Get over yourself. If I'm really that unbearable to you, don't go out of your way to try to pick a fight. Or are you really that lonely?

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          • Iambillythemenacetosociety

            Slow your role.

            First off, I'm not trying to pick a fight. I was just saying how you were so right in your diagnosis. I bet you're a great doctor.

            Second of all, this is real fuckin funny, considering just a few days ago, you were trying to troll me because, what? I said something you didn't like on a post that was made weeks ago? Take that giant dildo that I guess you shoved far up your ass while you were fucking yourself with it a couple of hours ago, take that same advice and get over yourself.

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            • ospry

              I don't bother to check out how recently or long ago a post was made, I just see things that I want to respond to and I do. And when have I ever said I'm not a hypocrite? I've never once said that and you keep acting like I'm trying to paint myself to be holier than Allah himself. The most I've ever said to that point is that I'm not as bad as a lot of other hypocrites out there. And if you weren't trying to pick a fight, then I apologize. Sometimes it's hard to interpret peoples' tone online

              Yeah, I've been an asshole more times than I should have, but take a look at your comment history. I bet you'd find that 95% of it is you needlessly making an assumption about someone and then feeling the need to force your opinion down their throat. You never add anything of substance to a conversation, all you do is attack, insult, and deflect. In the nicest way I can possibly say it, you are an exhausting and unpleasant person. You seem to go out of your way to be exhausting and unpleasant and then portray yourself as this poor victim when people lose their patience with you. You're the kind of person that, if I saw you mouthing off to someone in person and they punched you in the teeth knocking you unconscious, I would go up to that person and ask to shake their hand. You contribute nothing. You have no value as a human being. You're an irritation at the best and an insufferable waste of human genetic material at the worst

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      • bbrown95

        Likely true, maybe with a touch of narcissism since they seem to think others and their opinions are "irrelevant", yet feel the need to post their opinions as if they are more important.

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  • Yaidin

    Same here bro! 332 unread notifications on this site and counting. I don't care about the opinion of a random person on another continent regarding some weird fetish post or whatever. It's all trivial and for me it's more about getting shit off my chest and discovering what my opinion is on weird stuff.

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  • ospry

    You should make a Twitter account. Isn't the whole point of Twitter to loudly voice controversial opinions and then refuse to hold or even allow mature, respectful discussions?

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