Is it normal to never evolve your thinking

known him for a few years it does not matter how much time passes or what he does he is still living the same delusions the same views living in denial and own twisted view of the world arguing with others ready to die to prove himself right it does not make any sense. they say old dog cant learn new tricks but he still young and 20s when i was 20s i transformed in so many ways mohd ali said a person at 50 who thinks the same at 20 wasted 30 years of his life

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Comments ( 6 )
  • 1WeirdGuy

    Its true, I never thought id change my views this much. I think struggling for a few years was something that changed my views on shit because when I got my shit together I realised it was actuall6 pretty easy to have a decent life in a 1st world country if you dont just make excuses for everything and go out and get a trade

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  • SwickDinging

    I think once you get older you do tend to become mode rigid and set in your ways. It's not really a good thing but it's natural.

    I'm talking middle-aged and beyond here. If your friend is young and he's already like this then he has a big problem.

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    I was kind of similar until I went back to school when I was 47, and in the main auditorium when they welcomed us there was a huge banner that said Lifelong Learning, which was the motto of the school. This instilled in me the idea that life is a process and your education doesn’t have to stop when you graduate school.

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  • litelander8

    My buddy is a flat earther who this dinosaurs didn’t exist. He’s anti abortion Bc “it’s against gods will” but his sister had fertility treatments to have a baby.

    Some people just can’t be helped.

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    • LloydAsher

      It's a natural process truth be told. People lock in their set of beliefs at a certain age because if we survived that long it must be because we were doing something correct so it's harder to change over time.

      It's just that the crazies who are susceptible to that kind of thinking who get locked into it as they age. God help us when the young incels get in their 40s.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Damn, so is this dude into conspiracy theories.

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