Is it normal to meet someone great but cant stand how he acts

He is a perfect fit for me because im old fashioned in dating but there are no men my age who are, but I cant stand him as a person.
He is the biggest doormat.
He cant kiss. I have met inexperienced guys before but even they knew what the heck they were doing. Its an instinct humans have.
He asks for permission for everything. Consent is great but he pauses before putting his arm around me and asks me if it's okay..
When he wants a kiss he doesnt take the slightest intiative.
When he wants to kiss and he's sitting next to me he sits up and turns to STARE at me with a creepy smile and that's all... When I dont react because I wont acknowledge such behaviour he goes "kiss me"in a whiny kid voice. If I say fine he leans in without touching me and gives me a peck on the lips, then he giggles like an excited school boy and sometimes goes "woahw.." to himself.

I tried to dump him but he turned into a sad boy and we met up.
He said he's in love with me and sighed dramatically and theatrically like he had practiced it in advance, before proceeding to stare into the table top while clearly ATTEMPTING to tear up...
I did feel so bad I said fine to continuing to date if he promises to not "kiss" me which he had no problem with... "As long as we're still dating" he said...
Well now he's started begging for kisses again. I suspect he might be gay ? I mean he's desperate for a girlfriend to show off but he acts strange for a straight man and everytime we've talked about a certain band we both listen to all he talks about is how BEAUTIFUL the frontman is when he performs and how MAGICAL his eyes are... His words not mine...

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Comments ( 8 )
  • KholatKhult

    He’s soft, maybe he’s got a fruit or two in his basket
    There are people out there who appreciate that - if you don’t, let him go, he will find someone who does

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    • Fruit???

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      • KholatKhult

        Might be a little queer

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        • We talked about sexuality once and he said hes never thought of men that way even though I said ive questioned my sexuality a bit and its no big deal so if hes then hes hiding it n I find that suspicious

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  • Holzman_67

    I can relate I can relate. My first girlfriend was terrible at reciting shakespeare

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    • I hate it when my partners cant recite shakespeare🙄

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    If you can't stand him that much then you shouldn't be with him.

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    • I know but ive struggled finding man who wants to move slow and hes nice so I hope he will man up but maybe he wont so I have to try to dump him again

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