Is it normal to lose your sense of style

I dressed really well up until I was 20. I dont know what happened after 20 but i've lost my style and dress very randomly and put in no effort often I won't wear makeup. I used to dress very alt in either edgy outfits or cute outfits like skirts and thigh highs with edgy details and people thought I was stylish. I also put a lot of effort into my hair with styling it. I've always been a quiet, weird kid who keeps to myself so I developed a style to express myself with instead. I dont know why I lost it I just can't put anything together I don't have the energy or inspiration. It's really boring. I haven't even been to the hairdresser since I was probably 19. I find no joy in fashion anymore. I dont know what I find joy in.

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88% Normal
Based on 17 votes (15 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • Contrivance

    People often grow up and care less about what they look and dress like. Or their style changes. Interests change too. All very common

    But no energy, and not knowing what you find joy in is what's troubling. Do you feel depressed? Do you have any other hobbies to express yourself? Sometimes even listening to music can be a form of expression... albeit only to yourself

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  • SkullsNRoses

    If it helps I’ve completely forgotten how to dress myself over the last year.

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    It sounds like the heaps of people you had to see each day in high school was your primary motivation for all the effort and now that you presumably don't have to see as many people, it feels like more work.

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  • miss_jass06

    I'm the same, but I guess for me it's mostly because of the epidemic.

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  • Somenormie

    People often change, you may find that you may go back into it.

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  • Mini69

    Life takes over, it’s called becoming an adult. That doesn’t mean you can’t do something about it though. You can re invent yourself at any age and give yourself a new style.

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    • Wolf_Mama

      Adulthood and its hardships will never kill the wolf within me. Your old self is still inside you at any age.

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  • litelander8

    I’m 27 and I just stopped wearing tie dye and band tshirts. We all go through changes.

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  • Tommythecaty

    No you didn’t.

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  • normal-rebellious

    I think it's normal, but you're as totally confused as me, I lost my disability and I miss having it, but I "wasn't" cured, I cured myself. Wow, no wonder the disabled don't change, they don't want to miss their disability.

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    • BlueAlice

      And this is relevant how, exactly?

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      • normal-rebellious

        Someone lost their sense of style and I lost my disability.

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        • BlueAlice

          Not relevant.

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