Is it normal to lose so much weight after drinking tea?

I’m a 5’7 female who currently weighs 105 pounds. I’m afraid that my weight is getting dangerously low and I think it’s a result of all the tea I’ve been drinking.

I tried gaining some weight by eating McDonald’s and chocolates but I just can’t put on any.

I shouldn’t be so sad about this though. After all I did want to lose weight. But everybodies telling me that I’m becoming a skeleton.

I drink green tea about everyday, it boosted my metabolism but It just made me stay the same weight.

ever since I drank oolong tea that’s when I started to lose about 1 pound or more in 4 days.
I don’t know what’s happening and if anyone could explain this I’d be glad to hear what you have to say

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Comments ( 5 )
  • Nickvey

    if you write down what you eat in a log sometimes you realize you are not really eating. underweight people have money problems , emotional issues, no access to food. no case exist where people eat calories and do not store the excess. its a species genetic issue. All you are doing is lying to yourself and others around you.

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  • Boojum

    You are severely underweight, and that's unhealthy in many ways.

    It seems to me very unlikely that green tea alone is responsible for you looking like a famine victim. If green tea really had that effect, there would be few obese people in the world.

    You should see a doctor, because it's possible your weight loss is due to a serious underlying condition.

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    • Alichael

      Yeh. Drinking tea alone shouldn't be responsible for drastic weight loss. There's possibly some other underlying reason for it.

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  • sh1tter

    you have to drink beets to get fat

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  • russellnb

    Talk to your doctor about it if you worry. I have a friend who is right around 104. She is thin but now a skeleton. She really looks good. If you are not skin and bones I do not think it is
    bad but ask your doctor for sure.

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