Is it normal to have old fashioned views about male and female roles

I believe as the man my husband is head of the house and it is my duty to love, honour and obey him. In return it is his duty to love, protect and provide for both of us. This does not mean I don't work, appart from when the children were young l have always worked, all be it part time and this has provided us with a better lifestyle, holidays etc. But he is in charge, I have my opinions which I share with him and even argue on occasions but ultimately when he says he will not discuss something any further he is in charge and I go along with his wishes. I also do not expect him to get involved with household chores. I am happy to serve him I believe that is a woman's role in life, it worked for our ancestors and we have had a happy marriage for over 20 years. I wonder if more marriages worked this way if we would have a more contented society.

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57% Normal
Based on 28 votes (16 yes)
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Comments ( 45 )
  • e51pegasi

    That is how my ex wanted it, her staying at home & me going to work 6 days a week, just the two of us. It transpired that she wasn't old fashioned, she was just bone idle.

    Boy did I fall for that one.

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    • Each to their own, I work 25 hours a week, I do all the cooking and washing up 7 days a week, I also do all the food shopping, cleaning, washing, ironing etc. I do not expect my husband to do any of these things I think of it as a woman's role. After dinner he relaxes while I clear up, he would help if I asked but I don't ask. He has a stressful job which brings in a good wage, that is his contribution. He also deals with any DIY jobs on the weekends if needed and sorts out any financial matters, bills etc, but I do the rest. It's not to do with any religious or cultural beliefs, I am a white English woman and do not go to church. I am simply happy to have old fashioned values and to look after and obey my husband, if that makes me appear bone idle then so be it.

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      • e51pegasi

        Sounds like you both have everything sorted out, no arguments on who should be doing what, bills get paid on time & things get done. Domestic bliss.

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        • She’s your old ex and saw the error of her ways.

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          • e51pegasi

            Impossible. The op is reasoned, has a work ethic, is evidently intelligent & sane. Everything my ex wasn't.

            Ironically my ex did see the error of her ways, she packed a bag, fucked off & left me holding the cat.

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            • Talkingaboutyou

              Oh, well, at least you got away from her and got the cute cat in return.

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            • Alichael

              Meow 😸

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  • This post sounds a little fishy, being on this website, but I can give you the benefit of the doubt.

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  • Sure, this is normal, and it's good that it's working well for you.

    However, it's important to remember that you were free to choose this lifestyle, and our society would allow you to leave it.

    As long as people are given other opportunities, aren't being oppressed, or forced into a certain role, there's no issue.

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  • Rictictavie

    Whatever works for you. In a marriage involving children someone should work less in order to care for the children and maintain the household. This does not necessarily need to be the woman but in your case I guess it works out that way. Just don't be scared to make your voice heard simply because you are a woman. That doesn't seem right.

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  • Whatintarnation

    If it's working for you guys and you both feel valued then great. Obviously, with the divorce rate skyrocketing, whatever is occurring isn't working.

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  • Mark92

    Yes it is...

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  • Babygirl17

    That's you but my opinion is that guys don't have to do housework, cleaning, cooking, feeding, and so on. So I think women should be the men of the house! To me the men should do an equal amount of work as women in the house.

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    • At the start you seem to be talking about some form of role reversal here, and that's ok every couple needs to do what's right for them. But if your theory works you are saying exactly the same as me with the only difference being the man doing all the cooking, housework, etc and the woman being head of the house. But then you go on to say it should be shared equally. So I'm a bit confused. Also, I only work part time and when the children were small I didn't go to work at all, so why should he do as much in the house as me?

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      • Babygirl17

        Because the men work and then eat then sleep. That's all they do around the house! I believe we should all do an equal amount around the house

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        • Each to their own, personally I'm quite house proud and it gives me pleasure when I have given a room a really good deep clean, or cooked a lovely meal for my family.

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          • Babygirl17

            Well I don't cook. I get fast food or eat out with my children.

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  • Talkingaboutyou

    Normal, yes. WOuld I agree with it? No. A lot of people just flat out deny the idea of feminism, so don't feel left out I guess. It's the people like me that have trouble fitting in and finding common ground. I honestly feel whatever makes the couple happy in their marriage is what matters, doesn't matter if it conflicts with normal views or not. If man is happy cleaning or woman working, then they should be able to do it. Same goes for those with traditional values.

    To be honest, after reading the way you described it, you made it sound a bit odd. Almost like you are his servent or something. You're allowed to have your own opinions and should be able to do what you want, regardless if he disagrees or not. Being a wife comes down to more than being a help mate. I just hope you don't overbear your daughters into living the same lifestyle. They may benefit from seeing both sides of the coin, from male dominatd perspective and egalitarian.

    But it's your life,s o if it makes you happy, I honeslty don't care.

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  • curious-bunny

    Yea absoloutly normal, it's not a common viewpoint anymore but it's a good one, as long as you are both happy then 100% nothing wrong with it

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    I feel sorry for you.

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    • nikkiclaire

      Why do you feel sorry for someone who seems content?

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      • JellyBeanBandit

        She doesn't consider herself as equal to her husband, which means she considers herself as less than him. Plus she's a woman, and yet she has some really unhealthy views about women.

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        • nikkiclaire

          I didn't read that. Him being in charge doesn't mean she is less than, it means she has relinquished descision making authority.

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          • JellyBeanBandit

            It means that she's not an equal partner in their relationship if he's the boss. Plus she believes her opinions aren't as important as his if his opinions are the only ones that really matter in the end. Plus there's the very belittling opinion of hers: "I am happy to serve him I believe that is a woman's role in life". That's just very unhealthy.

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            • RoseIsabella

              It's a yucky point of view in my opinion. I serve no one.🤗

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            • nikkiclaire

              All depends on your point of view. Having a role really doesn't mean any of what you say. A waiter is not less of a man if he is happy to serve.

              Equality doesn't mean same. I know our shit schools and media try to tell us it does, but it doesn't make them right.

              We can agree to disagree. Statistics on marriage longenvity and hapiness continue to prove O.P is correct. If happiness is the goal, I see nothing wrong with succeeding in attaining it, like they have.

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  • It's not about equality. Equality is derived from the word equal which means the same. I am not the same as my husband, he is a man l am a woman therefore we are different. Men and women are different in the way we think, look, dress, etc. We do not sound the same when we speak, our bodies are different shapes and women are naturally smaller and physically weaker, we even pee differently, the most basic physical action which we all do from birth. So if we are so different, why is everyone so obsessed with making men and women the same. I would not be happy to see my husband in a dress or wearing makeup and nail varnish. So if men should not be like women why should we try to be like men. I do not obey my husband because he makes me, I do it because I want to. A marriage is not a democracy, you can not have a democracy when there are only 2 people involved. When you are in total disagreement about something someone needs to back down, I will be the one to do that for the sake of my family and my marriage. It is not really a big deal, my husband respects me, he does not take advantage of his position as head of the house. I am not stupid I have a degree and work part time as a teacher. I just also happen to have old fashioned values about my home life and the meaning of marriage. The result is we are happy, arguments are few and far between, we do things together and also both have friends of our own and we have a great sex life. I put all this down to the fact we do not waste our energy on pointless arguments, holding grudges and bickering over pointless matters which probably seem important at the time and yet have little significance in the bigger scheme. Maybe more women should think this way, admittedly you need a good choice of man to do this, but do remember one thing, my man might be in charge but that doesn't mean I don't know how to influence his decisions. I am after all the woman of his dreams.

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    • fakeaccount3

      Oh come on, this has to be a troll and likely a male one at that. Equal does not mean "the same". As for the rest, get over yourself. It isn't that special to want to be lazy ass who only works part time and has someone else take care of them, under the guise of being "old-fashioned".

      Whatever floats your boat but no need to get all self-righteous about it. Not everyone is as simple-minded as you.

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      • I take it you have never been particularly involved in the housework and that is fine, as I have said neither has my husband. But please don't discredit the role of the housewife, which I do in addition to my teaching job. I don't particularly care if you think I am a troll, you are clearly uneducated if you do not know that equal means the same. That said I do take offense at being called a man. I may have old fashioned views about the role of a woman in a marriage, that does not mean I am not proud to be one.

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        • Talkingaboutyou

          Um, being same is not equal? Black people and white people are equal. Are they same? Each has their own culture or lifestyle they may be proud of. A handicap and fully functioning adult are not the same, but they are equal. Same with gay or straight person. Where women's flaws may be, men can make up for it and vise versa. They may be different, but they are both equally as important as each other and the world benefits from both of them.

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        • fakeaccount3

          Troll harder man.

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    • ThrowawayAccount1

      Sounds like you’re actually a guy and this sort of thing is what you get off on. I do not see how posting about this on a site with thousands of posts about feces would magnify this feeling, unless you get off on that, too.

      Actually, if that’s the case, it’s for a good reason. Both of those are really shitty things.

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    • Talkingaboutyou

      being the same in quantity, size, degree, or value.
      "add equal amounts of water and flour"

      You are misunderstanding this term. This is a term with more than one meaning, as many words do. This one means equal, as in equal amount of stuff to be fair to someone. It plainly explains it here.

      a person or thing considered to be the same as another in status or quality.
      "we all treat each other as equals"
      synonyms: equivalent, peer, fellow, coequal, like; More

      The word here is what you are looking for. This means that the person is just as important, or that they matter just as much. It means they have the same worth or value.

      It has nothing to do with same.

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      • Who says I am not important, my husband values my views and appreciates what I do. I never said I am treated like a servant or some form of 2nd class citizen. I do all that I do because I want to, as I mentioned before he would help if I asked but I don't ask. I am proud of my house and like to do things the way I want them done. I am also proud of my husband and want to make him happy. I obey because if we disagree over something and can't find mutual ground there are only 2 choices, to keep fighting and arguing or for one of us to concede the argument and back down. I will choose to be that person as I trust him and love him. In a work place a boss or supervisor will make the final decisions about things, doesn't mean the rest of the workforce are second class or are not important or are not respected. I think men have a greater need to be in control, it's in their competitive nature, probably something to do with testosterone levels. I don't have that need, I get far more satisfaction from making him happy than I do from winning an argument.

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    • JellyBeanBandit

      When people talk about equality they're almost always talking about equal rights and opportunities, so that argument of yours is just irrelevant. Marriage is a democracy, someone doesn't have to back down, you're supposed to compromise. Even if someone does have to back down occasionally, it shouldn't always be the same person. And you can't really use the claim that because "arguments are few and far between" that it's therefore a great marriage, when the reason that arguments are few and far between is because you don't even consider your arguments as worthy. Just because you're submitting your point of view into an argument doesn't mean it has to be a hostile argument. By refusing to argue your own points as equal to his just because you're afraid of starting a big argument, you're just letting yourself down.

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      • I do consider my arguments worthy, that is the very reason we have the occasional argument, but as I have previously stated someone has to make the final decision. I am happy to let my husband be that person, maybe you consider that wrong and maybe you feel you could not live that way. But I have been married over 20 years and we are both happy, so be it right or wrong it seems to be working quite well.

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    • Not everyone appreciates your views, but I don't see why you should be getting thumbed down so much.

      You're really not an idiot, and you had the sense to mention that you'd essentially need a good man who wouldn't abuse his authority.

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    • nikkiclaire


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  • Shroot

    Libs incoming.

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