Is it normal to have (non-sexual) fantasies/imaginary girlfriend as a [24m]?

I know that the title may make me come off as a loner/loser, but that hasn't been the case for a while. I have been on about 6 dates this year, and my dating life has been picking up.

That being said, though, if I haven't been on a date in a while, I often go to sleep imagining that I have a girlfriend, and have imaginary conversations with her. I often imagine that we're cuddling while I'm holding my body pillow.

Very briefly it can involve a woman that I like, if I like someone at the moment.

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87% Normal
Based on 15 votes (13 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • palehorse

    It's a harmless fantasy. Why not?

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  • DivineFuel

    Hey dude, I'll give you a heads up.

    The conversation you're having - is with your own self, or soul.

    Some people on earth have what is called a 'twin soul' or 'twin flame', which is basically a female version of your self.

    Now at your age, I didn't believe in this, but at the age of 26, I do, because I've experienced it for my self.

    I'm NOT saying that some where out there some girls is having a telepathic convo with you - what I am saying is that there is a girl out there who is going on dates and going home and thinking of an 'imaginary boyfriend', and this might be your OWN twin flame :)

    If it doesn't feel natural, don't pursue girls. Trust me :)

    Just my two cents :)

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  • Sad18yo

    Same here bro

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  • Clunk42

    Yeah. When I was teenager I wrote strange non-sexual stories like that.

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  • d0esnormalmatter

    That's creepy. Do you try to imagine it consciously or is it more happening in your dreams.

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    • Ellenna

      I don't find it at all creepy

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      • d0esnormalmatter

        Having conversations in the middle of the night while dreaming of a girl while cuddling his pillow pretending it's her? Imagine if you were sleeping in the same room. What else would ya call it?

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        • Ellenna

          What gave you the idea OP does this with someone else in the room?

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          • d0esnormalmatter

            Nothing. I don't think she does. I'm saying it's weird to do this. Just because nobody sees you do it doesn't make it not weird.

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