Is it normal to get gray hair early?

29m and my hair is starting to show some gray. None of my mates are showing any at all. I don’t want to bother dyeing it.

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Comments ( 8 )
  • louminis

    one of the most beautiful girls I know had full grey hair at her early 20s. She refused to dye it.

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    • Maybe you can hook me up lol.

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  • _Mehhhh_

    Issa look.

    I think it's fairly normal to start seeing it in your late 20s and your 30s

    I say embrace it, especially if you're a man. Lots of people dig the silver fox look.

    Better than balding young at least (although that can be a look too on the right guy).

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  • e51pegasi

    It's all down to genetics, My mate was going bald when he was 17 & his father's hair was silver when he was 18. 29 isn't unusual, perhaps a little early.

    If the greying really bothers you there are some shampoos with a colour/tint in them that you use periodically rather than going down the dye route.

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  • Fawkz6339

    people tend to start getting grey in their hair later than that but some people get it earlier. It depends from person to person

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  • lordofopinions

    My hair didn't start to gray until around 50. But now I am somewhat older my hair is salt and pepper but I have LOTS of it. Not even a tiny bald spot.

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  • sissycakes

    i am 23 and have gray hairs. it is when your hairs are black that they turn gray faster.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    It's actually pretty normal. My siblings have greys in their hair and they're between the ages of 24 and 31.

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