Is it normal to get annoyed by who think exercise is a panacea?

Don’t get me wrong - I believe exercise has numerous benefits, and I think we cheat ourselves of good health by being physically inactive. I run almost daily.

My mother is one who thinks exercise can heal anything. She somewhat blames her mother for having dementia because she was physically inactive most of her life, not like being in a serious car accident and suffering a major concussion would have an impact, and smoking probably didn’t help. I think it’s unfair to blame my grandmother’s present condition because she didn’t exercise enough. It’s not like women in her generation were forced to raise children and stay at home.

Exercise has its benefit, but not going to cure or prevent everything.

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Comments ( 5 )
  • redrainbow22

    I agree. It's really beneficial though.

    I think if people think exercise cures everything, it might be because they're in a state of desperation to help their present situation, like your mother's.

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  • itachi_uchiha

    You are half right it doesn't cure shit but may prevent something

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  • RoseIsabella

    People like a your mom make me feel like I must lead a sedentary life!

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  • Ellenna

    Your mother is very ignorant: none of those factors have anything to do with dementia! It often has a genetic factor, so if she ever gets it you can tell her it's her own fault, given that it's unlikely she's lived a 100% healthy life.

    Of course exercise can't cure everything, but apart from the obvious fitness aspect it is very beneficial in the form of regular walking for arthritis, obesity, depression, heart and lung conditions.

    I don't understand the relevance of the last sentence in your first paragraph.

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    • I was trying to emphasize that I agree exercise is beneficial, even though I don’t agree with people who think it can cure any disease, or disorder.

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