Is it normal to find it hard not to swear?

I find it difficult especially when I'm with a youth group to stop saying stuff like " fuck,shit,bitch,whore,cunt,asshole,pussy" and so on.

The staff says to me to say things like " fudge,sugar, biscuits , rubbish " and so on.

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79% Normal
Based on 14 votes (11 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • Cliche1234

    It's fucking hard not to swear when it starts becoming a habit.

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  • charli.m

    Biscuits hahahahahaha.

    I swear like a sailor...but I also have the discipline and sense to turn it off when I work with children. Even if I wasn't working with kids, there are times it's inappropriate, and if you're unable to switch it off or recognise when you need to, that's gonna be a problem.

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      but do you swear like a gypsy sailor?

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      • charli.m

        Nah, I'm not that retarded.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Their suggestion to substitute words is a good idea.

    I swear a lot when I talk. Though that's because everybody cursed in my home town. We were all a bunch of unpolished people who lacked manners. When I'm at work I substitute my own made up words. Recently, I've started using those substituted words outside of work. XD

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  • Jamie_Sulky

    I swear a lot with friends, because I love making my friends laugh and swearing adds some spice to my jokes. I sometimes forget and swear in front of teachers a lot and have been in trouble for that very reason as well. Just try to catch yourself when your about to. People are a lot more forgiving with swearing as long as your not doing it all the time like a dirty trucker. Its like seasoning, use at moderation, or else the food gets too salty.

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  • Cursing is fine if you do it with finesse

    Too much though and people may start to think you just don't know how to talk without every few words being an expletive, which would lead some people to questioning your intelligence

    When I was young I always felt like a bad ass if I could curse without reprieve in a situation I probably shouldn't be cursing in, mostly because young people are told all the time not to curse (reverse psychology doesn't work! Yeah right, lol)

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  • LloydAsher

    So you are an australian talking to a bunch of english people? Seems about right.

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    • Oy mate, let's throw some shrimp on the bahrbie and wrassle some crocodiles!

      I loved crocodile Dundee growing up, even had his movie on VHS 😄

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  • Clunk42

    I don't see how anyone would find it hard. I haven't cursed even once in my life.

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