Is it normal to dream about being a stray cat?

In my dream, I was a stray cat in the streets I would often hide and avoid contact with people I was always seen in the streets climbing up walls with my paws. Always went into peoples gardens until one day I met my soon to be owner but I shied away from being petted, I wouldn't allow myself to go inside the house but I went eating the food after having eating the food I went spitting out my hairball. I woke up in the park the next day, went to the garden came back the person had catnip inside of a cage puts me in and takes me to the vet to get microchipped, I get taken home to the house where I soon have an owner, I went meowing but I shied again because there were other people in the house after a while I had adjusted to the house that my new owner was in, I had went marking my scent on things including people and objects around the house.

Is my dream normal or not normal?

Voting Results
89% Normal
Based on 9 votes (8 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • Sanara

    I've had many dreams where I was an animal of some sort, but never a cat. Its cool when dreams have a story to them like this. I feel the shying away from people could be actually something you do in real life, maybe while wishing they could help you or connect with you at the same time. But you know that better than me

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    im gonna rock this town

    rock it inside out

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  • RoseIsabella

    Spraying is probably one of the few things about cats, and male cats in particular, that I don't like. It's best if people get their cats spayed, or neutered.

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    • Somenormie

      I agree Rose.

      - Original Poster

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      • RoseIsabella

        This was a dream you had? Hmm...

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        • Somenormie

          Yeah it was, life would be weird as a cat because cats need affection and all the love that they need.

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          • RoseIsabella

            Maybe on some level you feel alone in the big, wide world, but long for something, and or someone to call your own, but you also feel afraid? 🤔

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