Is it normal to contact an "ex" over this or seems pathetic?

I dated someone for 7 months last year and he isnt really an ex because we never did anything physical really and I never agreed to be his gf but we dated and then I dont know what happened he was extremely into me and I was waiting for feelings to develop from my side which he knew, last time I saw him it was a nice evening we even kissed some and then I was busy with my new job and then I got sick for 3 weeks. We didnt text much while I was sick and eventually he texted me maybe we should just be friends and I responded "I think so too" and then we havent texted again. That was in November. I was very shocked but I didnt feel like talking about it because I was sick. I texted him as usual twice after but he had such short responses I stopped trying but I thought we were friends because when me and my ex said we should be friends we really were friends and hung out all the time so im not sure why he lied to me by saying we should be friends? Its very mean.
Anyway I still have his sweater and I dont want to toss it its not mine so I dont want to. Can I text him to ask if he wants it back or does it seem like I am making the excuse to see him again? I dont know if we are on good terms? We are friends on facebook he has not deleted me but he does not text me? So should I ask him or no? I dont want to seem like I want to steal it.

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Comments ( 7 )
  • Ummitsstillme

    He's into you and you're not into him? Donate the sweater...Neither one of you need your nonsense.

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  • oxycotic

    i think u should especially if it was new at the time. just make it clear you dont want to see him again by maybe mailing it to him or something

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  • SkullsNRoses

    If he wanted it back he would have asked for it, he’s probably forgotten about it. Is it in good enough condition to donate to charity? If not put it in the clothes recycling bin.

    For some people “let’s stay friends” after a break up really just means “I don’t dislike you” and that’s it. He doesn’t want to be a part of your life anymore and you don’t owe him anything, not even an old forgotten hoodie.

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    • He had just bought it I think he bought it in October so its not used much and I guess I could donate it but I would feel bad it he remembered it and asked and I had gotten rid of it

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      • SkullsNRoses

        He’s had 3 months to ask, he would have asked by now. Maybe you could set a date and if he doesn’t ask for it by then you will donate it.

        Personally I would just get rid of it now, your home isn’t his storage unit.

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  • bbrown95

    I don't think there would be any harm in asking if he wanted his sweater back, or just mailing it to him. If I had left something at someone's place, even if I had forgotten about it, I'd appreciate having it returned to me.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Can’t tell which one is the more stalkery one, weird.

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