Is it normal to buy and buy just to spend?

I buy stuff from Amazon just to have something delivered to my house , it gives me a rush of dopamine. Before I buy anything , I actually convinced myself that I need it , but when it arrives I realize I didn't need it. I do this a lot especially when I'm feeling down. How will I know if I really need something , I've convinced myself so much that I need stuff that I'm scared to buy anything now. How can I stop shopping??b4igobroke.

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Comments ( 9 )
  • Ummitsstillme

    That dopamine crashes if you can't afford it

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    I used to do shit like that with my spare cash, but one day I actually took the time to think about it and realized: Why am I not saving money? I don't have an inheritance to fall back on and having that saved cash might come in handy one day. Those unnecessary items aren't going to save me from homelessness if something happens to my ability to pay for my house. XD

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  • olderdude-xx

    You may wish to talk to a counselor on this that you can trust and work with... Learning to feel better about other things in life (and get that dopamine hit) and to prioritize will make a huge impact on your future.

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  • bbrown95

    I caught myself "treating" myself to items online as well for awhile whenever I felt down, and receiving the package felt like being a kid on Christmas Day. The novelty wore off for me once it became no longer a "treat". Fortunately, I never went crazy and it was always smaller, affordable things, but not a good habit to get into.

    TBH, what did it for me was realizing I didn't want a bunch of crap I didn't need lying around the house, and also that I could put that money towards more important things (or better things).

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  • Somenormie

    Is it normal user spends a lot of money, they live to regret it

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  • Wow3986


    Having that sweet sweet item delivered to your door is, I don't know, amazing?

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  • RoseIsabella

    That's a big waste of time.

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  • Yaidin

    Set up a budget on how much you allow yourself to spend on amazon stuff every month. Deposit everything else (besides the necessary stuff) on your savings account and don't touch it.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      This kind of shit was revolutionary for me in regards to saving money. I went to the bank and told them I wanted 8 checking accounts. I can move all the money online. Every payday it automatically moves the money. Theres a bills account, car repair accnt, home repair, gun account, and spending account. And then a few more. You forget about the money goinf into these random accounts.

      And even if its just 5 a week into a account like car repair it adds up quick. That qlone is 260 a year. If car breaks boom you got it.

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