Is it normal to be put off by this community?

My workplace has several communities on Teams and Slack. A lot of them are purely social for things like gaming, hobbies, things like that. Some of them are are more functional, like a group I found for people who struggle with mental disorders or other "neurodiversity"

I joined the group hoping to find tips on coping or general support. For the most part, the community is nothing but a huge bitch-fest of people complaining about problems and complaining about the solutions that are given. There's so much "othering" too. They almost exclusively refer to regular people as "typicals" and there's a strong victim complex prevalent on there, which I find to be unproductive and obnoxious

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88% Normal
Based on 8 votes (7 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • quietyou

    Neurotypical and non-neurotypical people are both morally pretty much the same. So yeah, that community is going to fall victim to the same "us vs them" mentality that's screwed up every other human society in history.

    The thing is, though, when you step into a minority's community, even one you belong to... it might be a little disorienting at first, 'cause suddenly "normal" people are getting subjected to the same prejudiced BS that other people get subjected to. That's not usually the case in most of the world, so it can come off as weird.

    Really, I don't think it's that different. But yeah, "not that different" from the "normal" world still means "some people are going to be assholes who are obsessed with this one issue." And you always have the right to not hang out with them, because they will DRAIN you. It's 100% normal and smart to run screaming from that community and find a neurodiversity group that's less militant, because militant people are annoying as hell.

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  • RoseIsabella

    The proper term is normies.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Ah the echo chamber of useless bullshit, sounded by idiots.

    Kind of like here at times….

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  • 555

    I'm on the fence about this because some of these people might not have anyone else who they can talk about their problems, so they throw it all over the internet. Sometimes people vent because they want advice, and sometimes because they want sympathy, and the second is harder to get.

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    • I understand the venting and I haven't complained about anyone's behavior within the community. What bothers me is when they say things that are antagonistic towards people who have nothing to do with that individual's struggles. Venting is one thing, but to follow up that venting with a bitter statement about how all "typicals" lack empathy or emotional intelligence is just as annoying to me as people of color who act as though all white people are the enemy by merit of not having firsthand knowledge of what it's like to be anything but white

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      • 555

        I understand where they're coming from. Mental illness can cause bitterness because most people don't understand or don't care. And when you can verbally express yourself just like everyone else, people refuse to believe you have a mental disability, and treat you accordingly. But I understand how it can be toxic and exhausting to be exposed to online resentment all the time, and these communities would be more useful if they focused more on helping people heal instead of mostly only bitterness.

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  • SkullsNRoses

    I’ve noticed this in some communities, a bit of ranting is understandable but when they’re not advice or solution focused at all I lose interest. Victim complexes also leave a bad taste in my mouth, life is cruel and unfair sometimes but if you chose to give up and embrace helplessness that’s your own fault.

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