Is it normal to be high more often then sober

Ive beem starting to smoke weed, a lot. I never get high on my job but when I have free time i am 100% always high. I hang out with my buddies, talk to my girlfriend and play no mans sky like the usual im just high

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60% Normal
Based on 30 votes (18 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • Jdlc

    I have been smoking weed since VietNam. I worked hard and now have all I need to enjoy retirement. Still smoke the stuff

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    • apegiggles

      God bless you sir.

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  • paramore93

    If you ever find a system called Dave's Brain, me and my friends live at Dave's Garage. Can supply geknip.

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  • CDmale4fem

    That sort of attitude and mentality is without a doubt the fear to face reality and to hit life head on and to be a productive member is society. Instead you choose to get and stay high knowing that you can simply hide behind your bag of weed. Someday, maybe you will be able to face life without the need to be high.

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    • Ummitsstillme

      Joe Rogan seems to do alright

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      • CDmale4fem

        And you can say without a doubt that he is high as much as you say you want to be ? Rumors are rumors and what people say and passed down they however many is stories. I doubt you sit with Joe Rogan and watch him or her high with him "all the time". But hey, your example of Joe Rogan is just that type of mentality to justify your actions to yourself. I suppose you are in the approx 80% of society that plans to survive by living off a inheritance.

        P.S. You have to pay INTO social security to be able to apply for it and get it.

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