Is it normal to be exhausted with the world treating adult aspies like children?

I absolutely hate the fact there is little to no assistance for people with Autism for adults especially in rural areas. A lot of people hear autism and assume the adult with autism is immature, retarded or childish. Why there is only assistance for children is beyond me. Children grow up to be adults and adults need to be able to make it on their own if able to.
The category of Disorders has been known in the English-speaking world for over thirty years now. I don't think I should have to request people to treat me like an adult when I am in an adult body, have adult responsibilities and duties.
If you are an adult whom is on the Spectrum whether it be Asperger's Syndrome, Autism or Autistic Spectrum Disorder, share your experiences with me please. I am curious to know.

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Comments ( 8 )
  • WeirdGuyFromTheSouth

    I agree, maybe a life coach would help? Someone to teach you social skills. Also medication like beta blockers help a little. There's not much help out there.
    I use to think I might be on the spectrum but I've never been diagnosed. Before I thought it was anxiety but now I think it was more of social skills. I've learned how to cope and be more normal. Not caring is the best thing that happened to me as I got older. If you really dont give a shit you can be more normal.

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    • LloydAsher

      Teaching social skills to people with aspergers? You do realize the primary reason why they are labeled aspergers is because they cant understand social ques right? Cant teach a blind man to see, but I suppose you can make them pretend to be social. 0

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      • I suggest you do better research. Being blind is relatively permanent condition. Teaching social skills can be done but it is more difficult as a person gets older.

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  • SwickDinging

    I think it's partly because the modern media portrays people with Asperger's as little pets that you befriend and treat like puppies. Have you seen A Typical? That show annoyed the fuck out of me. Everyone patronised that kid so much. He was doing well at school, he had a job and also had a girlfriend for a while. He was really smart and people just treated him like a retarded cute pet. It was all shown in a positive light, as if his patronising friends were doing him a massive favour by "looking after him".

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    • I will have to watch that. I am glad that you mentioned this as the media has a significant influence on people's perceptions.

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      • Hansberger

        It's not normal, but the adults get psychiatric treatment and doctors don't treat adult Aspies like children, they write humiliating reports about them, this is the case with me, the "Aspie", and now that I haven't done any criminal activity I don't have to see a psychologist to be taken to court and then a jail cell, jail time/court has finished a long time ago, and I need to get off the meds but the doctors won't let me, am I the only one who smells a rat? Oh yeah, and I favourited your post. :)

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        • Ok, Thanks.

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  • IrishPotato


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