Is it normal to be completely in sync with someone?

My dad and I are completely in sync to the point it's really angering me. It's more than just finishing each other's sentences, it's literally everything.

When I'm around him, we always make the same decisions but at different times. If I go for a drink in the kitchen, he's literally walking around the corner at the same time. Doesn't matter if it's 10am or 1pm, we always do it.
Same with going to the bathroom, we literally always need it at the same time. Doesn't matter if it's 3:30 or 4:10... somehow we always end up doing the same thing together.
If I get on my laptop, he does too. If I am cold and put on a hoodie, he does too.

I don't think it's normal. I feel like we are the same person, just detached into 2 bodies. It's very creepy too. I actually have a lot of disdain for my father, so it angers me that we are literally the same person.

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88% Normal
Based on 8 votes (7 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • SkullsNRoses

    Drinking water, going to the bathroom and reacting to changes in temperature are mundane things that have nothing to do with moral caliber. You are not your father.

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    • But when we absentmindedly do them at the same exact times? Think of it like twins who might be on the same 'wavelength'. Or like a potato sack race where you have to move the exact same way with your partner. It's like I have a shadow

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      • SkullsNRoses

        I have this with the relatives I live with, it’s sometimes annoying but I wouldn’t read too much into it.

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  • Ummitsstillme

    Do you have an opportunity to seperate yourself?

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  • Millie_the_evil_saint

    Why do you have disdain for your father?

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  • normal-rebellious

    It's normal, it happens all the time, when dad takes supplements I'm supplied with my own supplements, I take yeast in my juice as dad does, I drink apple and blackcurrant juice as a stranger waiting in line does (I only saw him once), I look at an angle like my support worker Dr Jock, I sit on the hay like a cowboy, I brush my teeth like Uncle Ben (resident near house where I live), I believe likewise to my housemate. Your dad wants to be like you, he likes you.

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    • I've been told that before, that my dad wants to be like me/likes me. It creeps me out because he doesn't act that 'intimate' with my mom. I feel like he thinks I'm more like his intimate partner than his own wife. I feel like any time we do the same things together, or he copies what I do, its' a line of 'intimacy' that is getting crossed and I feel violated. He has abused me before so that's why I think that.

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  • bigbudchonger

    I don't doubt that there's an abnormal amount of correlation; I do doubt that it's every time though. Maybe you've got fixated on this and only seem to recognise the times you do something together rather than at seperate times?

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    • Perhaps. I won't disagree with maybe to fixated on it. But I notice he doesn't do it with anyone else. Like at a table of people, everyone's doing something different like taking a drink, wiping their mouth, eating a piece of bread, getting 2nds, etc... but he'll only do what I do. Sometimes it's blatant copying. I went for an extra napkin just to test him, and sure enough he did too even when he already had an unused one.

      But during separate times, yeah it can be similar still -- for instance, whenever I wake up on a weekend, always at different times (sometimes 7am or as late as 11am and anywhere in between), he gets up 5 minutes later. There's no way he'd be able to hear me in the kitchen, but there he is 5 minutes later every occurrence, and it's always at a random time. We always wake up at the same time and to that's just creepy.

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  • Tinybird

    I felt like this with my young cousin when I met him. We literally kept finishing each other's sentences and saying the same thing at the same time, as if we were telepathic. It happened about 5 times. He even said, "we're like the same person!" But I found it funny rather than annoying.

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