Is it normal to be atheist, yet support christian values?

I don't believe in a god, but I do believe in christian values. Is that weird or not?

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90% Normal
Based on 20 votes (18 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • Trichfuzz

    I wouldn’t quiet classify myself as an atheist, but I think Christianity has many superior values compared to other religions.

    I just wouldn’t want to dedicate myself to any God or belief. But I do appreciate many Christian values, particularly forgiveness.

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  • Grunewald

    My family does that. I think even Richard Dawkins does that. Western humanism itself was founded on a Christian civilization.

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  • LloydAsher

    Yes because you arent insane like the atheism+ on reddit.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Liberalism is a spectrum. For Jesus's time he was very liberal for a jew. I think thats the one weakness of the religion. Its too tolerant. This is why Islam will conquer Europe in a century or two. Radical liberalism destroys itself.

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  • JPlagoon

    It means you have similar ideals. Regardless of the “religious” idea. There’s no conflict.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Yes but christianities main weakness is its quite liberal. Jesus forgave sinners and told you to accept them. Islam is superior in this and is taking over because its strict. But Islam does not have good values in a lot of areas so it's not a good alternative. I presume in the next 100 years places like Sweden will have a slight muslim majority and they will get to vote muslim politicians in who will eventually create a form of sharia. Islam is the future in western europe and theres not much can be done about it now.

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    • True. But christian societies were hardly like that up until recently.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        True which is why we took over the world. But unfortunately Christianity has a weakness in that its open to interpretation. Islam is super clear on what you need to do. And it even teaches when you are the minority of a country obey the rules and assimilate. But it says have a lot of kids and when muslims take majority push Islam on everyone.

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  • allialli

    I think everyone should be this way, despite religion. Those Christians who's religion is the only thing stopping them from doing horrible things are the worst.

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  • litelander8

    It has good family values. But I would never expect my children or anyone else to believe it’s the one singular truth.

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  • profanity


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