Is it normal to be angry my boss told new coworker about me?

I work for a small family business. On my new coworker's second day we were talking and she said where I'd moved to and that the boss had said I'd fallen out with my mum.
I was shocked as I'd never told him this and I get on with her fine with regular phone calls. Then I remembered a few months ago I'd asked him for a reference and said I couldn't wait to move out BEFORE Christmas. I made no mention of my mum but obviously I lived with her and this was my first time moving out. He'd made that assumption but I was shocked he'd introduced me to a new coworker in this way with regards to my personal life which I'd not shared with him.
In general he is nosy and intrusive and he must know by now I say as little as possible about my personal life (I am known as "quiet"). So, when discussing where I'm from (I used to live nearer to where she lives) I was shocked he'd said this (and remembered) without asking me if it was true or how I was.

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0% Normal
Based on 4 votes (0 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    grow a fuckin spine and tell people to mind their own goddamn business

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  • bbrown95

    It's normal you feel angry, as that is personal stuff, and it's very odd (not to mention blatantly disrespectful) that your boss would share that.

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    • Thank you, you didn't vote though...
      I think he might have said it to get us talking on purpose? As she told me about this when we were on our first business trip together a couple of days later, as if I was going to elaborate. So maybe he wanted information? I have other stuff going on that he may think is affecting my performance. A month ago he gave me his partner's number all of a sudden even though I've been there for months.

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  • Thank you, you didn't vote though...
    I think he might have said it to get us talking on purpose? As she told me about this when we were on our first business trip together a couple of days later, as if I was going to elaborate. So maybe he wanted information? I have other stuff going on that he may think is affecting my performance. A month ago he gave me his partner's number all of a sudden even though I've been there for months.

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    • bbrown95

      I voted Not Normal.

      I think it's still unprofessional of him to share personal information about you with another coworker without your permission.

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