Is it normal to be against illegal immigration

is it normal to be against illegal immigration

Voting Results
93% Normal
Based on 59 votes (55 yes)
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Comments ( 57 )
  • RoseIsabella

    I'm not a fan of illegal immigration.

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    • raisinbran

      Me neither, mainly because of the exploitation that happens. Not a fan of overseas sweatshops either.

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      • RoseIsabella

        It's also related to human trafficking. ☹

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  • drdnk957

    Stop the mass exodus from shitty parts of the world to better places. Eventually there will not be enough for everybody. Focus on fixing the shitholes.

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    • Legion

      Yep, people should be helped in their own country, and I don't mean simply by throwing money or aid at them. That never works, as the money and supplies are taken by the corrupt government there, and the people in the area are in the same spot they were before. If you can help the citizens of a nation to be self-sufficient, and to help them build their nation, then everyone there can be better off.

      Yes, easier said than done, however, its still a more feasible option than trying to bring them all to a more prosperous nation, and bankrupting that nation by overtaxing the limited resources.

      In other words, if you bring millions from a poorer nation to a richer nation, without concern for the resources of the nation, you only end up breaking the richer nation, and end up expanding the number of people in poverty, while failing to uplift the people that were imported in the first place.

      Even more so, millions more will still live in poverty back in the old place.

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      • drdnk957

        The way I see it, our current trend will lead to the following:

        Today: "We have a higher standard of living than Mexico"

        A few decades from now: "Well, we're better off than Indonesia"

        In more obvious terms, the "It could be worse..." mindset, which is awful.

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  • Idinnaewannaelive

    Absolutely normal.

    Slight rant:

    Is the extreme liberal way of thinking so prevalent in all forms of media that people are beginning to wonder if it is normal to think even a little conservative? If (more than likely) so, Jesus fucking Christ. I wish there were a god to save us all lol.

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    • RoseIsabella

      There is, but a lot of people choose not to believe in him, because they want to be free to pursue whatever mindless yolo pursuits they so choose.

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      • Idinnaewannaelive

        I'm curious, Which deity do you believe in?

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        • RoseIsabella

          I'm a Christian.

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          • Idinnaewannaelive


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            • RoseIsabella

              Right on.

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  • bubsy

    Human traffickers and the child they bring in to get raped, abused and then harvested get themselves and their product into the US via illegal immigration.

    Hey liberals: there's a reason border agents separate kids from their 'parents' at the border. It's not for shits and giggles.

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    • RoseIsabella

      Amen to that!

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  • IrishPotato

    As long as you can make a distinction between refugees and terrorists and happiness seekers

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    • raisinbran

      U.S. courts are notoriously unable to make that distinction.

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      • IrishPotato

        That's pretty sad.

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  • bigbudchonga

    Yes, completely.

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    • RoseIsabella

      I like your attitude.

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  • HolyMoses

    Yes it be normal.

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  • 309uf2o38yf

    I don't believe the earth should have man-made borders at all, so I disagree on principle.

    But I think it's pretty normal for the brainwashed, overly-patriotic masses to be against others immigrating into "their" lands.

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    • No borders sounds rather non feasible at this point

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      • 309uf2o38yf


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        • Borders have long been established. Every country has people who don't want outsiders in their country. This is normal for a person's own house as well. So it's perfectly normal and acceptable in my opinion for people to not want certain outsiders in their country. Considering some cultures clash inevitably.

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          • 309uf2o38yf

            It's xenophobic. And the united states is unique in that it was founded specifically for foreigners to escape persecution because of their beliefs.

            The statue of liberty even invites foreign settlers into the country.

            Her plaque reads "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

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            • that means the US should welcome a plethora of undocumented people

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    • leggs91200

      No kidding. How long has Trump been telling his brain washed followers that we are going to build a stupid wall now? It has been about two years now.

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      • Well it would keep out illegals

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    • nikkiclaire

      It's a lovely thought but have you thought through the logistics of services (roads, bridges, police, fire, hospitals), resource management, laws?

      We would return to tribal living, which might be ok, but that's what it would most likely have to be.

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      • 309uf2o38yf

        I didn't say no states or municipalities, just no countries. Or perhaps a united earth with a single elected head of office where the countries are treated as provinces.

        What the world is now is just modern feudalism. A bunch of kings vying for territory, sacrificing their warriors en masse trying to overpower other kings.

        I know that what I suggest sounds too like star trek lol but it's a good idea.

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  • nikkiclaire

    There is a key word here that should make everyone against it, except perhaps criminals.

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    • RoseIsabella


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      • nikkiclaire

        🙌yazz hehe

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  • Meowypowers

    Maybe kinda sorta. Ideally we want everyone to come via Ellis Island. Real refugees that are suffering from Central America should be allowed in. The nasty Muslims that are ruining Europe aren't really cool though. People are starving in Yemen and Nicaragua though. I don't know!

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    • nikkiclaire

      A refugee isn't an illegal immigrant if they are granted refugee status.

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  • kelili

    Without illegal immigrants the biggest economies would crash. You need to exploit those cheap labour to maintain your standard of living and to be able to provide goods and services at a competitive prices. Don't get me wrong, I'm not implying that it is a good thing to exploit people. But this is how things work in most developed countries. It's like you're okay that the same people are exploited in their countries to maintain your standard of liviing in the west but do not want the same people in your country. No one is illegal. This is a bullshit concept.

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    • I'd work for cheap, and I'm an American born citizen.

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      • kelili

        But still you'll like/expect from your employer to respect your rights as a worker and pay you overtimes.

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    • SwickDinging

      I haven't been to USA myself but I can certainly testify that this is true of UK. The government pretends to be so soft and caring and wanting to help all God's creatures, but in reality they just want a cheap work force and a steady stream of new people to shit on. Keeps the grand machine ticking over nicely.

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  • palepunk

    Keep in mind that the US turned away boats of Jews during WWII and never apologized. They were ‘illegal immigrants’ by 2018 standards.

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    • WarriorGene

      I'm proud of US

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      • TS

        He says "and never apologized" as if we have something to apologize for.

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        • WarriorGene

's not like Jews have been expulsed +50 times from many different countries througut the history. No excuses, no apologies. People made their choices and they had their reasons.

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  • chuy

    If you're trump than no is totally normal.

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  • leggs91200

    Consider the negative side of not having immigrants, legal or not, here in USA.
    There are only so many black men to go around so what then would the white women cross-breed with? You know these white chicks cannot stand to breed with their own kind.

    So it is typically the white men who are against illegals.

    I wonder how many of these white men, who do not want Mexicans here, would still be against it if the "illegals" were a bunch of 20 something year old bikini models?

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    • You seem like a pleasant person.

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  • megadriver

    I live in Germany. I am a legal immigrant myself. I'm Bulgarian, only living here until I make enough money to go back home, invest said money and make even more money. But the thing is... I pay my taxes. I pay my rent. I pay for my food and drinks.

    But I despise all the gypsies and muslims that have flooded Germany. They all go on welfare. All of them hate western culture. All of them have protests against us. All of them hate Christianity in general and can not coexist with Christians. Pretty much all of them commit crimes... Beat up people, rape, kill, steal, etc and us (Europeans) are supposed to be tolerant, cause they come from a war torn country...

    Doesn't matter where you come from. Aside from the odd rape committed by actual soldiers, regular people don't just rape each other randomly.

    These wild sand monkeys come here. They get welfare, they get food coupons, they pay no rent, they pay no taxes, they steal, rape, maim, kill, etc... They don't belong here. Call me a racist, call me an idiot, whatever... You know I'm right!
    The western world, belongs to western people. We don't need isis freaks, we don't need Chinese families that have 100 children. We also don't need large Indian families here.

    I've had it with paying stupidly high taxes, so idiots that can't keep their dicks in their pants, get free money! Fuck that! Where is my free money! I have my own company and I need to expand. Where is my help from the state?! Nowhere! That's where. I get taxed to hell, so illegal gypsies can drive white 7-series!

    Can't wait to make enough money to go back home to Bulgaria and turn the tide... In Germany the law is always on your back, but in Bulgaria... A few bribes here and there and you're golden. I will not support the islam takeover of Europe, or the gypsy-ization of Europe! Fuck them sideways with a knife! Tax dodging, bribes, abusing workers, all the Eastern Europe business goodness.

    I'm gonna have a garage full of AMGs and no money will go towards those dirty illegals!

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  • anonY123

    It's normal to be against illegal immigration but on the basis of racism and exclusion. Also, it's good to be compassionate for refugees and asylum seekers :)

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  • randypete

    Stop them before they get here

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  • justme31756

    it's the criminals we don't want...there has to be a screening process or maybe we should just remove all our doors at home....
    that way anyone can come in....

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  • SwickDinging

    As long as you are drawing a distinction between asylum seekers and illegal immigrants then yes, I agree with you and think it's normal.

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    • Legion

      Yes, also, they should still be subject to screening, both for a possible criminal background, and if they are true refugees, or simply people wishing to exploit that classification in an attempt at unauthorized entry.

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      • SwickDinging

        This is a good idea but it's really tough in practice. How do you perform a thorough background check on someone who has no legal documents and has come from some war torn place where that sort of information isn't reliably held?

        It's frustrating because it's an easy situation to fake if you're dishonest, but it's very difficult to prove if you're telling the truth. If your home got carpet bombed or you were suddenly run out of town by some crazy warlord then how the hell are you expected to bring legal documents anywhere? It would just be sheer luck if you had them.

        I don't know what the answer is. I think I prefer a system that is more lenient simply because it means that more truly needy people are helped, but the down side to that is that you are more open to the deceitful which can cause a big knock on effect to a nation.

        In an ideal world richer western countries would use charity funds to go to the source of the troubled areas and rescue people themselves, and take them to near by areas that are safe, but the governments would rather do as little as possible and just make it look like they care by telling people to make an extremely dangerous journey half way across the world, knowing full well that many will die, with no concrete promise of aslyum. That looks good for the press, good for votes...

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        • Legion

          Well, in some cases, it would be indeed difficult to find info, but I feel we should still look to find any possible info we can. For starters, if we find plenty of info that shows a criminal history, they will obviously be rejected, due to the criminal history, and this would also show that they are less likely to be legitimate asylum seekers, considering there was a well intact record of them.

          Yeah, a legit asylum seeker is less likely to have detailed background info, but if we can at least confirm that they are asylum seekers, or at least from the country they say.

          Anything we can do to reduce the amount of criminals, and false asylum seeker claims is a step in the right direction.

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    • charli.m


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  • SmokeEverything

    Law doesn't dictate what's right, I feel like its mostly just a non-issue to keep people arguing.

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