Is it normal the women in my family become ugly after having kids?

This is all on my dad's side of the family.

Whenever my cousins had their first kid, they became very entitled. They would expect all family and friends to buy food and diapers for their baby. They'd expect all family and friends to be free babysitters. They'd expect free housing from friends and family too. If someone didn't give them these things and told them to grow up, they'd get all whiny and act like everyone's time and money is supposed to revolve around them.

I also noticed that once someone from my family has a kid, their looks just go by the wayside. Their metabolisms come to a creeping halt and they can't lose weight, yet their bodies easily gain it. Their faces get covered in melasma and acne. Their hair is never in the same condition it used to be in, so they often cut it super short. They'll gossip and talk shit about the prettier females on my mother's side of the family who never went through that when they had kids.

Is it normal they become ugly inside and out?

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21% Normal
Based on 14 votes (3 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • charli.m

    Ugh I can't stand the type of mother who suddenly acts like she's the only mother who ever mothered and everyone should bow to her and her children...

    It's too common, but it's far from the norm. Totally fine and normal for new parents to be stuck in their own little awe bubble for a bit...but not the nastiness.

    The physical stuff...probably compacted by the attitude, and otherwise just down to genes.

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    • Everyone in my family is ghetto trash. The way their personality permanently alters is disgusting. Some of them aren't even new parents. The physical stuff is one of the reasons I don't want kids. Becoming a fat, blotchy faced, nappy buzz-cut haired monster is not one of my goals in life.

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      • charli.m

        Ugh that sucks :( some people shouldn't breed...but they do.

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        • That statement is so true, yet whenever I saw someone say it, it would hurt the feelings of everyone in the room. I never understood why.

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          • darefu

            The good thing is you can see it. You must take after your mother's side. Just remember that, when you have kids. Some women give all the pretty and cuteness to their baby and stop caring about themself. what they don't understand is that actually compounds the problem. Ugly is what ugly does. Baby wants a cute, fun, attractive and nice mommy as well. Little ones are so much better as they grow if mommy is a pretty person especially inside pretty..

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          • charli.m

            Truth stings I guess haha.

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  • SwickDinging

    No, it's not normal. Most people don't become dickheads as soon as they have a baby. They are unpleasant people and I hope you don't let them bully into giving them stuff.

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    • I never did. Other people got on my case for it. They seem to think that family means having to shell out money for everyone else's fuck ups all the time.

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  • itsamistake

    I have a sister who fits this category, sort of. She IS a narcissistic cunt to start off with but the condition was exacerbated after she had her kids.
    She is my middle sister and I am the oldest sibling however when I had my two kids she bossed me around and told me how to look after them and gave me extremely bad parenting advice as well as telling my kids what to do. She did the same with my next sister too.
    However when it came to HER 3 kids it was back off, I AM THE EARTH MOTHER and I know what to do. Her 3 kids (except maybe the youngest boy - maybe cos she forced him breast feeding him till he was 3) have turned out pretty ok thank god.
    She was pretty ugly on the outside to begin with, but, yeah it's pretty sad state of affairs that she's even uglier now.

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  • SkullsNRoses

    Depends on the person, most people become uglier after having a child, including men hence the idea of the “dad bod”. They no longer have the time or energy to make themselves look decent and the entitled attitude is why I avoid parents, especially of little kids.

    As a side note I once saw a “22 year-old virgin male” describe himself online as having a dad bod. How exactly can one have a dad bod without being a father? Parental appropriation?

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    • Funny thing is the men these women marry never reach the "dad bod" stage. Some of them did manage to reach the "damn I can do better" stage, get divorced, and find happier lives.

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