Is it normal that we don't have family pictures?

It seems like everyone I know has family pictures. My family has No baby pictures no birthday pictures no family vacation pictures no graduation pictures. Is this normal?

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10% Normal
Based on 10 votes (1 yes)
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Comments ( 16 )
  • Although we care about each other we don't show it. I don't think my family is normal.

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    • RoseIsabella

      That's so sad.

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  • Gravybubble

    Some people can’t afford cameras/scared of cameras or just plain old don’t like taking pictures or are ‘in the moment’ you don’t have 1 picture? Look at yearbooks.?

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    • Yearbook pictures are different and not the same as family pictures.

      We literally have one picture of grandma that's it.

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      • Gravybubble

        Talk to your family.

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  • Holzman_67

    I would say you were probably abducted as a child

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  • RoseIsabella

    Are your folks strung out on drugs, and alcohol? Are ya'll really just hella poor? It kinda makes me sad if ya'll don't have any pictures. My folks took a lot of pictures.

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  • bbrown95

    Some people don't take a lot of pictures, while others take pictures at any available moment.

    Unfortunately, I have very few pictures of my horse showing days because it was before/during the infancy of cell phone cameras (which weren't very good and IIRC, transferring the photos wasn't easy) and we didn't really have a camera on us very often, and I really wish I had more pictures of my favorite horses who have long since passed away. All I have are the memories, a very small handful of pictures, and my childhood saddle that will never fit me again, yet I can't bear to part with because it's one of the only things I have left from those days.

    Some people have also unfortunately had a lot of photos destroyed in natural disasters, etc., so don't have much left. I have lost some due to computer and phone crashes before I knew how to back them up online.

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  • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

    It is strange. My sister recently came to the realization there are only four baby photos of her and much more of my brother and me for some reason. It made her feel bad.

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  • SkullsNRoses

    My family used to have album after album of photos dating back to the 80s but they were all thrown away 2 years ago so I’m sort of in the same boat as you now. Everything I can’t remember or wasn’t alive for is lost to time.

    You could try and take photos at your next family event but bear in mind that some people just really don’t like to be photographed. If they find it annoying or invasive you should respect that.

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    • RoseIsabella

      Oh my God! Why were the photos thrown away?

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      • SkullsNRoses

        My mother apparently decided to throw them all away after lockdown, including pictures of my father’s late parents. I didn’t find out until they were gone or I would have insisted on at least picking the best ones out and keeping those. Absolutely bizarre to get rid of non-backed up pictures of your youth and your children growing up but unfortunately people are strange sometimes.

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        • RoseIsabella

          Did you ever ask her why?

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          • SkullsNRoses

            One of my sisters did when she found the photos of our grandparents missing, she just said they were junk and we didn’t need them. It’s a shame.

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            • RoseIsabella

              That's so awful! I really feel bad for ya'll. I used to go out with a dude in Vegas who had something similar happen to his family.

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