Is it normal that my friends won’t meet up

I am 18 years old and all my friends are university students aged 18-21. I have been in contact with some friends and have offered them to meet up in one of our houses or to have a party as everything is still closed in the UK due to the lockdown.

All of my friends have refused because the government have banned meetings of more than 2 and going to other peoples’ houses and they are worried about ‘protecting the vulnerable.’

I am of the opinion that this virus is just natural selection, weeding out the elderly or immunocompromised. Yet all of my friends are so hung up on protecting them despite not being in the at risk group themselves.

I am getting so unbearably bored in lockdown and I can’t believe they aren’t feeling the same. Is it normal for young and healthy people to be so overly concerned about the elderly and sick to the point where they are letting it get in the way of enjoying life?

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62% Normal
Based on 13 votes (8 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • JustAHuman

    How about a Zoom party?

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    • RoseIsabella

      YES! I have a friend who wants to be a nun, or a sister from when I was in Las Vegas, and she invited me to her Zoom Bible study. The last time I went there were almost twice as many of us! I was a little nervous, because I not the most technically inclined, and I can be self-conscious.

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    • my_life_my_way

      Chatting online is no substitute for real life. I want to meet up and go out, not just sit in my house

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      • McSorley

        I can always tell which questions are yours.

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        • my_life_my_way

          Whether that’s a good or a bad thing, I’m just glad people are paying attention to me

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  • Nikclaire

    Here people back their cars up in a circle in a random parking lot and sit on their own tailgates for social distance get togethers. Maybe try that.

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  • Kool_owl

    Sounds like an excuse they are using so they don't have to see you .
    It takes work to keep a friendship alive .

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  • SmokeEverything

    All of the evidence points to this NOT being about helping sick and old people. Stop watching the news. Old people don't get lifesaving medical care in hospitals in normal times. The government doesn't care if people who've left the workforce die. It's a lie to make you feel bad.

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