Is it normal that my armpits smell bad no matter what i do?

I have really strong body odor, so of course, it smells even worse after I sweat a lot from working out. I used so many deodorants that are out there in the market, but nothing seems to work. I've even used men's deodorant, but even that stopped covering up the stench. I also tried shaving my armpits to see if it made a difference, but it made no difference at all because my armpits get moist a lot. Nowadays, I try to take some soap and lather it directly into my armpits. After I rinse it off though, my armpits are still kicking with their stench. I have literally spent 5 minutes on each armpit by just scrubbing them with a washcloth full of soapy water, but it did nothing, even after I tried drying them off in front of a fan. The only thing that actually works is a clinical deodorant, such as Mitchum. Is this a hormonal imbalance or something?

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26% Normal
Based on 19 votes (5 yes)
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Comments ( 29 )
  • RoseIsabella

    You might want to see a doctor.

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  • McBean

    Drink a gallon of water per day. (PS. I love trimmed armpit hair. We should get together.)

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  • lonewolf1253

    There are certain medical conditions that can cause this. A doctor could tell you for sure. If you practice good hygiene and still reek it's probably a medical condition.

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  • darkraider

    Damn. I didn't think about that. I think it has some talcum in it. If it's any consolation, I had a girlfriend once who had a strong scent and I liked it.

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    • darkraider

      And she didn't mind mine, either! It's alright to smell like a human.

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      • crazypassion

        Thanks! I was hoping there really was people for everything. It's totally cute that you liked your girlfriend's body odor. :)

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  • Dingus69

    Mince up some cloves of garlic and wipe the juice on the area.

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  • lordofopinions

    I've never used deodorant because of the thought of putting chemicals in my armpits is bad news because it could cause cancer of the lymphatic system or the breasts. I am male btw and men can get the equivalent of breast cancer but it's related to the lymphatic system.

    I sweat as much as anyone but don't have body odor or I haven't had anyone tell me. :) I shower regularly, sometimes twice if I am going out in the evening after a sweaty day at work.

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  • Checkmate_King

    use bicarbonate of soda instead of deodorant. baking soda.

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  • sissycakes

    I hardly ever shave my armpits. do you get embarrassed if people see your hairy armpits. I do. Anyway, I have heard of people getting surgery done to make them sweat less.

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  • I have experience with this. I had a comrade in the army with the same problem. He was cured, practically in one day, by doing a few certain things:

    Use sure deodorant and get a new stick when it begins to dry out

    Take all choline out of your diet (eggs, certain fishes, etc)

    Take zinc tablets daily

    Avoid any roll on type deodorants... they make it worse.

    Take magnesium

    Do you have any intestinal Maladies like crowns disease or IBS? If so, you probably have a deficiency in the mineral zinc, which is your first line of defense against odor.

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  • Nickvey

    had the same issue BO. cured it , had to do two things , shave armpits , switch to a soap made of coconut oil instead of putrid animal fats. even without deodorant (never used it everything in it causes human cancer) it very hard to smell anything just a light hint of pleasant sexy smell now. try it out, could work for you too. what you dont want to do is feed the bacteria that cause stink.

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  • nikkiclaire

    Lose weight. Sorry it's true. Baby powder. Thats the stuff u want.

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  • Not sure whether it's normal, but I am literally the same. I sweat a lot, like hell.

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  • darkraider

    Are you a man or a woman?

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    • crazypassion

      I'm a woman.

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      • darkraider

        I'm a man and I have a similar problem. The Mitchum stuff gives me a rash and stains my clothes. I've had some luck with Gold Bond medicated powder and no deodorant.

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        • crazypassion

          Thanks. I might actually consider this. But is Gold Bond medicated powder made of talcum powder? If it is, then I would prefer to not use it because talcum powder has been recalled for being the cause of ovarian cancer.

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          • McBean

            Try corn starch.

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          • sissycakes

            It is only if it you use it on your vagina, but I can understand if you are not wanting to use a product that may cause cancer, because that is a horrible thing for a product to do.

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      • Mark92

        Do you have hairy armpits? I <3 women with hairy armpits, just love licking them and tasting their salty hair, i woulndt mind the smell <3...

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        • crazypassion

          At the moment, my armpits are a little hairy. I've kept them hairy for the longest time. I usually just stick to trimming the hair, but that's only if I even consider doing anything to my armpit hair at all.

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          • Mark92

            Hot <3!

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