Is it normal that i think humans evolved from snails?

I read up this article a few days ago that said a lot about how humans evolved. It said a lot about how the human brain is similar to the brains of snails and our bodies function the same way. In a few years, we might evolve back to snails again.
This is what I believe but everyone I say it too just laughs at me, is it normal to believe this?
Also, as a last resort, I might move to Poland because I don't speak Polish and no one will understand me if I talk about snails and stuff.

Voting Results
18% Normal
Based on 28 votes (5 yes)
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Comments ( 15 )
  • HopelessDreamer

    It might be possible that you evolved from a snail.

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  • suckonthis9

    No, humans did not evolve from snails, nor will humans ever evolve into snails.

    But humans and snails did have common ancestors a very long time ago.
    Long before the first mammals (c. 200 million years ago), and long before the first molluscs (c. 500 million years ago).

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    • LuxM4G

      True piece of information. All hail Richard Dawkins.

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  • lonewolf1253

    Your quite a comedian. Go to Poland after seeing no penguins in Norway.

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    • Norway owes me some penguins. :(

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    They tell us that
    We lost our tails
    Evolving up
    From little snails
    I say it's all
    Just wind in sails
    Are we not men?
    We are Devo
    Are we not men?

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  • Ellenna

    You just added a lot more people to the list of those who laugh at you

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  • NothingbutFireflies

    How low has this world come to.........
    How....JUST HOW?

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  • RandomNumbers

    dude when god created the humans, he made plenty of experiments. Many of them where recicled in other creatures of nature.
    the humans did not evolve, they were created from the clay

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  • Ummitsme

    Escargot are delicious.

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  • DepressedStar33

    Next time, look on wikipedia, trust me, it's much more accurate.

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  • Issacelerx

    You are normal. I believe that too.

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  • Nickvey

    if evolution were true how come it only happened on earth one time. every living thing on earth uses the same four DNA bases and not 3 or 5 or 6 base pairs. and they use the same four base pairs. it means life only has one pattern . pretty weird right.

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  • DingusKhan

    Yes it true! I saw a small boy evolve to snail one day! His parents cried because they knew the government would take him away and salt him.

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  • Pumpurrnickel

    Humans haven't evolved from snails.

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