Is it normal that i shower with the bathroom light off?

I have a habit of taking a shower with the lights off in the bathroom. It's just that the bathroom is so tiny that the one light bulb that is in it seems to yield too much brightness. It's uncomfortable for my eyes, so I started showering with no lights in the bathroom a couple of months ago. I usually just leave the door a bit open so that a small amount of light from the next room enters. Or, I just turn my phone's flashlight on and lay it on a shelf in the bathroom. It's the direct light that I don't like, so I basically keep it dim in the bathroom. I think it feels better to take a shower in a dim bathroom anyway.

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83% Normal
Based on 23 votes (19 yes)
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Comments ( 17 )
  • d0esnormalmatter

    Yesssssss I do this all the time. I sit down with music rolling and just let the hot water bake me in the pitch black. So relaxing.

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  • SwickDinging

    I used to do this when I was high. I'd have a star projector going as well. It was great.

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  • Sunshinegirl

    We once lived in a small house with a small bathroom. And when the dome light was on you could see through the shower door, so when others would be trying to use the bathroom the person in the shower would be exposed.
    So if you were in the shower you would prefer the dome light to be off, leaving the smaller light over the sink on.

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  • WeirdGuyFr0mTheSouth

    When im hungover i poop with the light off

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  • Shiki

    I would also try that, but I am too scared to slip or anything. A bit clumpsy xD
    I like to be aware to know where everything is and not to make a mess

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    • crazypassion

      I just keep a bathroom mat right in front of the shower and I take my time showering to avoid slipping. As for the mess and the need to know where everything is, I just keep my products on a ledge near me so that I can easily access them while I'm showering.

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      • Shiki

        Nah i would still be too scared xD

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        • crazypassion

          That's ok. You like to be safe instead of regretting a mistake that yielded an awful consequence.

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          • Shiki

            Yeah, also my bathroom has dim light unlike yours ^^
            I just kind of like it to be blind? I can't really describe, but it is fun lol

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            • crazypassion

              Oh my God, yes! I love that blindness you're talking about. It really is so much fun. I always explain it as feeling like your bathroom is a whole new place because it resembles nothing of how it looks under a bright light. It's like it's a mystical place of your own where you feel safe and secure, despite the darkness.

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  • Scared2Express

    I tend to have the light off and a candle going on the bathroom sink. Very nice.

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  • rocketdave

    I shave while in the shower, not a good idea to do that blind!

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  • Bazinga

    Buy a dimmer switch. I have one, and I adjust the lights to a perfect full moon brightness.

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