Is it normal that i'm sick of all the nostalgia in today's society?

We're so entrenched in nostalgia that nothing new is happening anymore, and that kinda sucks, IMO. The best would be if we all just let go of the past, remove our nostalgia goggles and try to come up something new instead, something cool, something that hasn't been done before, now when we're approaching the upcoming decade, the 2020s.

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68% Normal
Based on 25 votes (17 yes)
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Comments ( 28 )
  • leggs91200

    The future isn't what it used to be.

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    • You're kinda right. Nowadays, our outlook on the future is mostly pessimistic. It was different back in the 1950s and 1960s, when it was extremely optimistic instead. Then something changed in the 70s that gave rise to the dystopian view that is so prevalent nowadays.

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      • leggs91200

        I am not even sure what they are now predicting for the future.
        What, more and "Better" iphones? How exciting.

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        • Right now, the rage seems to be all about 5G, which supposedly, from what I've read, will change everything. Allthough, there is also a lot of resistance to it from a whole bunch of people who claim it's dangerous.

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          • leggs91200

            I have heard people are freaking out over 5g, but what is so big about it that has people up in arms?
            Yeah I could google it and all that but of course that would mean wading through Alex Jones stuff and of course entire websites raving about it.

            I did a very brief google search and there is something about cancer but shit man, this food I am about to eat probably causes cancer, so is that it?

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  • bogbrush

    Good memories are only good once time has past. The past is no more, we need to think only of today and the future.

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  • d0esnormalmatter

    To vague

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  • Nycifer

    Going to agree with you. Nostalgia is only good for temporary visits and nothing more. Nostalgia has now turned into just a thing to market off of, to appeal to past generations that have not and probably won't - let go of that childhood. We're "supposed" to be worried about making sure "everything is exactly as it was" to make sure those people don't cry because they want to show their children "the good old days".

    Screw that, they should know that they're just marketing shills who'll throw money at anything if it so much reminds them a 2 minute memory of their childhood from wayback whenever. Video Game companies exploit this all the time. Movies do this all the time. They're just dancing around people who're too nostalgic to think of the future.

    New things doesn't always mean it's going to suck a lot of the time. Move on, already, christ.

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  • GaelicPotato

    Nostalgia is nice.

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    • Yeah, but not to the point where there is nothing original anymore.

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      • GaelicPotato

        Everyone's nostalgia is unique to the individual.

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  • TerriAngel

    I get what youre saying.
    But it would take a change in leadership.
    A drastic change.
    For one, distribute fresh water.
    World wide.
    We dont have a shortage of water, we have a distribution problem.
    This would mean a lot more green.
    End incarceration.
    Totally reform prisons into work camps, 5 year sentence would be the max for any crime except murder,
    for that you get death.
    You get 3 shots.
    If you are convicted a third time, You also get a death penalty.
    This said, reform the legal system.
    No more teams of jew lawyers.
    If you face a trial you have equal representation.
    You couldnt buy your way out, like O.J., jackson, trump, etc.
    Limit population, we have enough people.
    Theres a start.
    But, none of it will happen.

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    • SmokeEverything

      People need to stop having babies. They already limit population with all the posion in the water and food we eat. They are trying to lower the lifespan of the average person because selfish "normies" can't find anything more interesting to do than bring more babies into an overpopulated world.

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        theres too many backwards cultures that reward havin unlimited kids despite not bein able to support em

        most birth control is both not 100% reliable and obnoxious to use

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      • TerriAngel

        I cant argue with you.
        Why anyone with any education at all is having kids.
        Its beyond me.
        You could argue that if youre wealthy its OK.
        But, even then.
        Your kids will still be living on an overused abused planet.
        And facing an increasing liklyhood of big changes.

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    • Boojum

      "No more teams of jew lawyers."

      So teams of gentile lawyers would be permitted in your totalitarian regime?

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        i hope theres still jew movie producers or the whole industryd collapse

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      • TerriAngel

        I dont like lawyers period.
        Im not fond of jews either, but thats a separate issue.
        Lawyers are just the lowest morally bankrupt, money whores the world has ever seen.
        My opinion.

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    • Are you just a big fan of writing grocery lists?

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      • CozmoWank

        And not much of a fan of Jews from the sound of it.

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      • TerriAngel

        I was just trying to answer the question.
        What I posted is about 1/100th.
        of what went through my mind.
        It looks like a grocery list to you.
        A humanities to do list, to me.
        But we wont.

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        • tarantula.
          I know but.
          I’m trying to.
          Keep up.

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  • Boojum

    I think nostalgia is just part of being human. The passage of time tends to bleach the memories of the really shitty stuff that used to happen back in whatever time period you choose to fixate on, and the positive things tend to take on a golden glow.

    Hell, there were probably old people in the late 1300s who looked back on the Black Death fondly because labour shortages meant it was easy to get work and those who survived were paid a lot more than they were before.

    I was born in the fifties, and there's no period of my life that I look back on with particular fondness. Every decade had it's good aspects and bad. Even though I could easily list a load of things I think are negative about the world we live in today, I wouldn't be tempted if someone offered me a one-way trip back in a time machine.

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    • Do you ever remember there being any sort of nostalgia back in the 1960s? Like, did people back then ever look back fondly on the WW2 period?

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      • Boojum

        I grew up in the States and I don't know that "remembered fondly" is exactly the right term for how WWII was recalled in the sixties, but it was certainly glorified. Similar with the Great Depression: people didn't think it was a wonderful time, but they did believe that people were better and more noble back then and the travails of the period brought out the best qualities in people.

        While people now think of the sixties as a period of huge cultural transformation, there were loads of people then who hated what was going on and looked back on the fifties as being a golden age when everyone (especially the damn kids and coloured folks) knew their place and everything was wonderful.

        In Britain, many people - most of whom weren't even alive in 1945 - still persist in looking back at WWII as the country's Greatest Hour. That attitude is so deeply ingrained in so many Brits that it's a good part of what's behind the current Brexit shitstorm.

        The truly malignant side of nostalgia is that believing the myth of an illusory glorious past can prevent you from acknowledging where you and your country are now and making sensible decisions about the future. Instead, you try to recreate some marvellous past that never actually existed.

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      • spunkluvr

        No. Mainly because, in the sixties, we were all having such a good time!

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        • Including those in the Vietnam?

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          • spunkluvr

            We're not all American - thankfully.

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