Is it normal that..i like baseball movies more than watching an actual game?

This has occurred to me several times. I seem to like baseball movies on tv or in the movies much more than watching or going to a real game. Baseball on tv bores me to death, but movie baseball is fine and interesting, either drama or comedy. Just can't sit through a baseball game more than maybe 3 innings.

On the opposite, I love football and basketball, and can watch both on tv, in person, or movies about them. Does anyone else have this?

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86% Normal
Based on 7 votes (6 yes)
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Comments ( 2 )
  • Horrorful

    Definitely normal! You'd be silly to think that movies about sports only involve just that... sports. A lot of cinematography and planning goes into it so that you get invested into the plot, characters, situations, etc.

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    • Mehereok1

      That's absolutely part of it..Things done to make the movie interesting, and, even baseball scenes, good. I've known this for awhile, but, recently watched "Cobb" about Ty Cobb, and one of my favorites, "Eight Men Out", about the 1919 Black Sox scandal, and it hit me again..Why do I like baseball movies much more than the actual game? It's because movies are made to be interesting, if they're any good. A 9-inning baseball game can take hours and be boring as crap. Today and tomorrow.

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