Is it normal that i like antagonising those religious preachers with satanism?

Whenever I'm in the streets, I see those preachers who keep preaching about " God " and I yell " Hail Satan " while drawing the pentagram and they always give me the angry face but I find that funny and then performing a demonic ritual in front of them sometimes I get chased by those preachers and its worth it.

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42% Normal
Based on 26 votes (11 yes)
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Comments ( 25 )
  • Bazinga

    Excellent! Burning pranksters like you at the stake provides the drama needed to unify the faithful.

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  • raisinbran

    I doubt they're angry, most likely amused by your stupidity.

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    • Actually one of them did get angry at me. They may as well preach about nothing.

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  • COVID-19

    Funny but childish. At least the preacher is giving hope while all you're doing is making an ass of yourself.

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    • BassDays

      Street preachers are basically never the 'hopeful type'. Most street preachers preach condemnation and more often than not are struggling with psychosis. My grandpa used to be a crazy street preacher until he got medicated. Either way, forcing beliefs on the public is lame. There's churches to practice religion. Forcing beliefs on the public is the only disrespectful thing here, not the backlash you get for it.

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      • LagumLemoni

        If your trying to save people from eternal damnation, I dont see a problem

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    • Correction

      Telling people they must join a cult or be condemned to eternal damnation is not hope, anymore than pulling a gun on somebody and telling them you’ll let them live if they give you all their money is giving them hope.

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      • Boojum


        I like that analogy.

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  • SmokeEverything

    I had some guy come up to me in the train station a while back reading stuff off his phone how the bible actually says the earth is a ball and agrees with all the modern ideas of how the universe works, and that proves the bible is right. I answered his stuff back with flat earth stuff til he left me alone.

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    • Boojum

      The Catholic church only accepted in 1822 that the Earth orbits the sun, so I guess nobody in the Church noticed the texts the guy was citing until then.

      If you're ever totally bored and can't think of anything better to do with your time, Google for how fundamentalist Christians hand-wave away the Biblical description of Jahweh making the sun and moon stand still so that Joshua and his tribe could finish their genocidal slaughter of yet another bunch of non-believers.

      Of course, they say, that isn't what _literally_ happened, because we now know that abruptly stopping the rotation of the Earth would have catastrophic global consequences. In order to resolve the contradiction between their belief that every word in the Bible is true and the fact it clearly describes something which is totally impossible, they indulge in the same sort of bogus reasoning that was used by Mediaeval clerics when they debated what happened to Jesus's foreskin and how many angels could fit on the head of a pin.

      The most important thing about the Bible - and the thing that has allowed it to survive as a holy book for so long - is that it's possible to find justifications and explanations for any damn thing if you pick and choose your passages carefully and interpret them loosely enough. The Greeks knew the Earth was a sphere by around 500 BC, but I very much doubt if that memo was of much interest to the bloodthirsty fanatics responsible for the books of the Bible that were written after that. I would bet a significant sum that there is nowhere in the Bible where it states unequivocally that the Earth is a sphere.

      On the other hand, I wouldn't be at all surprised if there are people who believe they've found hidden Biblical messages describing the DNA double helix, nuclear fission and how viruses work, as well as a prophecy that Kim Kardashian would become ridiculously popular for no reason whatsoever.

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      • SmokeEverything

        Wow dude. Hang on Im really fucking wasted right now.

        Ive tried reading the bible, its pretty fucking boring and I dont like rules enough to read that many of them.

        Im not even a flat earther. Im always going on about space travel being fake and thats not even a joke or anything that I believe that, but Im not into the whole biblical cosmology stuff. Flat earth hijacks the fact that NASA is a clear hoax, and it honestly bugs me that the CIA sends fake homophobic street preachers out to lump the entire argument in with flat earth anti abortion biblical literalist nutjobs. So I guess it was just a funny situation to have a preacher telling me stuff off his phone that proves the bible and counter argue his stuff with flat earth stuff when Im not even religious. He got super uncomfortable and left.

        If you need to read your religion from a book you're doing something wrong. Bible code, flat earth society, and NASA are all the same level of credibility and theyre all fucking bullshit.

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        • Inkmaster

          You know, I think you smoke a little too much of everything.

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    • Correction

      It’s truly amazing how little Bible thumpers actually know about the Bible. If you think telling them that the Bible says the earth is flat is fun, go tell a “pro life” person that the Bible says life begins at first breath and the loss of a fetus is considered property damage not murder.

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      • SmokeEverything

        Nobody really knows anything, I feel like.

        People don't want to be ignorant, they want to feel smart, but they aren't for the most part. Most people just like hearing things to parrot back to have something to say. 5 year olds love coming home from school feeling smart because they learned that FIRE ENGINES ARE RED or some kind of dumb thing like that, and if the teacher told them fire engines were purple or black they'd tell the same information to anybody whod listen with the same enthusiasm.

        If you can manipulate children you can manipulate adults, and if you keep the adults stupid you dont even have to try too hard.

        Every cult member believes they have some kind of special knowledge that nobody else has. The harder you believe something the more you believe anyone who disagrees with you is an idiot.

        Im not religious but Im not shitting on religious people. People in the mainstream are manipulated the same way cults work. They run high school psychology classes about the studies theyve done in terms of manipulating people in groups.

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  • Boojum

    Go for it, dude.

    Irrationality and fanaticism should always be opposed. Mocking and trolling is a legitimate response when idiots are spraying innocent pedestrians with verbal diarrhoea.

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    • Inkmaster

      Careful you don't get too irrational and fanatical in your hatred for all things you deem irrational and fanatical.

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    • Clunk42

      The extreme connotational differences between similar parts of your sentence make it very hard to tell whether or not you're being sarcastic.

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      • TheMightyOz

        You probably think I'm being sarcastic about having a tube up my cock. That's because you live in denial. Can you even find your penis? I doubt it.

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        • Clunk42

          I don't think you're being sarcastic; I know what a catheter is, and your sentence doesn't contain a large variation of contradictory connotations.

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          • TheMightyOz

            I'm going to give you the benefit of doubt. "Irrational fanaticism should always be opposed." To the question of when it shouldn't be opposed, there is a answer. The GodOfTheApes. Apes need emotional intensity; howling expression of primal dominance. Shrieking screams of existential agony. The sexual legitimacy of gooey genitals. Fuck yeh, man. Bring it on.

            Now go quietly to your bedroom and read your fucking bible. Or, you will soon be a pathetic loser like me. A loser with a tube in your cock. The personification of patheticness in the eyes of TheGodOfTheApes, and your imaginary God as well.


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  • JellyBeanBandit

    Sounds funny, especially that you're annoying them in the exact same way that they're annoying everyone else.

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  • Cyprusball

    I'm not very familiar with this, but if they are just teaching part of their religion without doing any remarks that judge people, then it's very very rude and disrespectful. This still falls under discrimination (if they are not discriminating against others) and disrespects freedom of religion.

    If you see someone just preaching things without really judging anyone, just walk your merry day and think not about it.

    If they do say something offensive just confront them.

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  • chuy


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