Is it normal that i hate art

I have a couple of friends who are creative arts students and they absolutely live for art. They look at a painting and see some deep meaning or emotions and I just don’t get it. I mean, sometimes it’s kinda pretty but I don’t see a deep meaning about life. Art just bores me. Are they just trying to seem intellectual and unique or do other people feel so moved by a picture on a piece of paper?

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56% Normal
Based on 39 votes (22 yes)
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Comments ( 32 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    i appreciate art if it obviously took a great amount of practice talent and tedious work to do

    thats much more important than the creativity aspect and i think they got the proportion backwards in lotsa cases

    good art to me is a piece that only .0001% of the population could create not a splattered mess that has some 'deep' meanin cause the artist is so and so

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    • raisinbran

      I'm the opposite. I just tossed a couple of large landscape paintings in the trash that obviously took a long time to paint by a very talented person who devoted his life to painting... couldn't even sell them for $20. No one gives a shit how hard you work on something.

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  • Clunk42

    I agree with you, but I don't despise art. I despise literature. I tell you, if you gave a story to an English major, they would find some sort of meaning in it whether there's intended to be one or not, whether the story makes any sense or not.

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  • chrysocolla

    In my senior year art class we took a walk down to a local university to look at art the students had done. I had never seen such a sad pretentious display in my life. Most of them were shit I'd expect a SJW to make. There was one that was just a bunch of chewed up rose petals on a blanket. Somehow that was a rejection of culture. There was one with a naked lady looking at you from behind. Somehow that was an empowering take on the sexualization of Native American women. There was a video of a skinny bitch with self harm scars pretending to cut herself and fucking pepto bismol coming out of her wounds. Somehow that was about the artist not taking herself seriously. The way my classmates discussed this, adding meaning where there was just a thoughtless haphazard display of mindless crap... I couldn't do it anymore.
    I can't remember entirely clearly but I'm pretty sure there was some genderspecial pronoun crap going on there too. I wouldn't have gotten so disillusioned otherwise.
    Needless to say I didn't go to art class after that.

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  • LloydAsher

    Most art now a days is modern bullshit. I perfer the classic painters that paint portraits and landscapes.

    If your art looks like you just squirted random colors around randomly on a blank canvas all you can do to sell it is to bullshit what it means.

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  • Duskwing

    I believe that art is an individual or groups representation of something, their personal fingerprint. It’s of value no matter what it is, as it depicts a persons thought and result of experience at a given point of time. What do you think.

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  • I like seeing the frame of mind or mindset that went behind the art. Starry Night has been my favorite painting for a long time; I'm kind of embarrassed since it's a cliche, but that painting opened up the concept of abstract art.

    At first glance, it seems hastily done with little creativity, but the more you look the more you realize each curvy line and splash of color serves a purpose, unique in its opportunity and they all culminate into something more profound.

    For me, most of my appreciation was from being in art classes throughout school. It was difficult to have inspiration, and even more to get what's in my head on paper. You know, some paintings are super thick because the artist painted dozens and dozens of layers. I don't think I can definitively say what I'm looking for, but when I look at art that speaks to me I imagine each stroke, the need for it and its purpose, and how it might have been to from concept to finished.

    I've commented around, so I'll also add that I get the same feeling from looking at certain people in eyes. In both cases, my pupils expand, my heart and perception of time slows, and I absorb a lot of information.

    You know, the artists who fit this mold are probably the ones I enjoy the most

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    I don't doubt that they genuinely feel that way about art, I just think it's dumb. They're just nice pictures. Some of them do look gorgeous but to cry over a picture is just over-emotional and ridiculous to me. I can't stand abstract art though. The main reason people find deep meaning in that is because they're looking for it, and the only reason they're looking for it is because they're told by someone that it's there, and so they feel that if they don't find it then they just don't understand, like they're too dumb or shallow to understand. I've heard of a story where they showed some paintings done by three year olds to a group of art experts and they all wanted to meet the genius behind the works, it's all bullshit.

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  • Holzman_67

    It’s hard to explain art to a Philistine

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  • Tommythecaty

    No pause to contemplate eternity, or beauty, or death. Maybe you’re just mentally stunted in some way.

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    • BlackButler

      Yeah but, art isn’t the only way into the non linear domain.

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      • Tommythecaty

        Isn’t it? Art is pretty hard to classify in the first place lol

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        • BlackButler

          Ways to enter the non linear domain besides art

          All forms of right brain activity
          Experiencing compassion and non sentimental love or gratitude
          Admiring beauty whether or not it is prompted by art

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  • mouldiwarp

    I don’t think art is boring per se, but I don’t find it deep

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  • BlackButler

    You are NOT obligated to like, enjoy or appreciate art. Do your own thing. You aren’t missing out on what doesn’t suit you. Spend time on what works with you. Don’t waste your time. Art is art. You are you. Yeah artists can make a big deal, they can get excited and passionate, it doesn’t mean you are missing out, it means your assets lie elsewhere. As for whether or not people are posing as enthusiasts or if they are actually enthusiastic... both types of people exist and it isn’t your problem to figure it out or enter into an authenticity contest. Just do your own thing.

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  • Vanta_White

    If they're art students and they seem obsessed with it, they're probably quite moved by it.

    Visual art usually doesn't do much for me either unless it somehow highlights mathematical beauty, as is the case with computer-generated fractal art, which I create myself in my spare time.

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    • Bazinga

      1.618033988749895 based semi-logarithmic curves look extra special.

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  • BleedingPain

    Art is so subjective, and people are sheeple.

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  • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

    I like realistic art. I think the monolisa sucks. It doesnt look realistic. There's way better artists. In art it seems like its all about the name. Van Go could shoot a canvas with a paintball gun and itd be at art shows.

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    • You reminded me of a story my high school teacher told us. He was forced to take an art class in college and had to do some kind of abstract.

      He decided to urinate on a canvas blindfolded and sprinkle dry paint dust over the urine before it dried. He did this several times with different colors.

      Long story short he won second place in his peer evaluation of his "art". He said when he told them how he made it people felt foolish for seeing it as actual art.

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      • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

        Hahahaha thats some shit id do

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  • howaminotmyself

    They sound pretentious. Artists are like that. But the thing about art is that is is extremely varied. The concept of mixed media is lost on some. If you only see art as a painting on a wall you are missing so much.

    Movies are art. Fashion is art. Landscaping is art. Writing is art. Singing is art.

    To suggest it is limited to literal canvas, you aren't much of an artist.

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      'Landscaping is art'

      finally some recognition for my thrashin around in the woods with a chainsaw and excavator

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      • howaminotmyself

        What you describe sounds like demolition, not a purposeful placement of plants

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        • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

          i keep a few good healthy trees and knock down & burn the rest

          the final product is open mowable meadow with a bita shade and a better viewa the mountains from the house

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          • howaminotmyself

            Do you sell the trees? In my area you can fell a tree and sell it for lots of money. That is, if you have no interest in keeping wood for a fireplace.

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            • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

              i got some humungoid white pines ill prolly sell but its a bitch to skid em out to where someone can pick em up

              most of its firewood which i sell the more conveniently placed stuff for a few bucks since i can load em onto someones trailer

              the rest is either firewood or brush burn or buried as fill

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    • my_life_my_way

      Yes, I’m not much of an artist that was the whole point of this post lol. And my disinterest towards art is also including artsy films and the weird clothes at fashion shows. I can’t stay interested in films that try to be intelligent or deep.

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      • howaminotmyself

        Art doesn't have to be complicated to be deep. Don't try so hard to be contrary, that is equally as obnoxious as pretentious art films.

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        • BlackButler

          Or maybe OP just doesn’t get the point of art. They wouldn’t be the first person.

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        • BlackButler

          I didn’t notice OP trying hard to be contrary. I didn’t notice anything obnoxious there at all. Seemed like a sincere valid outsider type question. I’ve been looking at your comments on various threads and I would like to criticize your method. It’s actually quite finger wagging just about every time. what a drag, an unhelpful drag your comments are.

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          • howaminotmyself

            Sorry. I usually come here when I am in a bad mood and it spills onto people who may not be a puppet. I wasn't always so snippy. I use to be helpful. I use to default to nice. It just means I have been here way too long. Thanks for pointing it out. I will try to be better.

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