Is it normal that i feign stupidity?

I often pretend to be dumb, but in reality I am just average in terms of basic intelligence.
I usually try to act stupid as a defense mechanism since I noticed most "smart"-snobs get angry when you pretend to not grasp their show of fake intelligence, and lowering a persons guard in a social situation helps you learn what they really are like without them being wise to the plot.

Also I find it funny that I can get a shocked reaction from people on the odd occasions by just saying something smart at the right time, but that last part is more of a thing I do around closer friends, and family.

Voting Results
88% Normal
Based on 17 votes (15 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • Rec1uded

    You’re not feigning anything.

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    • Ellenna

      That's really funny!

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  • Ellenna

    Sounds to me as if you put a lot of energy into this silly manipulative game: why do you bother?

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  • Kevinevan

    Better off just asking, nodding and keeping quiet.

    What's the saying, "better to be quiet and let people think you're dumb, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."

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  • MissileExpert

    Feigning stupidity almost always works against you. It is better to make small comments in way that keeps others talking so that you can make the first accurate judgement of their level of understanding. Silence often works in your favor when the competence of group members is being discovered by a group of people unfamiliar with each other.

    Be cagey, don't be dumb.

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  • rayb12

    It let's you always be able to say you're pretending to be dumb when you genuinely don't understand. It is a very sad way to live distancing yourself from being in touch with yourself. Holding others views of you so high and telling yourself you don't have the worth to just be you. To be proud of your intelligence and not care how it is perceived will be a much easier way to live

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    • Well I do admit I am not them most intelligent person, but still I do use this deception since its a defense mechanism. It isn't so much being ashamed of my intellect as it is just wanting to make sure I know who my friends really are. Sad as it is, everyone has gone through points in their lives that hurt them, and do weird stuff like this for a reason or another... It kind of just sunk into my normal life after awhile.

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      • rayb12

        You are able to make changes. You are not a victim.

        I know you aren't personally ashamed but by hiding it you subconsciously tell yourself it is bad.

        Nobody wants to make others feel stupid but you owe it to yourself to display your intelligence proudly

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        • rayb12

          Also I do this to

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  • Anongirl26

    Totally normal! I act dumb in certain situations. The other day I couldn't figure out what my teacher wanted me to buy at the hardware store as was too lazy to look all over the store for it so I just played stupid until an employee came to help me. When I'm either in an out of place situation and easier to play helplessly stupid than figure out what to do, I pick the easy route. Also it's a great way to get away with things. Lower people's expectations so they think you're an idiot and then they won't get so mad when you forget their birthday because you secretly don't care to show up. Idiocy is an easy mask for laziness and people are more likely to forgive you for thinking you just plain goofed up, than knowing you're just too lazy to do it. Don't forget that whenever you do something smart, you'll surprise people and you'll seem like a genius all of a sudden. It's fun to get praised for doing something easy with a little effort. The dumb act is super advantageous..

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    • Hateful1

      So what your saying is your a typical woman.

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      • Rec1uded

        Sounds like a lazy manipulative bitch, am I right? Fuck yeah I am.

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    • Okay now that is a low blow... I know people tend to fake one thing or another, like me pretending to be dumb quite often, but playing dumb to use people and be lazy? not my cup of tea...

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