Is it normal that i don't really know what i want to do as a job yet?

Well I'm not sure what I want to do when I grow up. I really love doing art. And I'm considering moving to Paris to do art (later on). I'm also really into fashion and would love to go to like Paris or New York to work for Gucci or any major fashion industry. I would also like to consider becoming a lawyer for the $ and I think I want to be one. Any ideas on what to do? (Any ideas in general?)

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Comments ( 4 )
  • Conflicted interests are normal. I would try to go with the lawyer road, art could be a hobby if being successful is your goal. If you want to do what you love, fashion and art is a def!

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  • e51pegasi

    Are you Paul McCartney's daughter?

    I fancied being a test pilot for Lockheed Martin then I wanted to be CEO of Credit Suisse. But I changed my mind and considered neurosurgery at great ormond street or opening a unicorn petting zoo in the clouds.

    For fucks sake.

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    • dudenoway

      Thank you for the info and no I'm not Paul's daughter lmao

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  • Grunewald

    How old are you? Are you able to support yourself? Take as much time as you need, but get a stopgap.

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