Is it normal that i don't need medication for schizoaffective disorder?

I have schizoaffective disorder, and I haven't been on medication for around 10 months or so. I DO have therapy. The worst I ever got was a few years ago, when everything was just developing it and had a 3 month long mental breakdown. I haven't been even close to that level of bad since then.
I haven't had hallucinations in over a year, IIRC, and I rarely ever got them anyway. I got delusions more than those, but even now I rarely get them. My worst issues are negative symptoms, and from what I know, anti-psychotics only help with the positive symptoms, and I'm handling those, which I rarely get. I do get paranoid, but I also have healthy ways to cope with those.
Someone said it was really really weird that I don't take medication. I mean, I know myself well enough to know that I don't think that I need them, and the medication I used to be on really messed with me physically.
Is this normal, though?

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Comments ( 18 )
  • ripleyripley

    not all mental illness require medication to help. therapy is a totally valid way to cope with schizoaffective disorder. taking medication is a personal choice and the only person who should be "judging" that is a professional.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Sometimes thinking that you don’t need meds for psychotic symptoms is actually a symptom of the disorder 😖.

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    • aviaet

      How? Can you show me where you got that? Since, like I said, even OFF the medication, I rarely have any positive symptoms nowadays aside from disorganized thinking and speech, but even now none of them are as prevalent as they were 2 years ago, or even slightly debilitating.

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      • Tommythecaty

        Exactly. Disorganised thinking is what leads someone to think they don’t need meds, when it’s possible they do. I would talk to a doctor about weather or not you should be taking them.

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        • aviaet

          Do you... Do you even know what disorganized thinking and speech means? I mean things like clanging. Thought blocking. Derailment. Flight of ideas. Those. And, AGAIN, it isn't debilitating. Do you think I'm talking about delusions? Because I have no clue what you're thinking of and talking and how THAT could make me think I don't need meds.
          I've talked to my doctors. They know I'm not on any medication. You think I stopped taking them cold turkey? It sounds like you're making assumptions. You shouldn't do that, by the way.
          In any case, don't tell me what I should and shouldn't do regarding my medication and treatment in general, especially when you don't know what you're talking about or anything about me and my recovery. And ESPECIALLY when I didn't ask. All I asked is that if it was normal, not any of that.

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          • Tommythecaty

            You think thought blocking, derailment and flight of ideas can’t be extremely debilitating to someone? You think doctors don’t have trouble getting many people with schizophrenic or bipolar symptoms to take their meds regularly?

            Ok. I Would talk to a doctor.

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            • aviaet

              That's not even what I said, so calm down there, bud.
              It's not debilitating to ME, which is clearly what I meant. I'm still able to function really well. It can be debilitating to others, I never said it couldn't. Try again later. Also, I asked HOW disorganized thinking could cause someone to think they don't need their meds, not if it can be debilitating. I'm still waiting on that answer.
              I never said that doctors don't have trouble getting people with psychosis or bipolar symptoms to take their meds. Show me where exactly I said that. And I don't even have bipolar symptoms. I have the depressive type. Again, you're assuming.
              You told me to talk to a doctor. I told you I did, and THAT'S WHY I'M NOT ON MEDICATION. BECAUSE I TALKED TO MY PSYCHIATRIST ABOUT IT. Nobody said anything about doctors having trouble getting people with those symptoms to take their meds, except you just now. Try again later, too.
              Ok. I would stop making assumptions.

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  • controversy

    Its normal but keep an antipsychotic ready at all times as things can quickly go south.

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  • olderdude-xx

    Its rare; but is OK if you can handle things.

    Medication often has side effects that can be as bad or worse than certain mental deviations.

    I wish you well,

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  • --

    If you start running down the street naked yelling "the demons are coming" I'm putting you back on meds.

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  • RoseIsabella

    An antipsychotic is a Hell of a drug.

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    • --

      Do you mean like "hell of a good time" or hell as in a very bad drug?

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