Is it normal that i can't sleep but when i do, i oversleep?

I couldn't sleep.
I went to the psychiatrist just to ckeck if I had insomnia more than three months ago, and they told me that I probably had bipolar disorder; by the way I talked, by the way I did things, by the way I felt... But not insomnia. So they asked me, "what do you do when you actually sleep?"
I always overslept, but then I had a lot of energy and sadness at the same time.
I was diagnosed with hypomania after that.
They also gave me sleeping pills, but I never use them. Only when my parents are too persistent, and they won't let me do anything else.
When I have those pills, I instantly feel regret and less energy; and that's why I don't want them; they are messing with me, with my head and my habits. I know I don't have hypomania, the psychiatrist only said it so I would take the pills and turn into a "zombie" with no personality at all.
I know that I'm right, because when I had them, my friends told me that it looked like if I had anesthesia.
Please, help me.
What should I do??
Is this normal?
I need your help. I don't want to have the pills or to believe that I'm ill. But if that's what I have to do, I will... So just give me your opinions.

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Comments ( 3 )
  • paramore93

    Sleeping pills can be dangerous if you take them too often. After a while the effect starts to wear off and you need two pills to fall asleep, then you need three. By the time you realise what's happening you can't sleep at all without them.
    I assume they gave you other meds for bipolar too? I'd go back and ask them to reevaluate. Being a zombie wasted years of my life when it wasn't needed, there are loads of things to try other than drugs.

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    • Thank you, this were exactly my thoughts; but I didn't know if I was just being selfish.

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      • paramore93

        I wouldn't say it was selfish, why would you think that? I guess it depends on circumstance but from what you described I don't see what sleep drugs would do to help.
        (Disclaimer, I'm incredibly biased so maybe take what I say with a pinch of salt :P)

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